
  • 网络the industrial revolution
  1. 关于金融发展的研究最早可以追溯到1873年,由学者Bagehot对英国工业革命时期经济发展状况进行考察时,发现金融可以向工业部门提供所需资金,为工业革命作出了重要贡献。

    The research on financial development can be traced back to the earliest 1873 , by scholars for British industrial revolution Bagehot economic development situation of investigation , found that financial development can provide to industrial departments to provide the funds needed for the industrial revolution made an important contribution .

  2. 英国工业革命时期的家庭生产

    Exploration on the Production in Family during the British Industrial Revolution

  3. 试论英国工业革命和初等教育普及的关系

    The Relationship Between the Industral Revolution and Popularization of Elementary Education

  4. 英国工业革命期间的社会立法

    The Social Laws in the Period of the British Industrial Revolutionary

  5. 英国工业革命初期资本的需求

    The Demand for Capital at the Early Stage of British Industrial Revolution

  6. 英国工业革命以来低收入阶层的生存状况

    The Living Condition of Low-income Class in the UK since Industrial Revolution

  7. 在英国工业革命期间,也发生过类似的弊病。

    Similar abuses occurred during the industrial revolution in Britain .

  8. 试论英国工业革命的渐变性

    On the Gradual Change of British Industrial Revolution

  9. 论东方贸易与英国工业革命

    On the Eastern Trade and the Industrial Revolution

  10. 英国工业革命期间家庭女佣人之身份问题研究

    Analysis on the Female Domestic Servants ' Identity during the Industrial Revolution in Britain

  11. 英国工业革命与世界工业霸权

    British Industrial Revolution and World Industrial Hegemony

  12. 英国工业革命的技术创新机制

    Technical Innovation System of British Industrial Revolution

  13. 英国工业革命中运河运输业发展的经验教训

    Achievements and Problems of the Development of Canal Transportation in England During the Industrial Revolution

  14. 英国工业革命时期的劳动力市场与工资水平

    The Labor Force Market and Wage Level in the Period of Industrial Revolution in England

  15. 英国工业革命中济贫法改革与古典经济学影响

    The Reform of Poor Law and the Influence of the Classical Economics in British Industrial Revolution

  16. 同样的,英国工业革命的先驱们超乎想象地改变了人类的生活。

    Similarly , the founding fathers of the Industrial Revolution in Britain changed life beyond imagination .

  17. 英国工业革命的前提条件

    The Prerequisite of British Industrial Revolution

  18. 18世纪的英国工业革命翻开了人类历史发展的新篇章。

    The British Industrial Revolution in eighteenth Century opened a new chapter in the history of human development .

  19. 《玛丽·巴顿》(1848)和《南方与北方》(1855)是英国工业革命小说家伊丽莎白·盖斯凯尔(1810-1865)的代表作。

    Both Mary Barton and North and South are the masterpieces of the famous British industrial novelist Elizabeth Gaskell .

  20. 这个南部区域是英国工业革命的重要部分,因为它拥有丰富的煤矿。

    This southern area was an important element in Britain 's industrial revolution , as it had rich coal deposits .

  21. 发生在18世纪中叶的英国工业革命,是英国历史发展的重要里程碑。

    British Industrial Revolution that emerged in the middle of 18th century is a milestone in the history of British development .

  22. 自英国工业革命以来,随着工业化和城市化进程加速,公共卫生状况日趋恶劣。

    With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization , public health conditions in Britain deteriorated gradually since the industrial revolution .

  23. 源于对19世纪英国工业革命。

    It stems from the industrial revolution at 19th century in England , which made England become the first world factory .

  24. 英国工业革命中劳工的生活标准问题在英国学术界曾引起过一场持久的争论。

    The debate of the standard of living in the industrial revolution has proved the most sustained controversy in British economic history .

  25. 家族企业始于18世纪英国工业革命时期,至今已有200多年的历史,取得的成就令世人刮目相看。

    Family-owned enterprises have been for two hundred years and have made great progress , which began with the Industry Revolution in 18th century .

  26. 从1750年以来,世界进行了四次工业革命:第一次就是英国工业革命,中国失去了机会。

    Since 1750 , the world has seen four industrial revolutions . The first one took place in Britain ; and China missed the boat .

  27. 在英国工业革命和工业化过程中,存在着一个由工场手工业和家庭工业构成的“中间部门”。

    In the process of English industrialization , there existed a middle department which functioned as a transition from the traditional department to modern industrial department .

  28. 19世纪城市发展和都市化的率先性,是英国工业革命的重要成果。

    In19 century , the achievements and marks of British industrialization was that the country took the lead in the city 's development and its metropolises .

  29. 自从英国工业革命发生以来,现代化赶超一直是后进国家发展的主题。

    To catch-up with and surpass the first comers in the modernization process has been a major topic for all latecomers since the Industrial Revolution in the Great Britain .

  30. 英国工业革命中使用童工劳动不是某一行业、某一资本家的个别现象,而是一种普遍的现象。

    During the Industrial Revolution in England , child labor was not a rare phenomenon appealing in certain particular trade or under one capitalist , but a common one .