
  • 网络Weiner's Attribution Theory
  1. 韦纳的归因理论认为,归因方式不同,个体的行为反应和情感反应也不同。

    Weiner 's attribution theory believes that , different attribution style can lead to different individual 's behavioral responses and emotional reactions .

  2. 韦纳的归因理论。

    The attribution theory by American psychologist B . Werner ;

  3. 美国心理学家韦纳的归因理论。

    The attribution theory by American psychologist B.Weiner ;

  4. 运用韦纳的归因理论和分析方法,对我国27名健将级(包括国际健将)女子篮球运动员进行调查研究。

    27 top-level Chinese women basketball players were investigated with the attribution theory and methods of Weiner .

  5. 以多元智能理论、建构主义学习理论、元认知理论、美国心理学家韦纳的归因理论等为本文的理论依据。

    The theory of multiple intelligences , constructivist learning theory , metacognitive theory , American psychologist Weiner ' sattribution theory , the theoretical basis of this article .

  6. 论文第一章介绍了归因理论心理学领域的研究和发展情况。主要是海得的归因理论以及现在备受人们关注的韦纳的归因理论。

    In chapter one , I introduce attribution theories in psychology field and the development of the theory , mainly touching the attribution theory of Hyde and Weiner , especially Weiner ' s.

  7. 本研究结合心理契约理论、工作价值观理论和韦纳的归因理论,重点探讨了心理契约违背与员工工作态度及组织公民行为之间的关系。

    Based upon previous research on psychological contract , work values and attribution theory , this study examined the impact of psychological contract breaches on employees ' work attitude and organizational citizenship behavior .

  8. 经过数据分析检验,大学生对日常行为责任归因的模式与韦纳的归因理论较为一致。可控程度和有意程度均高的负面行为引起大学生的气愤,认为当事人对事件有负责任,应受一定的谴责。

    The moral attribution of college students on common behaviors , which is the result of our research , is consistent to the attribution theory of Bernard Weiner according to the data analysis .

  9. 韦纳的归因训练理论模式及其实施

    Weiner 's Theoretic Pattern on Attributional Retraining and It 's Practicing

  10. 分析韦纳的归因论学习动机理论,指出不正确归因对今后学习动机的激发和保持产生负面影响,并提出在英语教学中,教师应了解学生的学习动机,采取有效措施,帮助学生提高学习效果。

    This paper analyses the attribution theory and points out that learners ' motivation has great impact on the results of their learning efforts and that the teacher should do their best to boost the learners ' motivation so as to help them improve their learning efficiency .