
  • 网络Astronomical instrument;Astronomy Instrumentation;astronomieal instrument
  1. GPIB接口在天文仪器上的应用

    The Application of GPIB Interface in the Astronomical Instruments

  2. 计算机打印口用作天文仪器接口

    PC 's Printer Port as an Interface for Astronomy Instrument

  3. 明末欧洲式天文仪器的试制与使用

    Trial-manufacture and Use of European Astronomical Instruments in the Late Ming Dynasty

  4. 中国天文仪器史的研究;

    Studies in the astronomical instruments of ancient China ;

  5. 古代天文仪器词语辨考二则

    Two Subject Research on Ancient Words in Astronomy Instruments

  6. 光学实测天文仪器中的新动向

    New Tendency in the Instrumentation for Optical Astrophysics

  7. 清朝前期观象台天文仪器的欧洲化

    The Europeanization of astronomical instruments in the observatory of Peking in the Qing Dynasty

  8. 大牛:哟,这又是什么天文仪器呢?

    What kind of apparatus is this ?

  9. 中国古代历法、天文仪器、天文机构对日本的影响

    The influence of china 's ancient calendar , astronomical instruments and astronomical organizations on Japan

  10. 空间天文仪器中的铍镜结构优化设计分析

    Optimization design and analysis of the structure of beryllium mirrors of astronomical instruments in space

  11. 这类计时器尚不能算是独立的计时器,还是天文仪器与计时仪器的混合体。

    These mixtures of astronomical instruments and time-measuring devices cannot be seen as independent time measurers .

  12. 他制作了13种天文仪器,并对天象进行实侧。

    He had made thirteen kinds of astronomic equipments and observed , measured the celestial phenomena .

  13. 赵友钦设计了一些天文仪器;

    He designed several astronomical instruments ;

  14. 通用串行总线在天文仪器中的应用

    USB Used in Astronomy Instrument

  15. 最后,描述了在现代天文仪器制造中应用虚拟技术的好处。

    And finally the advantages that apply virtual manufacturing are described in the modern design of astronomy instrument .

  16. 回顾了自1979年以来云南天文台太阳射电天文仪器、技术和方法以及研究方面的进展。

    The Development of the solar radio astronomy at Yunnan Observatory since 1979 has been reviewed in this paper .

  17. 叙述了有限元分析技术应用于天文仪器尤其是空间天文仪器的发展趋势。

    Finally , the development trend of FEM in the astronomical instruments especially the space astronomical instruments is presented .

  18. 台上陈列着大型铜制的天文仪器,台下有以紫微殿。晷影堂为主的附属建筑群。

    Under it are a cluster of buildings such as Ziwei Hall , Sundial Shadow Hall and other auxiliary structures .

  19. 文章结合云南天文台光谱筒的有限元分析过程,论述了如何采用有限元分析方法解决大型天文仪器机械设计数值计算问题。

    The finite element analysis is presented in this paper for the spectral tube of the Solar Infrared Telescope of Yunnan Observatory .

  20. 他提出“浑天说”,认为宇宙在空间上没有边界,在时间上没有起点。他创造的天文仪器浑天仪,是一种演示天体星象运动的表演仪器。

    He held that the universe was infinite in both space and time and invented the world 's first eauatorial armillary sphere .

  21. 漏水转浑天仪是有明确历史记载的世界上第一架用水力驱动的天文仪器。浑天仪应用到的齿轮机构和凸轮机构十分复杂。

    The world 's first water-driven astronomic instrument with explicit historical re-cords , the new armillary sphere employed an extremely complex gear system .

  22. 该文重点介绍了中国古代历法、天文仪器、天文机构传入日本的情况,说明中日两国的天文学方面的交流有着悠久的历史,对日本天文学的发展作出了贡献。

    This paper briefs the spread of China 's ancient calendar , astronomical instruments and astronomical organizations into Japan and their exchange between the two countries , which contributed greatly to the development of astronomy in Japan .

  23. 摘要以《中国古天文仪器史》中的研究为例,讨论在天文学史研究中可能引入的一种思路,即以天文仪器为研究对象与主要线索,通过天文仪器变迁考察中国天文学的发展历程。

    Based on the research in the history of ancient astronomical instruments in china , this article discusses a possible approach to research the history of ancient astronomy for investigating the history of astronomy through the historical development of instruments .

  24. 当这些耶稣使者向中国的上层阶级展现欧洲在上一个世纪重大科技发明的同时,包括手表、天文仪器等,他们也被中国的高超的医疗水平和土地勘查所深深打动。

    While the Jesuits showed to the Chinese upper class the technical inventions made in Europe during the past century , like watches and astronomical instruments , they were impressed by the high standards of Chinese medicine , and land surveying .

  25. 第一阶段是1671年前后,开始拜西洋人南怀仁为师,在两年多的时间里,他专心学习数学和天文学,并学会了一些天文仪器的原理和用法。

    The first stage was around 1671 when he took the Westerner Nan Huairen as his tutor . In the following two years , he studied mathematics and astronomy with undivided attention and grasped the theory and the usage of some astronomical instruments .

  26. 浑天说在中国天文学史上占有重要的地位,对中国古代天文仪器的设计与制造产生了重大的影响,对天文学的有关理论问题的解释也产生了重大影响。

    The theory of sphere-heavens played an important part in the history of Chi-nese astronomy , exerting significant influence on the design and manufacture of anaent astronomic instruments , as well as on the explanation of relevant astro-nomic theories . The Theory of Expounding Appearance in the Night Sky

  27. 浑仪是中国古代的一种天文观测仪器。

    The Armillary Sphere was an astronomic observatory instrument in ancient China .

  28. 有天文观测仪器可以观测天文现象的一个台子。比重计和类似浮动观察仪

    A building designed and equipped to observe astronomical phenomena . hydrometer and similar floating instrument

  29. 仰仪是中国古代的一种天文观测仪器,由元朝天文学家郭守敬设计制造。

    An ancient astronomic instrument for observation , the projection semi-sphere was a creation by Guo Shoujing , an astronomer of the Yuan Dy-nasty .

  30. 天文馆,天象放映馆装设天象仪并为观众准备椅子的建筑物或房间有天文观测仪器可以观测天文现象的一个台子。

    A building or room containing a planetarium , with seats for an audience . a building designed and equipped to observe astronomical phenomena .