
  • 网络Be dynamic;Passiv;PASSIVE;passive voice
  1. 它们是正式词和技术词,名物化,长句,无人称,被动态,现在时态和连贯的使用。

    They are use of formal and technical words , nominalization , long sentence , depersonalization , passive voice , present tense and cohesion .

  2. 功能学派重视从语言的功能方面研究不同的语言形式。对于被动态的研究该派主要从其具有的语篇功能、人际功能方面等进行研究。

    However , the functionalists value the study of different language forms from the perspective of language functions aiming at the textual and interpersonal functions of passive voice .

  3. 伙伴和Web服务可依据服务引用被动态绑定。

    Partners and web services can be dynamically bound based on service references .

  4. 该无线传输方式需要一种新的媒体接入控制(MediaAccesscontrol,MAC)协议,使得网络节点波长能被动态地分配工作波长。

    This transmission manner needs a new media access control protocol ( MAC ) to enable node assign wavelength dynamically .

  5. 来指代可被动态添加到一个运行中虚拟实例的IP地址(通常都是公共的)。

    To refer to an IP address ( typically public ) that can be dynamically added to a running virtual instance .

  6. DLL是在应用程序运行时被动态载入。

    When the applied procedure runs , DLL would be loaded dynamically .

  7. 创建能在运行时被动态链接到Linux系统上的应用程序的共享目标代码是一项非常简单的练习。

    Creating shared objects that can be dynamically linked at runtime to an application on a Linux system is a simple exercise .

  8. 基于RS和GIS的土地利用/土地覆被动态变化分析&以石河子垦区为例

    Dynamic Change Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover Based on RS and GIS & Taking Reclamation Area of Shihezi as an Example

  9. 这个模型也可被动态操纵;模型的改变可以立即反映出UI的变化。

    The model can also be manipulated on the fly ; the model change will reflect the UI change immediately .

  10. 负载均衡集群通常会在非常繁忙的Web站点上采用,它们有多个节点来承担相同站点的工作,每个获取Web页面的新请求都被动态路由到一个负载较低的节点上。

    Load-balancing clusters are commonly used for busy Web sites where several nodes host the same site , and each new request for a Web page is dynamically routed to a node with a lower load .

  11. 3S技术在达县土地利用/覆被动态监测中的应用研究

    The Application of RS , GIS & GPS Technologies in Land Use and Land Cover Change Dynamic Monitoring of DaXian County

  12. 利用1995年和2000年TM卫星影像资料,对三峡库区5年内的土地覆被动态变化进行了分析。

    By using the Landsat TM data of 1995 and 2000 , changes in land cover in the Three-Gorges Reservoir region during the 5 years are analyzed .

  13. 组件被动态解释为SVG代码,由SVG解释器显示给用户。

    When processed , the page collects the SVG codes generated by its components and presents itself to user via a SVG player .

  14. 本文采用铜川市1987年、1992年及2002年三期TM遥感影像进行土地利用/土地覆被动态变化研究。

    Based on the TM remote sensing images in Tongchuan in the years of 1987 , 1992 and 2002 , dynamic changes of land use / land cover were analyzed .

  15. 注意:如果您没有看到,那么插件没有被动态地加载上,因此,您需要使用-clean参数重新启动RationalSoftwareArchitect,这样将使它加载新的插件。

    Note : If you don 't see it , the plug-in is not dynamically loaded , so you need to use the-clean parameter to restart Rational Software Architect , which will force it to load the new plug-in .

  16. 研究结论:⑴中国西南喀斯特地区土地利用/覆被动态变化研究较少,是LUCC研究的薄弱区域。

    The study shows that ⑴ the land use / cover change in southwestern China has received insufficient attention and is a weak area in LUCC study ;

  17. 它提供诸如文档库、日志和wikis之类的服务,这些服务可被动态添加到用户创建的位置。

    It provides services such as document library , blogs , and wikis that can be dynamically added to the places created by users .

  18. 在任何给定的时刻,JVM进程包含一些可执行文件和一些使用JIT编译的代码,它们被动态链接到JVM中的MMI方法的封装程序上。

    At any given time the JVM process consists of the executables and a set of JIT-compiled code that is dynamically linked to the MMI method wrappers that are in the JVM .

  19. 在法语中,毢tre加及物动词的过去分词构成被动态外,还可通过其它形式表示被动关系。

    In French , the passive voice can be formed by ê tre added by the past participle of direct transitive verb and other forms .

  20. 详细讨论了3S技术在土地利用与覆被动态监测中的不同作用以及建立多时态地理信息系统的必要性和技术路线。

    3S ' different roles and Practicality degrees in dynamic detection of landuse / landoover and its changes are discussed in detail . so is the necessity and technology method of establishing temporal geographical information system .

  21. 请注意,尽管您的代码可能没有直接引用供应商类,但供应商类也按名称被动态装入JVM,因此在运行时它们一定要在您程序的类路径(classpath)中。

    Note that while your source code may not reference vendor classes directly , the vendor classes are loaded into the JVM dynamically by name , so they must be in your program 's classpath at run time .

  22. 1998年~2003年内蒙古地区土地覆被动态变化分析

    Land Cover Dynamics in Inner Mongolia between 1998 and 2003

  23. 进程是“密封”的,意味着它们不能被动态加载或者产生代码。

    Processes are " sealed ", meaning they cannot dynamically load or generate code .

  24. 澜沧江中游土地覆被动态变化研究

    Lancang River Middle-Course Region Land Cover Change Research

  25. 主动态变成了被动态,不管人们愿意不愿意。

    The active became the passive , whether the men liked it or not .

  26. 这些参数保存在内存里面,会被动态的改变。

    They are stored in memory , where many of them can be changed dynamically .

  27. 大渡河上游地区土地覆被动态变化的尺度效应

    The Scale Effect of Land Cover Dynamics in the Upper Reaches of the Dadu River

  28. 阈值策略确保资源使用被动态平衡,以便进行应用程序测试和生产。

    A threshold policy ensures resource consumption is balanced dynamically for application testing and production .

  29. 黄土高原流域土地利用/覆被动态演变及驱动力分析

    Dynamic evolution and driving force analysis of land use / cover change on loess plateau watershed

  30. 高寒矮嵩草草甸覆被动态变化对土壤气候的影响分析

    An Analysis on the Effects of Coverage Change on Soil Climate of Alpine Kobresia humilis meadow