
ní luó hé
  • the Nile;Nile River
尼罗河 [ní luó hé]
  • [Nile River] 非洲众河之父,世界最长的河流。长约6670公里,流域面积287万平方公里,注入地中海

尼罗河[ní luó hé]
  1. 尼罗河流域一年四季气候温和。

    The Nile Valley keeps a temperate climate throughout the year .

  2. 尼罗河在此处变宽,从两块花岗岩巨石间穿过。

    Here the Nile broadens out between the huge granite boulders .

  3. 他乘独木舟游完尼罗河的全程。

    He travelled the length of the Nile in a canoe .

  4. 价值连城的珍宝被扔进了尼罗河。

    The priceless treasures had been cast into the Nile .

  5. 尼罗河有多长?

    How long is the River Nile ?

  6. Felucca是尼罗河地区的传统帆船,自法老时代起就没有变过。

    A ' Felucca ' is the traditional Nile sailboat , unchanged since the time of the pharaohs .

  7. 这种船可以在尼罗河上航行。

    Such boats can navigate on the Nile .

  8. 尼罗河由东非的维多利亚湖向北流至地中海。

    The Nile flows from Lake Victoria in East Africa north to the Mediterranean Sea .

  9. 很多人生活在尼罗河两岸。

    Many people live along the banks of the Nile .

  10. 尼罗河在河口分岔,形成了一个三角洲。

    The Nile divides at its mouth and forms a delta .

  11. 探险者在中非找到了尼罗河的几处源头。

    Explorers traced the Nile River to its several headstreams in Central Africa .

  12. 尼罗河泛滥时,在田野上沉积下一层泥。

    When the Nile is in flood , it deposits a layer of mud on the fields .

  13. 阿斯旺水坝有助于控制埃及的尼罗河。

    The Aswan Dam helps to control the river Nile in egypt .

  14. 古埃及统治尼罗河流域几千年。

    Ancient Egypt ruled the Nile Valley for thousands of years .

  15. 尼罗河也是一条适合船只航行的通路。

    The Nile also made a perfect highway for boats .

  16. 尼罗河两岸易于耕种和生产农作物。

    The Nile 's banks were easy to farm and produce crops .

  17. 尼罗河是世界上最长、最著名的河流。

    The Nile is the world 's longest and most famous river .

  18. 尼罗河每年都淹没河岸。

    Every year , the Nile flooded its banks .

  19. 然后经过埃及著名的尼罗河流域到达地中海。

    Then it goes through Egypt 's famous Nile Valley before reaching the Mediterranean Sea .

  20. 在苏丹首都,另一条名为青尼罗河的大河与白尼罗河汇合。

    At Sudan 's capital , another great river called the Blue Nile joins the White Nile .

  21. 没有尼罗河沿岸丰富的农田资源,古埃及文明可能也就不会出现了。

    Without the rich farmland along the banks of the Nile , there might be no ancient Egypt civilization .

  22. 古埃及,第一个伟大的非洲文明,开始于5000多年前的尼罗河沿岸。

    Ancient Egypt , the first great African civilization , started along the banks of the Nile more than 5 , 000 years ago .

  23. 尼罗河的主要支流白尼罗河发源于位于非洲中东部的世界第二大淡水湖维多利亚湖的正上方。

    The main branch of the Nile , the White Nile , starts just above Lake Victoria , the world 's second largest fresh-water lake , in east central Africa .

  24. 他曾去过尼罗河三角洲。

    He has been to the delta of the Nile .

  25. 250例经血清学证实为西尼罗河病毒性脑膜炎和脑炎患者的CSF检查结果

    CSF findings in 250 patients with serologically confirmed West Nile virus meningitis and encephalitis

  26. 在Wetpaint之前,他跟人合伙创建了蓝色尼罗河公司(BlueNile)。

    Prior to Wetpaint , Elowitz co-founded Blue Nile .

  27. 2002年,首次报道输血传播西尼罗河病毒(WNV)。

    Transfusion-transmitted West Nilevirus ( WNV ) infections were first reported in2002 .

  28. 当患者感染西尼罗河病毒并出现临床表现时,几乎可以在所有收集的脑脊液(CSF)和血清样本中发现IgM。

    IgM can be detected in nearly all cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) and serum specimens received from WNV infected patients at the time of their clinical presentation .

  29. 而在埃塞俄比亚全国,中国承包商建设着公路和电信设施,并将在北部的青尼罗河(BlueNile)上游建造一座大坝,提供埃塞俄比亚急需的电力。

    Around the country , Chinese contractors have been building roads , telecommunications infrastructure and , at the headwaters of the Blue Nile in the north , a dam to produce much-needed power .

  30. 西尼罗河病毒(Westnilevirus,WNV)属黄病毒科黄病毒属成员,是一种通过蚊子传播的嗜神经病原体。该病毒常常可引起人和大量动物的发病和死亡。

    West Nile Virus , a member of the genus Flavivirus , family Flaviviridae , is a mosquito-borne , neurotropic pathogen that has caused substantial morbidity and mortality in animals , often including birds , horses and humans .