
  • 网络The Civil War;the english civil war
  1. 在英国内战中,支持查尔斯一世的人。

    A supporter of Charles I during the English Civil War .

  2. 引发英国内战和美国革命的事件,要比这小得多。

    The English Civil War and American Revolution were ignited by much less .

  3. 借助曼宁iPhone手机照出的亮光,我们仔细察看17世纪英国内战时留下的各种涂鸦作品,随后又爬进14世纪的一座秘密通道,并借助手电光,实地参观了地牢。

    We peer at 17th-century civil war graffiti by the light of Manning 's iPhone , climb into the opening of a 14th-century secret passage and look at the dungeons by torchlight .

  4. 英国内战又称为清教徒革命。

    The English Ciil War is also called the Puritan Reolution .

  5. 英国内战通常被看作是世界现代史的开端。

    It is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history .

  6. 在英国内战期间,议会和奥立弗克伦威尔的支持者。

    A supporter of Parliament and Oliver Cromwell during the English Civil War .

  7. 贺伯斯是一位皇室家庭的家教老师,该户人家于英国内战时,随着英皇流亡;

    Hobbes was the tutor to a royal household who followed the King into exile during the English Civil War .

  8. 在英国内战中,准男爵吃了败仗,佛汶然遭到大肆洗掠,在王政复辟后,他也没有得到赔偿。

    Sir John Turing backed the losing side in the English civil war , while Foveran was sacked by the Covenanters .

  9. 在英国内战海峡泽西岛仍忠于官方和庇护了国王。

    During the English Civil War the Channel Isle of Jersey remained loyal to the Crown and gave sanctuary to the King .

  10. 英国内战不仅推翻了英国的封建制度,而且动摇了欧洲封建经济的基础。

    The English Civil War not only overthrew feudal system in England but also shook the foundation of the feudal rule in Europe .

  11. 到17世纪他们已经有了广泛的司法和行政权力(英国内战和共和国时期有些例外)。

    They had broad judicial and administrative powers by the 17th century , with exceptions during the English Civil War and Republic period .

  12. 有序的政党政治中并没有出现英国内战(宗教战争)中你死我活的惨烈斗争。

    In the order party politics has not presented the British civil war ( war of religion ) the life and death frigid struggle .

  13. 由国会议员以较大优势战胜保王党员引起的解决第一次英国内战的结果的战役。

    A battle in 1645 that settled the outcome of the first English Civil War as the Parliamentarians won a major victory over the Royalists .

  14. 可是,每次谈着谈着,话题总会绕回到十七世纪、英国内战和查理一世。

    However , sooner or later the topic came around to the17th . Century , The English Civil War , and of then , always Charles the First .

  15. 他写关于英国内战的历史,叫做,里面有关于社会冲突原因,的经典分析。

    He wrote a history of the English Civil Wars , Behemoth called Behemoth , which remains a classic of the analysis of the causes of social conflict .

  16. 笔者首先回顾了英国在西班牙内战期间所采取的不干涉政策。

    Firstly , the author reviews the policy of nonintervention taken by Britain during the Spanish Civil War .

  17. 英国在美国内战中宣布中立,但是却同情南方,在战争初期暗中援助南方联邦。

    Britain had proclaimed neutrality in the civil war but was sympathetic to the Southern cause and gave tacit aid to the Confederacy in the opening years of the conflict .

  18. 美国内战期间,联邦政府为维护联邦的统一,进行了许多卓有成效的国际法实践:从海上封锁的一系列国际法斗争到亚拉巴马号案对英国变相干涉内战的对抗。

    During the American Civil War , the federal government made various effective achievements in the practice of international law : from a series of struggles through international law to the Alabama civil war .

  19. 英国对中国的内战持中立态度,不支持包括直系在内的任何一方;

    Britain remained neutral in China 's Civil War without supporting the Chili party or the Anfu party .

  20. 他被告知的是,俄国人已腐朽了,法国人已衰退了,英国人正处在内战的边缘。

    The Russians , he was instructed , were decayed , the French degenerate , the British on the verge of civil war .

  21. 对贺伯斯而言,亚里士多德教授,共和政府的危险教义,而那被视为,是英国克伦威尔时期所盛行,当时仍在英国内战时期。

    For Hobbes , Aristotle taught the dangerous doctrine of republican government that was seen to be practiced particularly during the Cromwellian Period in England , during the civil war .