
ní rì ěr
  • the Niger
尼日尔[ní rì ěr]
  1. 在尼日利亚,随着尼日尔三角洲地区暴力冲突的升级,武装分子周一袭击了壳牌公司(shell)的两处输油管道。

    In Nigeria , militants attacked two shell pipelines on Monday as violence in the Niger Delta escalated .

  2. 该公司在尼日尔三角洲(NigerDelta)的业务,频繁遭到反对者的干扰破坏,后者声称当地社区并没有因为自己土地上的石油被开采而得到任何好处。

    Its business in the Niger Delta is regularly sabotaged by opponents who allege that local communities get no benefit from oil extracted from their land .

  3. 尽管乌干达人和尼日尔人的身髙在20世纪初呈增长趋势,但近年来,这一趋势发生了逆转,18岁人群的身高呈下降趋势。

    While height increased in Uganda and Niger during the early 20th century , the trend has reversed in recent years , with height decreasing among 18-year-olds .

  4. 这是一个关于尼日尔12岁女孩哈贾拉·扎卡里的短篇故事。

    Here is a short story about Hadjara Zakari , a 12-year-old girl in Niger .

  5. 联合国儿童基金会的HildeJohnson表示,尼日尔总是面临饥荒的危险。

    UNICEF 's Hilde Johnson says Niger is always at risk of famine .

  6. Brown说她是在尼日尔工作期间获得了发明这种新方法的灵感。尼日尔是经常受到干旱影响的区域。

    Brown says she was inspired to create the new method while working in Niger , a region often affected by drought .

  7. 世卫组织驻尼日尔办事处工作人员今天报告,目前没有关于可能感染H5N1的人间病例的调查。

    Staff at the WHO country office in Niger reported today that no human cases are presently under investigation for possible H5N1 infection .

  8. 尽管与尼日尔三角洲(nigerdelta)等地相比,海上开采作业不那么容易受到实质干扰,但管理庞大收入资金流的问题是相同的。

    While offshore production is less susceptible to physical interruption than , say , the Niger Delta , the problems of managing massive income flows are the same .

  9. 尼日尔的家禽经证实发生高致病性H5N1禽流感,表明病毒已传播到南撒哈拉非洲第二个国家。

    Highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza has been confirmed in poultry in Niger , marking spread of the virus to a second country in sub-Saharan Africa .

  10. 中石油正在收购中石油集团所持中油勘探开发有限公司(CNPCExplorationandDevelopment)50%的股份。这家合资企业持有双方在哈萨克斯坦、委内瑞拉、阿尔及利亚、尼日尔和乍得等12个国家的多数海外资产。

    PetroChina is in the process of buying CNPC 's 50 per cent stake in CNPC Exploration and Development , the joint venture that holds most of the two companies ' overseas assets in 12 countries including Kazakhstan , Venezuela , Algeria , Niger and Chad .

  11. 提供救助,而不会救助那些迁往城市的人,那里的形势更加复杂。”WFP正在试图筹集1.82亿美元的资金,扩大在尼日尔的活动。

    where it would be much more complex . " WFP is trying to raise $ 182 million to scale up its operations in Niger .

  12. MarouAmadou表示,尼日尔需要空中监督,情报和信息来源。

    Amadou says Niger needs aerial surveillance , good intelligence and information .

  13. 联合国要求西非区域性组织西非经济共同体(ECOWAS)对几内亚和尼日尔实施更严厉制裁。

    The United Nations has called on the West African regional group ECOWAS to impose tougher sanctions on Guinea and Niger .

  14. 司法部长称,Saadi正跟随车队前往尼日尔北部的阿加德兹。

    The justice minister said Saadi Gaddafi was in a convoy heading for Agadez , in north Niger .

  15. 尼日尔政府称,卡扎菲上校其中一个儿子Saadi已经抵达该国。

    The Niger government says that one of Muammar Gaddafi 's sons , Saadi , has arrived in the country .

