
ɡuò qù wán chénɡ shí
  • past perfect
  1. 它们是用作现在完成时和过去完成时的助动词。

    They are used as auxiliaries to the present and past perfect tenses .

  2. 目标语言形式为过去完成时。

    The target linguistic form was past perfect tense .

  3. WTO已是过去完成时中国入世建筑设计市场管理政策朝花夕拾

    Policy of the Architectural Design Management Since China Joined the WTO

  4. Andrew一喝完咖啡就走了。(过去完成时)

    Andrew left as soon as he had drunk his coffee .

  5. 本句两分句由连词but连接,hadheard为过去完成时,表示在家人问玛雅医生之前就发生了此动作。Ihavegivenjustafewhoursbefore做定语修饰thesimpleinstructions,省略连接词that。

    All of them had heard the simple instructions I have given just a few hours before , but they have three or four different versions .

  6. (过去完成时)他们说生产成本已经下降了。

    They said that production costs had been reduced .

  7. 我一到剧场,节目就开始了。(从句用过去完成时,主句用过去时)

    No sooner had I arrived at the theatre than the performance began .

  8. 用过去完成时表示过去要做的事。我宁愿她现在就着手做这项工作。

    Eg. I 'd rather she set out to do the work now .

  9. 同时也有过去完成时。

    Callum : And also the past perfect .

  10. 从句为过去完成时。

    I found that they had left here .

  11. 我以为你的秘书把它们寄了。对不起。(过去完成时)

    I thought they had been posted by your secretary . I 'm sorry .

  12. 我希望/但愿+过去完成时

    I wish / If only + Past perfect

  13. 爱因斯坦到十四岁时就自学完了高等数学。(从句为一般过去时,主句要用过去完成时)

    By the time he was fourteen , Einstein had learned advanced mathematics all by himself .

  14. 埃里克几天前死了,这些年来,埃里克都是过着隐士生活。(过去完成时)

    Eric died a few days ago and these years , he had lived as a recluse .

  15. 为什么我们用过去完成时,来表示过去的事情?

    Why do we use " had been warned " to describe an event happened in the past ?

  16. 这个学期,我们学到了过去时,现在完成时,过去完成时和将来时等。

    And will learn The simple past tense , The present perfect tense , The past perfect tense as well as The future tense .

  17. 其中,一般过去时和现在完成时和过去完成时的误用和混用比率相对较高。

    Among these tenses errors , simple past tense , present perfect and past perfect tense have a relative high error and mistaken use frequency .

  18. 过去完成时在语篇中的应用有两种构形:靶域构形和源/靶域构形,根据语境分别突显结果状态和事件过程。

    Past perfect tense falls into two types of configurations in discourse : target-configuration and source / target configuration , respectively profiling resultant state and event process in accordance with context .

  19. 2当一句话中有两个在过去不同时段发生的动作时,先发生的动作使用过去完成时,而后发生的动作则常用一般过去时。

    The action that happens second is often in the past simple tense . In this example : I arrived . When you want to talk about two past actions , one which happened before the other , remember to use the past perfect for the first action , and the past simple for the second .