
  • 网络hubble space telescope;HST
  1. 依巴谷卫星和哈勃空间望远镜的天体测量观测结果

    Astrometric Observational Results of the Hipparcos Satellite and the Hubble Space Telescope

  2. 更多信息请访问斯必择和哈勃空间望远镜的网站。

    For more information visit the Spitzer or Hubble Space Telescope websites .

  3. 来自NASA的斯必择和哈勃空间望远镜的新画面看起来更像是一幅抽象画而不是一幅宇宙的快照。

    A new image from NASA 's Spitzer and Hubble Space Telescopes looks more like an abstract painting than a cosmic snapshot .

  4. 下面列出了哈勃空间望远镜的一些突出的成就。

    The following list highlights some of Hubble 's greatest achievements .

  5. 哈勃空间望远镜随着其高级观测摄像机的安装而得以升级。

    The Hubble Space Telescope got an upgrade with the installation of its Advanced Camera for Surveys .

  6. 我是哈勃空间望远镜,是第一个也是最复杂的一个被放在太空中的望远镜。

    I 'm the Hubble Space Telescope , The first and most sophisticated telescope ever placed in space .

  7. 得力于去年五月安装在哈勃空间望远镜上的两台新设备,对臭虫星云的认识得以焕然一新。

    The Bug Nebula is getting a makeover thanks to two new instruments mounted on the Hubble Space Telescope last May .

  8. 此次哈勃空间望远镜对船底座星云中心区域的观察展现了一场狂暴的恒星诞生风潮。

    This Hubble Space Telescope view of the central region of the Carina Nebula reveals a violent maelstrom of star birth .

  9. 哈勃空间望远镜于1990年4月升空,之后经历5次由搭乘航天飞机的宇航员进行的人工检修。

    Hubble was launched in April 1990 , and has been visited by space shuttle crews five times since then for upgrades .

  10. “老鼠”星系,因为有和啮齿动物明显相似的尾巴而得名。它们是由哈勃空间望远镜新的高级观测摄像机以令人吃惊的细节捕捉到的。

    The Mice galaxies , named after their distinct rodent-like tails , were captured in stunning detail by the Hubble Space Telescope 's new Advanced Camera for Surveys .

  11. 哈勃空间望远镜最大的成就之一就是发现在大多数星系的中心都有超巨黑洞。

    The discovery that super massive black holes are at the core of most , if not all , galaxies was one of the Hubble 's greatest achievements .

  12. 这张图片由哈勃空间望远镜拍摄。记录了在小麦哲伦云中一个恒星形成的区域,新诞生的明亮的蓝色恒星将该区域的中心吹出一个空洞。

    This new image taken with NASA 's Hubble Space Telescope depicts bright , blue , newly formed stars that are blowing a cavity in the center of a star-forming region in the Small Magellanic Cloud .

  13. “哈勃”空间望远镜锐利的目光注视着最近正在经历戏剧性变化的木星大气。

    The Hubble Space telescope 's keen " eye " has been watching Jupiter undergoing recent dramatic atmospheric changes .

  14. 用碳纤维复合材料可以制造轻型空间光学镜面结构,如哈勃类空间望远镜的镜面或高带宽广播通信卫星的天线反射器等。

    The Lightweight space mirrors such as Hubble-class telescopes and high bandwidth communication reflectors can be made from carbon fiber reinforced composites ( CFRC ) .