
  • 网络the Straits of Messina;Messina Strait;Strait of Messina;Messina
  1. 意大利墨西拿海峡大桥设计概述

    General description of design of Messina Strait Bridge of Italy

  2. 西西里岛东北部一港口城市,位于墨西拿海峡沿岸。

    A port city in northeastern Sicily on the Strait of Messina .

  3. 蒙哥马利于某晚以两个师偷越墨西拿海峡,并未遭遇抵抗。

    Montgomery slipped two divisions across the Strait of Messina one night against no resistance .

  4. 它们是在伊比利亚半岛,阿拉伯半岛的墨西拿海峡还是非洲之角?

    Are they on the Iberian Peninsula , Strait of Messina , Arabian Peninsula or Horn of Africa ?

  5. 马库斯·克劳迪亚斯·马塞洛将军带领着一只由60只五段帆船组成的海军舰队——罗马战船——越过墨西拿海峡正面进攻西西里市,而他的副司令则从陆地入手。

    General Marcus Claudius Marcellus led a naval fleet of 60 quinqueremes - Roman battleships - across the Strait of Messina in a frontal charge while his second-in-command attacked from the land .

  6. 一名10岁的意大利男孩成为横渡墨西拿海峡的年纪最小的人。本周日,这名男孩从意大利西西里岛横渡墨西拿海峡游到了意大利大陆,全程用时55分30秒。

    ROME ( Reuters ) - A 10-year-old Italian boy became the youngest person ever to swim across the Strait of Messina when he made the crossing from Sicily to the Italian mainland on Sunday in 55 minutes and 30 seconds .