
  • 网络Mercury;Mercurial;mercurius
  1. 墨丘利是商业之神。

    Mercury was the presiding divinity over commerce .

  2. 这时,墨丘利出现了,用棍棒痛打了他一顿,而且还重复那人所说的话:“你这个恶棍,现在你的正义感又去哪里了呢?”

    Suddenly Mercury appeared , and belaboured him with his staff , saying as he did so , " You villain6 , where 's your nice sense of justice now ? "

  3. 马可II保留了墨丘利飞船中已经受检验的设置,如流线型机身、热保护装置以及系统部件。

    The Mark II spacecraft retained what the Mercury capsule had proved , its aerodynamic shape , thermal protection , and systems components .

  4. 墨丘利代表科学与工商方面的兴趣;

    of Mercury , scientific , industrial , and commercial interests ;

  5. 于是,墨丘利第三次跳进水里。

    So mercury jumped into the river a third time .

  6. 啊上帝,啊维纳斯,啊墨丘利,小偷的赞助者。

    God , O Venus , O Mercury , patron of thieves .

  7. 出现在反面的墨丘利像。

    The figure of mercury which appears on the reverse .

  8. 在罗马神话中,墨丘利是诸神的信使。

    In Roman mythology , mercury was the messenger of the gods .

  9. 中午的时候,墨丘利已经在弹里拉琴了。

    He began playing on the lgre at noon .

  10. 然后,墨丘利又跳进水里。

    Then Mercury jumped into the river again .

  11. 在日落后西边的地平线上,你能看到水星(墨丘利神)和木星(丘比特神)。

    Mercury and Jupiter can be seen just over the west horizon after sunset .

  12. 珀尔修斯在密涅瓦和墨丘利的庇护下出发去征服这蛇发女妖。

    Perseus , favored by Minerva and Mercury , set out against the Gorgon .

  13. 脚生双翼的众神使者赫耳墨斯(墨丘利)则是掌管商业、道路之神。

    The wing-footed messenger Hermes ( Mercury ) was the god of commerce and road .

  14. 朱庇特见到情人受苦,很是伤心,打发墨丘利去除掉阿尔戈斯。

    Jupiter , grieved by the sufferings of his mistress , sent Mercury to dispatch Argus .

  15. 墨丘利拿着他那根睡杖下降到人间,装扮成一个牧羊人。

    Mercury took his sleep-producing wand and presented himself on earth as a shepherd driving his flock .

  16. 为女性设计的墨丘利款,由淡色青铜制成,维纳斯款由标准纯银制成。

    The female Mercury model is made from white bronze while the Venus model is made from sterling silver .

  17. 1966年9月,林肯&墨丘利为达到一定销售额的承销商安排了一次场面很大的游览活动。

    In September 1966 , Lincoln-Mercury scheduled a spectacular cruise for those dealers who had reached a certain sales quota .

  18. 具有墨丘利神所具备的善辩、精明、敏捷和鬼祟特点。

    Relating to or having characteristics ( eloquence , shrewdness , swiftness , thievishness ) attributed to the god Mercury .

  19. 拉斐尔持有墨丘利的节杖,是医药的象徵、或是在星期三用来当作治疗工具的双手。

    Raphael has the Caduceus , the medical symbol , or healing hands as the tool to be used on Wednesday .

  20. 外型惹火、发动机后置的索潘特拉在林肯&墨丘利销售处对外销售,对于该类型车而言,这是一个与众不同的销售平台。

    The hot-looking rear-engined Pantera was sold at Lincoln-Mercury dealers , a rather incongruous retailing channel for a car like this .

  21. 古希腊人断定以诺与墨丘利神/赫密士一样,写了透特的裴翠石版。

    The ancient Greeks declare that Enoch is the same as Mercury / Hermes Trismegistus writing the Emerald Tablets of Thoth .

  22. 墨丘利神各路神灵的使者,其本身是商业,旅行及盗窃的守护神。

    God that served as messenger to the other gods and was himself the God of commerce , travel , and thievery .

  23. 象承销商所预料的那样,它立即取得成功,很快便成为林肯―墨丘利分部最常见的汽车。

    As the dealers expected , it was an immediate success and soon became the most visible part of the Lincoln-Mercury Division .

  24. 有一个樵夫在河边砍树,突然,他的斧子飞离了树干,从手中落入水里。当他站在水边悲叹他丢失的斧子时,墨丘利出现了,问他为什么如此伤心。

    Woodman was felling a tree on the bank of a river , when his axe , glancing off the trunk , flew out of his hands and fell into the water .

  25. 英语专业二年级综合英语课程的《墨丘利山》一文不好理解。

    The text of " Mercury " in " Roads and Ways to Better English "( IV ) is a bit too profound and difficult for second year English majors to understand .

  26. 墨丘利像以前一样出现了,知道他的斧子落入水中后,他与上次一样跳进河里捞起一把金斧子。

    Mercury appeared as before , and , on learning that his axe had fallen in , he dived and brought up a golden axe , as he had done on the previous occasion .

  27. 樵夫看到失而复得的斧子欣喜若狂,对墨丘利感激万分;而墨丘利也非常赞赏樵夫的忠厚老实,于是就把另外两把斧子作为礼物送给了他。

    The Woodman was overjoyed at recovering his property , and thanked his benefactor warmly ; and the latter was so pleased with his honesty that he made him a present of the other two axes .

  28. 樵夫说不是。于是,墨丘利第二次跳进河中,又捞起来一把银光发亮的斧子,问是不是他的。“不,那也不是我的。”樵夫答道。

    On learning what had happened , out of pity for his distress , Mercury dived into the river and , bringing up a golden axe , asked him if that was the one he had lost .

  29. 在手相术里,掌心四周厚实突起的部分称为“丘”,有各自的名称,如“阿波罗”、“月亮”、“维纳斯”、“朱庇特”、“萨图恩”、“墨丘利”和“玛斯”。

    In palmistry , the fleshy parts of the palm at the base of the thumb and fingers and on the side of the hand are called mounts . The mounts are named after Apollo , the Moon , Venus , Jupiter , Saturn , Mercury , and Mars .