
  1. 基于改进BP算法的英文字母识别

    A Method of English Letters Recognition Based on the Improved BP Algorithm

  2. 而每x均一英文字母或目字。

    Where each x is an individual alphanumeric symbol .

  3. SWOT四个英文字母分别代表:优势、劣势、机会、威胁。

    Letters representing SWOT : strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats .

  4. 他的父亲,一名律师,选择英文字母C为他命名,认为这个名字简单、好记,而且标新立异。

    His father , a lawyer , chose the letter C from the English alphabet , saying it was simple , memorable and stood for China .

  5. 设此有限字符集合为X,它含有26个英文字母、10个阿拉伯数字以及30个中国的省市地名,总共有66个字符。

    Set ⅹ with 66 characters consists of 26 English letters , 10 Arabic figures and 30 Chinese province and capital city names .

  6. 单字母索引:只用24个英文字母分部的索引,X和z则略去。

    One - letter index : Index with divisions by letter of the 24 letters from the alphabet , omitting X and Z.

  7. 双字母索引:分十二部分的索引,每个部分用两个英文字母,略去X和Y。

    Two - letter index : An index consisting of 12 divisions , each of two letters but omitting x and z from the alphabet .

  8. 船舶识别号由英文字母CN和11位阿拉伯数字组成。

    The ship identification number shall comprise English letters " CN " and11 Arabic numerals .

  9. 本文介绍Internet网上的声学信息资源情况,按英文字母顺序给出了网上主要声学站点的名单,并按分类结出了索引。

    Abstract : An introduction of the acoustic information resources on the internet is given . More than 70 major acoustics sites on the internet are listed in the alphabetic order and a classification index is attached .

  10. 在分析阿拉伯数字以及大写英文字母的形状特征后,提出了一种适于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)实现的图像实时识别算法。

    A real-time recognization algorithm of Arabic numerals and English letters based on field-programmable gate array ( FPGA ) was proposed after analyzing the features of the numerals and letters .

  11. 由于这三个中心都是以英文字母S开头,故简称3S中心。

    Because the three " centers " are all begins with the letter " S " we call them " 3S centered " .

  12. OTR正是六大技术中主要3项技术的首位英文字母。

    OTR is6 old techniques in main the chief English letter of3 technologies .

  13. LOGO中英文字母组合,简洁、气、力极强,具有鲜明的时代感和国际化色彩。

    The LOGO Chinese-English monogram , simple and direct , the atmosphere , tension is very strong , having the fresh and clear ages feeling and internationalizing the color .

  14. 字典内的单词一般是按其首个英文字母按由A-Z排列。

    Words are listed in alphabetical order ( A-Z ) by the first letter of each word .

  15. 英文字母表的头七个字母是ABCDEFG。

    The first seven letters in English alphabet are ABCDEFG .

  16. 正文每段开始,一般缩进五个英文字母。

    Each paragraph of the body is usually indented five blocks .

  17. 仅记这动物的最后一个英文字母。

    Remember the last letter in the name of that animal .

  18. 汉字同英文字母等材料一样可以发生显著的特性负启动效应;

    Chinese characters are also found negative priming as English letters ;

  19. 或许它不过是个英文字母而已。

    Perhaps nothing more than a character in the English alphabet .

  20. 浅说英文字母的象形构词作用

    An Elementary Study on the Pictographic Features of Some English Letters

  21. 基于最小错误率的贝叶斯决策在手写英文字母分类识别中的应用

    Bayes Decision for Minimum Errors Applied in Recognition of Handwritten English Letters

  22. 以圆谐-傅立叶矩为例,研究了其对英文字母集以及实际细胞图像集合模式识别的应用特性。

    The practical application of pattern recognition in medicine is also investigated .

  23. 英文字母中的噪声信号对神经网络模型识别的影响

    Influence of the Noise on English Letters Recognition by Neural Network Model

  24. 《第一财经日报》中的英文字母词语研究

    The Research of English Alphabetical Words in " Chinese Business News "

  25. 你知道英文字母表有一个非常严重的错误是什么吗?

    Did you know there is a mistake in the English alphabet ?

  26. 原因,来自于创造英文字母的英国佬们。

    The reason , comes from to the creation English letter men .

  27. 英文字母边涤/粘细布的生产实践

    Production Practice of Polyester / Viscose Fine Plain with English Alphabet Selvage

  28. 最后用一个26个印刷体大写英文字母的识别来验证此算法。

    Finally , we use printed English letter recognition to validate the algorithm .

  29. 注册笔名只能使用汉字、英文字母、数字及短横线;

    Registration names can contain only English letters , numbers and short dashes ;

  30. 把埃塞俄比亚原文转换成英文字母是他们的首项任务。

    Transcribing the Ethiopian text into the English alphabet was their first task .