
yǔ yán xué jiā
  • linguist;philologist;linguistician;linguistic scientist
  1. 过去我是个语言学家,后来成了作家。

    I used to be a linguist till I become a writer .

  2. 哥伦比亚大学的语言学家约翰·麦克沃特尔认为,人们应该会更加关注路径依赖(pathdependence)。

    John McWhorter , a linguist at Columbia University , wrote that people should be more aware of path dependence .

  3. 语言学家正在研究父母和孩子使用克里奥尔混合语时的不对等现象。

    Linguists are studying the asymmetric use of Creole by parents and children .

  4. 这些理论现已大多受到语言学家的质疑。

    These theories are now largely discredited among linguists .

  5. 崭露头角的语言学家们可以收听法语、德语、西班牙语和意大利语的活动磁带。

    Budding linguists can tune in to the activity cassettes in French , German , Spanish and Italian .

  6. 赛姆是语言学家,也是新话专家

    Syme was a philologist , a specialist in Newspeak .

  7. 语言学家的主要兴趣一直在于分析并描述语言

    The linguists ' main interest has been to analyze and describe languages .

  8. 负责解开OK背后的秘密的人是一位叫做艾伦沃克瑞德的美国语言学家。

    The man responsible for unraveling the mystery behind OK was an American linguist named Allen Walker Read .

  9. 很多语言学家集中讨论了英语中的一些论元变换,如spray/load变换和swarm变换。

    Many linguists have concentrated on argument alternations in English , such as spray / load-alternation and swarm-alternation .

  10. 尽管这个短语首次付梓见于卓南的作品,可longtime,nosee的确切起源却一直是语言学家和历史学者争论不休的对象。

    While Drannan 's book was the first time this exact phrase appears in print , the exact origins of long time , no see are the subject of ongoing debate among linguists and historians .

  11. 心理语言学家Rivers曾说:“语言不能与文化分离开来,因为它深深地扎根于文化之中。”

    Rivers who is psycholinguist once ever said :" Language and culture are inseparable , language is deeply rooted in culture . "

  12. 语素morpheme的概念是由美国结构主义语言学家布隆菲尔德提出的。

    Morpheme was proposed by American structuralism linguist Bloomfield .

  13. 根据语言学家GeorgeYule对会话方式的划分理论以及EdwardT。

    According to George Yule 's theory of the division of the conversational styles and Edward T.

  14. 格洛卡说“subprime”这个词有些怪&至少在语言学家们看来是这样。

    As for " subprime ," Glowka said it is an odd word & at least as far as linguists are concerned .

  15. 语言学家AnneMerritt向我们解释该如何学习这些单词。

    Anne Merritt explains how to learn them .

  16. 认知语言学对句法的研究通常聚焦于构造语法,以期能为语言提供一个统一的分析方法,同时也有力地批判了TG的基本假设,因而受到国内外认知语言学家的普遍关注。

    The cognitive linguistic approach to syntax goes under the name of Construction Grammar , which is purported to offer a unified account of language .

  17. 美国语言学家H.PaulGrice概括了交谈中合作的四个基本原则。

    The American linguist H. Paul Grice has summed up four principles in conversation .

  18. 后来一位学者、美国语言学家和人类学家弗洛伊德劳恩斯伯里进一步支持“GMT常量”。

    A later scholar , American linguist and anthropologist Floyd Lounsbury , further supported the GMT constant .

  19. 加拿大著名的语言学家Swain在1985年提出了输出假设。

    Output Hypothesis was proposed by the Canadian linguist Swain in 1985 .

  20. 即使两个城市挨在一起,也没有语言学家能告诉你出了城市A多少英里人们就开始不说A方言而改换B方言了。

    Even though the two cities might be next to each other , no linguist can tell you how many miles out of City A it is where Dialect A stops being used in daily life and Dialect B takes over .

  21. 昨天我看了一个TED演讲,来自新西兰的语言学家ChrisLonsdale讲了语言学习的方法。

    I came across this TED talk yesterday in which Chris Lonsdale , a psychologist from New Zealand talks about language learning .

  22. 美国语言学家Krashen提出了关于第二语言习得的5个理论假设。

    The five hypotheses of Second Language Acquisition Theory presented by linguist Stephen D.

  23. 早在18世纪初期,德国哲学家和语言学家洪堡特(Humboldt)就提出了语言多样化的问题。

    In early eighteenth Century , the German philosopher and linguist Humboldt ( Humboldt ) raises the language diversity problem .

  24. 越来越多的语言学家和研究者开始更加关注学习过程和学习者的行为而不是学习结果和教师的行为(Chen,1990)。

    More and more linguists and researchers are becoming more interested in the study of learning process than the learning product , in the behavior of learners than that of teachers ( Chen , 1990 ) .

  25. 它属于Halliday等语言学家倡导的工具语言学的范畴,即为了理解别的东西(如社会制度)而进行的语言研究。

    The linguistic research on CDA has became a tool initiated by Halliday and other linguists areas to understand other things ( such as social system ) .

  26. 以Hoey和其他语言学家为首的认知语言学的这一观点受到了传统的语料库语言学家的批判。

    However , many corpus linguists criticized this view of cognitive linguistics headed by Hoey and other linguists .

  27. 为了考察汉文化的修辞模式及其表现形式,选用学生ESL作文作为分析样本,请美国著名语言学家和语篇分析专家WallaceChafe进行评判,并对评判结果进行分析和归类。

    To examine Chinese cultural thought patterns , text samples are selected from students ' ESL writings , and are measured and evaluated by the American linguist Wallace Chafe .

  28. 除了Halliday和Hasan(2001),许多语言学家从理论上发展了衔接理论,并进行了分析应用。他们启发了许多语言学学习者进行了有关衔接的研究。

    Besides Halliday and Hasan ( 2001 ), many linguists developed cohesion theory theoretically and practically , and they inspired many linguistic learners to conduct researches on cohesion .

  29. 以Lakoff和Johnson为代表的语言学家从认知科学的角度研究隐喻,揭示语言的起源、发展和使用乃至人类认知思维和智能发展的奥秘。

    Linguists , such as Lakoff and Johnson , from the cognitive perspective , study metaphor to explore the origin , development and usage of languages as well as the cognitive mystery of human minds .

  30. 针对冲突话语研究,文章选取了Hardtalk节目中咄咄逼人的主持人TimSebastian和著名语言学家NoamChomsky的一次访谈。

    The thesis particularly analyzes an interview of this program , chiefly the conflict talks between the combative interviewer Tim Sebastian and the famed linguist Noam Chomsky .