
  • 网络nineveh;Niniveh
  1. 在鲸鱼肚里被送到尼尼微。

    The prophet who traveled in a whale to Nineveh .

  2. 他去尼尼微给人们带去上帝的消息。

    He went to Nineveh and gave the people God 's message .

  3. 塔什什是约拿书能够去的离尼尼微最远的地方。

    Tarshish was about as far away from Nineveh as Jonah could get .

  4. 这尼尼微是极大的城,有三日的路程。

    Now Nineveh was a very great town , three days'journey from end to end .

  5. 如今,神想差一个使者去到信奉异教的尼尼微城,警告他们审判即将临到。

    Now God wanted a messenger to warn the heathen city of Ninevah of coming judgement .

  6. 亚述王散乃黑黎布于是拔营,起程回国,住在尼尼微。

    So Sennacherib , king of Assyria , departed , returned home and lived in Nineveh .

  7. 和尼尼微、迦拉中间的利鲜,这就是那大城。

    And Resen , which is between Nineveh and Calah ; that is the great city .

  8. 尼尼微自古以来充满人民。如同聚水的池子,现在居民却都逃跑。

    But Nineveh is of old like a pool of water : yet they shall flee away .

  9. 亚述王西拿基立就拔营回去,住在尼尼微。

    So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed , and went and returned , and dwelt at nineveh .

  10. 尼尼微在天主前是一座大城,需要三天的行程。

    It was a very large city , and it took three days just to cross it .

  11. 约拿便照耶和华的话起来,往尼尼微去。

    So Jonah arose , and went unto Nineveh , according to the word of the LORD .

  12. 他从那地出来往亚述去,建造尼尼微、利河伯、迦拉

    From that land he went to Assyria , where he built Nineveh , Rehoboth Ir , Calah

  13. 约拿来到尼尼微传达上帝的教诲,这个罪恶城市的人民悔改。

    He goes on to Nineveh and preaches God 's message , and its sinful people repent .

  14. 但是当地人被鼓励去观看这些难得轻松的比赛。赛事显然是在尼尼微省举办。

    But locals were encouraged to come andwatch the unusually light-hearted spectacle , which was apparently staged in theNineveh Province .

  15. 这座他要布赦免的尼尼微城是毁灭他家族的死敌。

    It comes down to this , Nineveh , the city to be absolved was the murderer of his family .

  16. 你起来,往尼尼微大城去,向其中的居民宣告我所吩咐你的话。

    Up ! Go to nineveh , that great town , and give it the word which I have given you .

  17. 他既然向尼尼微城的居民宣讲了审判信息,就希望神照他所讲的去审判他们。

    He didn 't like the idea of preaching judgment and then God not doing what he , Jonah , had prophesied .

  18. 约拿怎样为尼尼微人成了神迹、人子也要照样为这世代的人成了神啧。

    For as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites , so also will the Son of Man be to this generation .

  19. 但他必用泛滥的洪水,尽行毁灭尼尼微之地,把他的仇敌赶入黑暗之中。

    But with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end of the place thereof , and darkness shall pursue his enemies .

  20. 8[和合]但他必以涨溢的16洪水淹没尼尼微,又驱逐仇敌进入黑暗。

    [ NIV ] but with an overwhelming flood he will make an end of Nineveh ; he will pursue his foes into darkness .

  21. 路十一30约拿怎样成了给尼尼微人的神迹,人子也要照样成了给这世代的神迹。

    Lk . 11:30 For even as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites , so also will the Son of Man be to this generation .

  22. 约拿进城走了一日,宣告说,再等四十日,尼尼微必倾覆了。

    And Jonah first of all went a day 's journey into the town , and crying out said , in forty days destruction will overtake nineveh .

  23. 你起来往尼尼微大城去,向其中的居民呼喊。因为他们的恶达到我面前。

    Up ! Go to nineveh , that great town , and let your voice come to it ; for their evil-doing has come up before me .

  24. 耶和华必伸手攻击北方,毁灭亚述,使尼尼微荒凉,又乾旱如旷野。

    And he will stretch out his hand against the north , and destroy Assyria ; and will make Nineveh a desolation , and dry like a wilderness .

  25. 世界古遗迹基金会公布了100处濒危古迹的观察名单,其中包括中国的长城,尼姆鲁德宫殿和尼尼微宫殿。

    The great wall of China and the palaces of Nimrud and Nineveh are on the watch list of 100 Endangerd sites released by the World Monuments Fund .

  26. 这信息传到尼尼微王的耳中,他就下了宝座,脱下朝服,披上麻布,坐在灰中。

    When the news reached the king of Nineveh , he rose from his throne , took off his royal robes , covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust .

  27. 尼尼微人信服神,便宣告禁食,从最大的到至小的,都穿麻衣。

    And the people of Nineveh had belief in god ; and a time was fixed for going without food , and they put on haircloth , from the greatest to the least .

  28. 也许是最大的以及现在最刺耳的分裂存在于阿拉伯人和库尔德人之间。库尔德人控制着尼尼微东部和北部绝大部分地区,占据着这些地区人口的大约三分之一。

    Perhaps the biggest and currently the scratchiest division is between Arabs and Kurds , who control most of the east and north of Nineveh , and account for about one-third of its population .

  29. 何况这尼尼微大城,其中不能分辨左手右手的有十二万多人,并有许多牲畜。我岂能不爱惜呢。

    And should not I spare Nineveh , that great city , wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand ; and also much cattle ?

  30. 凡看见你的,都必逃跑离开你,说,尼尼微荒凉了。有谁为你悲伤呢?我何处寻得安慰你的人呢?

    And it shall come to pass , that all they that look upon thee shall flee from thee , and say , Nineveh is laid waste : who will bemoan her ? whence shall I seek comforters for thee ?