
  • 网络NEPTUNE;neptun;neptuno
  1. 最后把小圆盘命名为罗马神话中的海神尼普顿。

    The planet was eventually named Neptune , after the Roman god of the sea .

  2. 科学家们用尼普顿的鱼叉三叉戟作为这个行星的标志。

    Scientists use Neptune 's fishing spear , the trident , as the sign for the planet .

  3. 尼普顿说你们有一支不错的队伍。

    Nicholas say you run a tight group .

  4. 因此,用古罗马海神尼普顿的名字来为它命名看来是很恰当的。

    So , it seemed right to name it after the ancient Roman god of the sea , Neptune .

  5. 朱庇特的武器是三叉闪电;尼普顿的武器是三叉戟;普路托的武器是三头狗。

    Jupiter 's weapon was three-forked lightning , Neptune 's , a trident , and Pluto 's , a three-headed dog .

  6. 欧罗巴是阿革诺耳的女儿,阿革诺耳是尼普顿的儿子,腓尼基的国王。普罗米修斯是一位提坦巨神。

    Europa was the daughter of Agenor , king of Phoenicia , son of the god Neptune . Prometheus was a Titan .

  7. 海的统治者尼普顿手执他那把三叉戟,好象刚刚撞击过地球,一匹马正从地面跃了出来。

    Neptune , the ruler of the sea , holds his trident , and appears to have just smitten the earth , from which a horse has leaped forth .

  8. 古希腊海神波塞冬和古罗马海神尼普顿常常被描述成半人半鱼的形象。荷马在讲述奥德修斯的海上征程时提到了塞壬,只可惜他并没有对其外形作具体描述。

    Poseidon and Neptune were often depicted as half-man and half-fish , and Homer mentions the Sirens during the voyage of Odysseu although he fails to give a physical description .

  9. 从到达通向尼普顿水池楼梯的那一刻起,到在金碧辉煌的罗马水池边对导游说再见,你会一直想起一个有梦想的人。

    From the moment you arrive at the stairway to the Neptune Pool until you bid farewell to your guides at the magnificent , golden and blue Roman Pool , you are reminded that a man had a dream .

  10. 古希腊罗马神话里,有三个大神统治世界:朱庇特(宙斯)统治天界,尼普顿(波塞冬)君临海洋,普路托(哈得斯)称王冥界。

    In Greek and Roman mythology , the world was supposed to be under the rule of three gods , that is , Jupiter ( Zeus ) , the ruler of Heaven ; Neptune ( Poseidon ) , the ruler of the sea ; Pluto ( Hades ) , the king of the Underworld .