
tiān xiē zuò
  • Scorpio;Acrab
天蝎座[tiān xiē zuò]
  1. 天蝎座X-1是在1-10埃波长区全天空最亮的X射线源。

    Scorpius X-1 is the brightest X-ray source in the sky in the 1-10 ?? wavelength region .

  2. HelloKitty还是个英国人,她的真名叫做KittyWhite,生日是11月1日,所以HelloKitty应该是天蝎座的(是个固执的小女孩)。

    Hello Kitty is a Brit ! Her real name is Kitty White , and she was born on November 1 , making her a Scorpio ( the stubborn shrew ) .

  3. 在位于波兰托伦的哥白尼天文台工作的科学家RomualdTylenda观测到了一组名为天蝎座v1309的双星。

    A study by Romuald Tylenda of the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre in Torun , Poland , observed a pair or stars , named v1309 Scorpii .

  4. 射手座和天蝎座:蝎子是没法忍受你主张自由、不束小节的个性的。

    The Scorpion cannot live with your freedom-loving , wandering spirit .

  5. 我不是处女座的、我是典型的天蝎座!

    I 'm not a Virgo , I am a typical scorpio !

  6. 美全是味觉动物的天蝎座对喷香水很是偏心。

    SCORPIO : Scent-ual Scorpios really appreciate perfumes or colognes .

  7. 天蝎座:本周需要做出一些改变。

    You could have a need to make some changes this week .

  8. 如果这样,你的天蝎座爱人会有很多东西教给你。

    If so , your Scorpio lover has much to teach you .

  9. 天蝎座的人很自信,而且有强烈的欲望。

    Scorpios really believe in themselves and have strong desires .

  10. 这是个美好的时刻啊天蝎座!

    This should be a good moment , dear Scorpio !

  11. 土星在天蝎座的人了解如何处理和面对危险和死亡。

    Saturn in Scorpio knows how to deal with danger and death .

  12. 天蝎座的人无论是好的还是不好的情感都表达非常强烈。

    Scorpios show their good and bad feelings very strongly .

  13. 天蝎座是所有星座里情感最强烈的一个。

    Scorpio is the strongest of all the star signs .

  14. 天蝎座会给对方一个难忘的夜晚。

    Scorpio gives their partner a night to remember .

  15. 我们会很合得来,我是天蝎座。

    We should get along well-me being a scorpio .

  16. 天蝎座未着万圣节装束就出门要糖果去了。

    Scorpio is not in it for the candy .

  17. 因此,天蝎座的性再生能力也很强。

    Thus , Scorplo 's link with sex and regenerative forces is strengthened .

  18. 天蝎座的那部分则位于天秤座的东边。

    And it was part of Scorpius , located to Libra 's east .

  19. 天蝎座的人将是很好的教师,演员,商人,会计师和社会学家。

    Scorpios are good teachers , actors , businessmen , accountants and sociologists .

  20. 这是一个跟你说“保持乐观啊,亲爱的天蝎座!”

    This is a way of saying " Stay optimistic , dear Scorpio !"

  21. 保罗:你是绝对不会想跟天蝎座的人住在一起的。

    Paul : You definitely don 't want to live with a Scorpio .

  22. 都说天蝎座的人很奇怪,我没否认这个。

    All say Scorpio is very strange , I didn 't deny the .

  23. 天蝎座:对家庭问题有点感情用事。

    You will be emotional about family matters .

  24. 而排在末尾的是天蝎座,只占6.5%。

    But bottom of the pile were Scorpios , with only 6.5 per cent .

  25. 记住,我也是天蝎座的。

    Remember I 'm a Scorpio , too .

  26. 我觉得下一个星座,天蝎座,也非常有意思。

    I think the next group , called Scorpios , is pretty interesting too .

  27. 天蝎座:当提到浪漫关系的时候你处在很好的位置。

    You will be in a great position when it comes to romantic involvements .

  28. 天蝎座:本周天蝎要引导自己的努力来完成目标。

    Channel your efforts into achieving your goals .

  29. 双子座和天蝎座:天蝎座的善妒使你觉得不好对付。

    GEMINI & SCORPIO : Scorpio 's jealous tendencies are impossible for you to handle .

  30. 此外,天蝎座还有其他的天赋。

    Scorpios have other gifts , too .