
dú lì xuān yán
  • declaration of independence
  1. 这项决议几乎成为公开的独立宣言。

    The resolution stopped short of an outright declaration of independence .

  2. 休斯说,15年前,一份刊登《独立宣言》(declarationofindependence)的南卡罗莱纳州报纸售价为3000美元。

    Hughes says that 15 years ago a South Carolina newspaper containing the declaration of independence was sold for $ 3000 .

  3. 历史上,JohnHancock是美国独立宣言的签署人。

    Historically , John Hancock was one of the signers of the United States Declaration of Independence .

  4. 多年来,美国黑人看到的是,法律障碍和挥之不去的偏见嘲弄了托马斯•杰斐逊(Thomasjefferson)在《独立宣言》(DeclarationofIndependence)所作的承诺。

    For years , black Americans saw Thomas Jefferson 's pledge in the Declaration of Independence mocked by legal impediment and lingering prejudice .

  5. 《独立宣言》有涉及到上帝,效忠誓词中也有“在上帝庇护之下”(undergod)这样的语句(顺便一提,这句话是在建国一百多年后才加上去的)。

    The Declaration of Independence talks about God ; the pledge of allegiance ( which , incidentally , wasn 't even created until more than a century later ) uses the words " under God " ;

  6. 他担心,这种状况会阻碍美国的共和实验,因为它有损美国这个建立在平等原则基础上的共和国的声誉,而平等原则白纸黑字地写在美国《独立宣言》(DeclarationofIndependence)之中。

    And this , he feared , would undercut America 's republican experiment - for it would discredit a republic founded on the egalitarian principles eloquently set forth in the American Declaration of Independence .

  7. 人们还担心,美国的孩子们正在与自己的历史割裂(如果你想阅读《独立宣言》(DeclarationofIndependence)原本,就必须看懂草书)。

    There is also concern that children are getting cut off from their history ( if you want to read the Declaration of Independence in the original , you need to understand cursive script ) .

  8. 然后是杰斐逊(jefferson),他起草了独立宣言,也是将美国国土面积翻倍、并开拓了西部前沿的路易斯安那收购案的主持者。

    Then Jefferson , drafter of the declaration of independence and purchaser of the Louisiana territory , which doubled the size of the United States and opened up the frontier .

  9. 那也是以美国独立宣言而著称的一年。

    That year is notable also for the Declaration of Independence .

  10. 他们说《独立宣言》不可能被偷。

    They assured us that the declaration cannot possibly be stolen .

  11. 举出「独立宣言」中一项重要观念。

    Name one important idea found in the Declaration of Independence .

  12. 给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言

    Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples

  13. 独立宣言基本信念是什麽?

    What is the basic belief of the Declaration of Independence ?

  14. 在《独立宣言》签署的三年前。

    three years before the signing of the Declaration of Independence .

  15. 在他的眼里,《独立宣言》绝不仅仅是一份政治文件。

    He saw the Declaration as more than a political document .

  16. 他写出了《独立宣言》这么优美的词句。

    He wrote the beautiful words of the Declaration of Independence .

  17. 美利坚合众国十三个州一致通过的独立宣言。

    The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America .

  18. 说有人要偷《独立宣言》。

    That someone was going to steal the declaration of independence .

  19. 首先,《独立宣言》是一个伟大的政治文件。

    First , the declaration of independence was a great political documents .

  20. 他也是《美国独立宣言》的作者。

    He was the author of the Declaration of Independence , too .

  21. 各殖民地于1776年签发了独立宣言。

    In 1776 the colonies signed a declaration of independence .

  22. 美国宪法是在《独立宣言》的基础上形成并发展的。

    American constitution is based on the Declaration of Independence .

  23. 一七七六年的独立宣言使它发展成熟,并且继续下去。

    It was matured and continued by the declaration of independence in1776 .

  24. 我们在等宾州发表独立宣言。

    From philadelphia , we expect a declaration of independence .

  25. 这一说法可在《独立宣言》的早期初稿中得到证实。

    This theory hinges on earlier drafts of the Declaration of Independence .

  26. 在杰斐逊33岁时,他起草了《独立宣言》。

    At the age of 33 , Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence .

  27. 问:独立宣言的基本信念是甚麽?

    Q : what is the basic belief of the declaration of independence ?

  28. 托马斯?杰斐逊撰写《独立宣言》时用的桌子;

    The table that Thomas Jefferson used while writing the declaration of independence .

  29. 到1776年的《独立宣言》才使它进一步成熟和延续下来。

    It was matured and continued by the Declaration of Independence in 1776 .

  30. 他起草了独立宣言。

    He drew up the declaration of the independence .