
rén chēnɡ dài cí
  • personal pronoun
人称代词 [rén chēng dài cí]
  • [personal pronoun] 代词的一类,用于人的称谓。如:我、我们、你们、他、她们

  1. N2作为小句的主语(N2)可以是第三人称代词他,也可以是零形式。

    The subject of the embedded clause ( N2 ) can be the third personal pronoun " ta ", it can also be null .

  2. 第二人称代词若,用于关系非常亲密的人,作主语。

    The second personal pronoun " ru ò", which refers to the persons who are closely relationship , is as subject .

  3. 同self组成来表示影响自身的主动行为的人称代词。

    A personal pronoun compounded with - self to show the agent 's action affects itself .

  4. 汉语人称代词与指示代词同形类型及其动因初探是一个从H到F的同态。

    A Typological Study of the Homomorphism between Personal Pronoun and Demonstrative Pronoun in Chinese is a homomorphism from H to F.

  5. 以人称代词为核心的DP结构

    A DP Structure Headed by a Personal Pronoun

  6. “人称代词+名词短语”与“名词短语+人称代词”都是以人称代词为核心的DP结构。

    ' Personal pronoun + NP ' and ' NP + Personal pronoun ' are all DP structures headed by the personal pronoun .

  7. 通过在ACE中文语料上的人称代词消解和名词短语消解实验结果表明,该算法是一种有效可行的无监督指代消解算法。

    The experimental results on the Chinese ACE training corpus demonstrate that the proposed method is a feasible unsupervised algorithm for noun phrase coreference resolution .

  8. 第三章的第二部分介绍了该论文CDA研究框架中的一些重要概念&意识形态,人称代词,情态和互文性。

    The second section in Chapter Three introduces some useful concepts of CDA in this framework-ideology , personal system , modality and intertextuality .

  9. 其次,杨宪益夫妇的译本类符/形符比最高(高于TEC),词长最长,词汇密度最高,平均句长最短以及人称代词使用频率较低。

    Secondly , The Yangs ' version shows the highest type-token ratio ( also a slightly higher than TEC ), the longest word length , the highest lexical density , the shortest average sentence length and a lower frequency of personal references at the lexical and syntactic level .

  10. 人称代词的对比研究表明,ETT-C和ETT-B倾向于大量使用第三人称,但与ETT-C相比,ETT-B中使用了更多的第一和第二人称来缩短与读者的距离并建立与读者的互动。

    In terms of person pronoun , the third person pronoun is favored by both ETT-C and ETT-B. But compared with ETT-C , ETT-B use more first and second person pronouns to shorten the distance and establish interaction between the writers and readers .

  11. 山西临猗方言人称代词的音变

    Tone Change of Personal Pronouns of Linyi Dialect in Shanxi Province

  12. 人称代词有一定的数和格的形式;

    Its personal pronouns have certain forms of number and case ;

  13. 汉语儿童人称代词的获得

    A study on the acquisition of personal pronouns by Chinese-speaking children

  14. 其次,考察了常用日语人称代词的历史和发展。

    Secondly , sees the history and development of frequent pronouns .

  15. 韩佳:不是。“自家”是一个人称代词,表示自己。

    No. " Zijia " is a pronoun , meaning oneself .

  16. 人称代词+称谓序列的话题焦点性质

    " Personal Pronoun + Terms of Address " as Topic Focus

  17. 有数的范畴,人称代词分单数、双数和复数。

    Personal pronoun is spilt into singular , dual and plural .

  18. 汉语第三人称代词预指功能研究

    An Analysis of the Cataphoric Function of Third-Person Pronouns in Chinese

  19. 现代汉语人称代词系统的语用认知研究

    Personal Pronouns in Modern Chinese : From Pragmatic and Cognitive Perspectives

  20. 基于语篇表述理论的汉语人称代词的消解研究

    Study on Chinese Pronominal Anaphora Resolution Based on Discourse Representation Theory

  21. 采用优先选择策略的中文人称代词的指代消解

    Vicissitude of Strategy Chinese Pronominal Anaphora Resolution Via a Preference Selection Approach

  22. 古代汉语第二人称代词三题

    Talk about the Secondary Personal Pronouns in Ancient Chinese from Three Aspects

  23. 人称代词是代词的重要组成部分。

    Personal pronoun is an import an t component part of pronoun .

  24. 泉州方言人称代词的变调。

    The changing tone of personal pronouns of Quanzhou dialect ;

  25. 英汉第三人称代词回指话语分析

    Discourse Analysis of the Third Personal Pronominal Anaphora in English and Chinese

  26. 人称代词在中外医学作者撰写的英文医学科研论文前言部分中的使用

    Application of personal pronouns in introduction section of English medical research articles

  27. 其次对提示性人称代词类话语标记进行了考察。

    Secondly , analyzing the prompting DMs of personal pronouns .

  28. 上古汉语第三人称代词考察

    A Investigation about the Third Person Pronouns in the Primitive Chinese Language

  29. 黄冈方言人称代词的形态变化

    The Change of Morphology of Personal Pronouns in Huanggang Dialect

  30. 第一部分,人称代词的界定。

    Part one , the definition of the personal pronoun .