  16. 世界银行尼日尔局局VincentTurbat说,粮食危机对该国家的妇女儿童打击最大。

    The World Bank 's Country Manager for Niger , Vincent Turbat , says the crisis has hit the country 's women and children the hardest .

  17. 据NPR新闻的埃莉诺·比尔兹利报道,尼日尔目前已加强警备阻止移民运送的行为,上周,有92具试图采取相同路线的移民者的尸体被发现。

    As NPR 's Eleanor Beardsley reports Niger 's now on alert to stop migrants convoys after the bodies of 92 migrants who attempted to the same passage were found last week .

  18. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)表示,粮价的上升伤害了贝宁和尼日尔等非洲较贫穷国家的利益,同时也伤害了从孟加拉到中国自身等众多亚洲国家以及中东部分国家的利益。

    The International Monetary Fund says higher food prices are hurting poorer nations in Africa , such as Benin and Niger , as well as a number of countries in Asia , from Bangladesh to China itself , and parts of the Middle East .

  19. “尼日尔是受气候变化打击最大的国家之一,”Bennouna说。

    " Niger is one of the countries most hard hit by climate change ," says Bennouna .

  20. 司法部长Amadou表示,增加北方边境巡逻的费用延误了尼日尔新的平民政府的发展日程。

    Justice Minister Amadou says the expense of increased patrols along the northern border is holding back the development agenda of Niger 's new civilian government .

  21. ChristyOgbe是OgbeIjoh难民营被转移的4000多名平民中的一人。他说,尼日尔三角洲地区军队的出现是大多数居民痛苦的源泉。

    Christy Ogbe , another of the nearly 4000 displaced people at the Ogbe Ijoh camp says the presence of the military in the creeks of the delta is a source of for most residents .

  22. 尼日尔司法部长MarouAmadou表示,目前的形势非常危急,因为被推翻的卡扎菲政府成员逃离利比亚临时执政委员会。

    Justice Minister Marou Amadou says it is an explosive situation as members of the ousted Gadhafi government flee fighters backing Libya 's interim ruling council .

  23. 他夸奖UmarFarouqAbdulmutallab为英雄,这个尼日尔人试图用藏在内裤中的炸毁三角洲航空阿姆斯特丹飞往底特律的航班。

    He praised Umar Farouq Abdulmutallab , the Nigerian who tried to blow up a Delta Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit with explosives concealed in his underpants , as " a hero " .

  24. 2010年从成都学院毕业后,高云川(音译)赴尼日尔为中国最大的大坝建造商——中国水电(Sinohydro)工作,很快从实习生升任副总经理。

    After graduating from the Institute in 2010 , Gao Yunchuan went to Niger to work for Sinohydro , China 's largest dam-builder , swiftly rising from intern to deputy general manager .

  25. 乔纳森是来自盛产石油的尼日尔三角洲的基督徒,目前为止他的选票是主要竞争对手,前军事领导人穆罕默杜·布哈里(MuhammaduBuhari)的两倍。

    Mr Jonathan , a Christian from the oil-producing Niger Delta , so far has almost twice the number of votes of his main rival , the former military leader , Muhammadu Buhari .

  26. 当地居民说,那群恶棍是乘坐Afriqiyah航空公司的飞机从利比亚各地和南方邻近的乍得和尼日尔等国抵达班加西机场的。

    Residents say the thugs were ferried into Benghazi 's local airport by Afriqiyah airlines from elsewhere in Libya , or from neighbouring countries to the south , such as Chad and Niger .

  27. 这些国家包括尼日尔、贝宁湾、马里和布基纳法索。

    They include Niger , Benin , Mali and Burkina Faso .

  28. 1958年,人们在尼日尔三角洲发现了石油。

    In 1958 , people discovered oil in the Niger Delta .

  29. 尼日尔信息部长称,联合国官员居心不良。

    Niger 's Information Minister said the UN officials were ill-intentioned .

  30. 在尼日尔,我们每一星期得到营养问题的报告。

    In Niger we have got weekly reporting of nutrition cases .