
  • 网络process theory
  1. 西方管理学的激励理论可分为“内容型激励理论”和“过程型激励理论”。

    In western management science , motivational theory can be classified into two categories : Content Theory of Motivation and Process Theory of motivation .

  2. 一般激励理论包括内容型激励理论、过程型激励理论和行为改造型激励理论等。

    In the general incentive theory , the content-based incentive theory , process-based incentive theory and behavior modification-based incentive theory are mentioned .

  3. 根据研究的侧重点不同,激励理论可分为两大类:内容型激励理论和过程型激励理论。

    According to emphasis of study , the motivation theories can be divided into two types : Content theories and Process theories .

  4. 本文对街道办事处公务员激励机制再设计的理论基础是激励理论,主要包括内容型激励理论、过程型激励理论以及公务员激励机制的影响因素分析。

    The incentive theories mainly include content motivation theories , process incentive theories and the influencing factors of incentive mechanism for civil servants .

  5. 通过管理学的过程型激励理论和经济激励理论中的委托代理模型结合起来,建立一个有效的分析框架。

    Therefore , an efficient analyzing framework which combines economic method based on the hypothesis of rational with management method based on behavior theory has been set up .

  6. 首先,从激励的原理出发,介绍了国内外的激励理论,包括内容型激励理论、过程型激励理论和行为改造型激励理论。

    At first , motivation theory is introduced since the motivation principle . The content includes : Content-based incentive theory , Process incentive theory and Behavior transforming incentive theory .

  7. 主要介绍了西方经典的激励理论,包括内容型激励理论、过程型激励理论及综合型激励理论;第2章高校教师的特点及相应的激励原则。

    Focuses on the Western classical theory of motivation , including content-based motivation theory , process-based theory of motivation and comprehensive theory of motivation ; in Chapter 2 the characteristics of college teachers and the corresponding incentive principle .

  8. 本文还对比分析了激励理论的演进,对内容型激励的理论、过程型激励理论和行为改造型激励理论三种激励理论进行了逐一分析比较。

    This paper also analyzes the evolution of the incentive theory , analyzing and comparing the three motivation theories one by one . The three motivation theories are the theory of content-based incentive , the theory of incentive process and the theory of incentive reform act .