
yǔ xù
  • word order;macro assembly program
语序 [yǔ xù]
  • (1) [word order]∶语言里语词的组合次序

  • (2) [macroassembly program]∶由一个或多个汇编语言的语句序

语序[yǔ xù]
  1. 中文语序严格。

    Chinese has strict word order .

  2. 阿尔泰语系的基本语序是SOV。

    Altaic basic word order is SOV .

  3. 英语是一种中心语先于补语(headinitial)的语言,而德语是一种以中心语后于补语(head-final)为主要语序标准的语言,这是两种语言参数的不同。

    English is a head initial language , while German is mainly head final . Different languages have different parameters .

  4. 着重分析SVOpOm(Ⅱ)与SVOmOp(Ⅲ)两种语序模式在动词语义、宾语语用、语法性质等方面的差异,并且论述格式ⅡⅢ的普遍性及其认知机制。

    ( 6 ) The difference between SVOpOm ( II ) and SVOmOp ( HI ) and their universality and cognitive strategy are been analyzed .

  5. 从语用上看,自然语序中S1P1是话题,P是述题,这也体现了认知语言学中的时间顺序原则。

    For pragmatics , the topic is S_1P_1 and the statement is P in natural language , which embodies the principle of temporal sequence in Cognize Linguistics .

  6. 前置词多有后置词用法,这与它们来自动词、而当时还有句法性OV语序有关。

    Pre-Qin prepositions often have postpositional usage , due to their verb origin and the existence of syntactic OV order .

  7. 第二部分是形式描写,揭示了状位NP并立结构语音形式及其特点、结构形式及其特点及制约其语序的主要因素。

    The second part is a formal description . It focuses on the features of phonetic forms and formal forms of coexisting structure of adverbial NPs , and the major factors constraining word order .

  8. 论动因竞争对语序自由度的影响&以Hawkins长度顺序和可移动原则为例

    Competing Motivations ' Influence on Word Order Flexibility : Analysis of Hawkins ' " Heaviness Serialization Principle " and " Mobility Principle "

  9. 世界上多数语言归为VSO、SVO、SOV三种语序类型。

    Most languages in the world can be classified into these three word order types : VSO , SVO , SOV .

  10. 虽然兼有SOV型语序和SVO型语序,但一般认为日语是以SOV型语序为主的语言。

    Although the word order of Japanese includes both SOV and SVO , SOV is generally believed to be the major word order .

  11. 由于蒙古语属于黏着语,它的构词和构形都是以词根、词干上连接不同的词缀来完成的,从句子的基本语序看,属于SOV(主宾谓)型语言。

    From the view of the basic word order sentences , Mongolian is belong to SOV ( guest of honor that ) type language .

  12. 汉语的语序结构类型是SVO型,汉语的话题结构是话题&述题。

    In Chinese the word structure is SVO while the topic structure is topic-comment when a patient serves as the topic , the two structure may disagree .

  13. 人类语言最常见的两种基本语序为SVO和SOV。

    Cross-linguistically , the two commonest word orders are SVO and SOV , which account for approximately 90 % of all the languages in the world .

  14. 英语和汉语都属于SVO型的语言,基本语序几乎一致,句子成分也以同样的方式进行位次的变化。

    English and Chinese are in the same type of SVO , so their basic word order are almost same and sentence elements ' order are changed in same way .

  15. 无论SOV型语言还是SVO型语言,表示过程中的句子成分虽然相同,但语序构建规则却各异,呈现出各自的结构特征和排列顺序。

    In SOV and SVO sentence patterns , the members of sentence are the same , but the construction of word order is not , displaying different structural features and sequence of words .

  16. 人类语言名+(标记)+名和谐语序与语言类型的对应关系是SOV型修饰语+中心语、SVO型中心语+修饰语。

    The harmonious word order of " N_1 + ( marker ) + N_2 " in human language is divided into two : SOV the modifier + headword ; SVO headword + modifier .

  17. 阿美语以V-S-O的语序组织句子结构,谓语主要由动词充当并总是居于句首,动词的形态制约和规定着其他成分的格位标记及句子语义结构的生成。

    Amis language organizes its sentence structure in the word order of V-S-O . Its predicate is mainly acted by the verbs and the verb always locates on the head .

  18. 汉语语序的认知语用考察

    A Study of Chinese Word Order From Cognitive and Pragmatic Perspectives

  19. 我们还要区别静态语序和动态语序。

    We should distinguish static constituent order and dynamic constituent order .

  20. 疑问语序应变为陈述语序。

    The question form should be changed into a statement form .

  21. 汉语语序研究的理论思考及其考察

    Theoretical considerations and survey of studies of word order in Chinese

  22. 去年,另一家印度能源公司,塔塔能源(调整一下语序)

    And last year Tata Power , another Indian energy firm .

  23. 第五章论述制约现代汉语语序的各种因素。

    Chapter 5 studies the factors constraining modern Chinese constituent order .

  24. 谓词性词语修饰动作动词的语序初探

    On the Order of Predicate-Phrases in Their Modification of Action Verbs

  25. 二价动核句语序的认知研究

    A Cognitive Study on the Constituent Order of Bivalent Verbs Sentence

  26. 赛程安排的数学模型语序与翻译

    Mathematics model of arranging match schedules Word Order and Translation

  27. 旧体诗语序的兼表和兼及

    Double Subjects and Double Objects in the Word Order of Old-style Poetry

  28. 汉语句式的标记度及基本语序问题

    On Degrees of Markedness of Chinese Constructions and the Basic Chinese Order

  29. 话语生成与理解:语序标记语作用

    Discourse production and comprehension : The role of sequential markers

  30. 其他我都明白,但是“颠倒”语序我还不清楚。

    Heli : I understood everything until you said " invert " .