
  1. 监护人以过错推定责任原则承担相应的责任;

    The guardians should bear constructive fault liability ;

  2. 在部分直接侵权及间接侵权场合也存在过错推定责任原则的适用。

    In some direct and indirect infringement occasions , the doctrine of presumptive wrongs can be applied .

  3. 归责原则从过错推定责任原则逐步向严格责任原则演化,而与之相伴随的是责任限额不断提高。

    As the principle of criterion of liability evolves from presumption of fault into strict liability , the liability limits is being raised up .

  4. 接下来,重点分析讨论了侵权责任的归责原则和过错推定责任原则下我国著作权侵权责任的构成要件。

    Next , analyzed and discussed the right infringement responsibility imputation presumption of fault liability principle and in our country under the copyright infringement liability constituents .

  5. 发生在学校里或在学校的组织控制下发生的特殊侵权行为以及10周岁以下的未成年学生发生的伤害事故,应适用过错推定责任原则。

    For the school of special civil tort and the incapacity of ten years young students of the accident , school bear liability shall suitable for fault-presuming liability principle .

  6. 过错推定责任原则推定行为人存在过错,允许侵权人证明无过错而免责,吸收了过错责任原则和无过错责任原则的优势。

    The principle of presumption of fault is that constructive fault exists , allowing the infringer to prove no fault of exemption . It incorporates the principle of fault liability and strict liability principle advantages .

  7. 在法院强制拍卖过程当中,如果给买受人或其他利害关系人造成损失时,执行法院承担的不是违约责任而是侵权责任,在归责原则的适用上,应适用过错推定责任原则。

    In the process of the court compulsory auction , if the executive court damage the buyer or other interested party , it bears the liabilities not for breach of contract but for tort , and presumed fault principle should be used .

  8. 但是,现行法亦存在对动物园的动物致人损害适用过错推定责任原则的理论依据不足,遗弃或逃逸动物致害责任的实际操作难度大等问题。

    Yet , there are still some problems of present legislation , such as the application of presumption of fault liability principle to the damages caused by animals in zoo faces the vacancy of academic basis , and the liabilities out of the abandoned or escaped animals confront practical difficulties .

  9. 对教育机构进行归责时,主要适用过错推定原则和过错责任原则。

    When attributing to educational institutions , doctrine of fault presumption rule and fault liability principle are applied .

  10. 我国现行有关产品责任的法律根据生产者和销售者的不同地位,分别实行严格责任和过错责任、过错推定责任原则,以及两者之间的替代责任原则。

    According to the different status of manufacturers and customers , our present law implements the principle of strict liability , fault liability , presumptive wrongs and vicarious liability respectively .

  11. 本文拟从过错推定原则与过错责任原则、无过错责任原则的比较中区分它们的异同,以论证过错推定原则在我国侵权责任体系中的地位。

    According to comparing with presumed-default liability principle , fault liability principle and no-fault liability principle , the paper analyses the difference among them , and demonstrates the status of presumed-default liability principle in Chinese tort liability system .

  12. 本章对过错推定原则、无过错责任原则以及过错推定与衡平责任结合原则进行了分析,并阐述了我国用工者责任归责原则的演进过程。

    The chapter includes the analysis of principle of presumption of fault , no fault liability principle and the presumption of fault with the principle of equity .

  13. 在民事诉讼中实行举证责任倒置,是与民事实体法规定的无过错责任原则和过错推定责任原则相适应的,也是我国民事诉讼法立法思想的必要体现。

    In civil lawsuit , the inversion of evidential is in accordance with the principle of liability without fault and constructive liability with fault , and it is the necessary expression of legislative idea of Civil Procedure Act of our country .

  14. 《侵权责任法》适用的是过错责任原则为主、过错推定责任原则为补充的综合归责原则。第二部分,医疗损害责任四种归责原则学说评析。

    Nowadays the doctrine of liability fixation applied by Tort Liability Law is the comprehensive doctrine with tort liability doctrine mainly and presumptive tort doctrine subsidiary The second part is the comment and analysis on the four theories of doctrine of liability fixation .

  15. 过错责任原则、过错推定原则、公平责任原则的局限性都较为突出,不利于权利之保护。

    Principle of liability for wrongs , of presumptive wrongs and the equitable liability Principle all have their own restrictions .

  16. 就归责原则来看,通过考察域外立法可知,由过错责任原则向过错推定和无过错责任原则演变是一种趋势。

    Regarding the doctrine of liability fixation , it seems to be a trend in foreign legislations that the principle of liability for wrongs is evolving into principle of presumptive and of liability without fault .

  17. 基于网络环境下隐私权侵权主体的不同而采用两种并列的归责原则:原则上适用过错责任原则,网络服务商侵权适用过错推定责任原则。

    According to the subjects of the internet privacy infringement , two paratactic responsibility principles are employed : mainly apply the principle of fault liability , for network service providers apply the principle of presumption of fault .

  18. 对过错责任、无过错责任、公平责任及过错推定责任原则在火灾事故民事赔偿中的适用进行了全面的分析。

    This text analyses carefully how the principles of fault , faultless , impartial and fault infer principle adjust the fire accidental responsibility on civil law .

  19. 主要归责原则有过错责任原则、无过错责任原则和过错推定兼公平责任原则。

    Mainly belonging to the responsibility principle has responsibility principle of fault , no responsibility principle of fault and fault , inferring fair responsibility principle .