
  • 网络Melbourne Business School
  1. 墨尔本商学院(MelbourneBusinessSchool)负责高管教育的副院长盖伊•桑德斯(GuySaunders)表示,在亚洲,对证书的需求非常重要。

    Demand for certification is very important in Asia , says Guy Saunders , associate dean for executive education at Melbourne Business School in Australia .

  2. 这种通力合作方式往往来自于实际经验,珍妮乔治(jennygeorge)说道,她本人2009年10月被任命为墨尔本商学院院长。

    This collaborative approach is often the result of experience , believes Jenny George , appointed dean of Melbourne Business School in October 2009 .

  3. 墨尔本商学院(MelbourneBusinessSchool)下属MtElizaExecutiveEducation的管理教育系副主任保罗柯克布莱德(PaulKirkbride)表示,在澳大利亚,业务的强劲表现一直保持到今年新年。

    In Australia , business remained strong until the New Year , says Paul Kirkbride , deputy dean for executive education at Mt Eliza Executive Education , part of Melbourne Business School .

  4. 其中一个问题是,墨尔本商学院如何加强与墨尔本大学的科学学院、工程学院以及医学院的紧密合作。

    One issue is how MBS can work more closely with university science , engineering and medicine departments .

  5. 墨尔本商学院将多数投票权留在企业、而不是学院手中也有其优点。

    Retaining the majority of the voting rights for MBS in the hands of business , rather than academia , also has its advantages .

  6. 他首先需要说服的是墨尔本商学院的董事会,其中55%的投票权掌握在澳大利亚企业手中。

    The first people he had to convince were the MBS board , where 55 per cent of the voting rights belong to Australian corporations .

  7. 这就意味着以企业管理课程闻名的墨尔本商学院将能够重新平衡其收入,从而让学位教学的收入比重从30-40%上升到50%。

    This will mean MBS , which is famous for its corporate courses , will be able to rebalance its revenues so that half will come from degree teaching , up from between 30 and 40 per cent .

  8. 就课程、治理和品牌等合并细节问题,11个工作组仍在制定之中。每个工作组由墨尔本大学和墨尔本商学院的5-6名教师组成。

    The details of the merger , such as curriculum , governance and branding , are still being formulated by 11 working groups , each comprising five or six faculty and staff from the university and business school .