
  • 网络basic principles
  1. 契约自由一直都是合同法的基本原则,特别是在自由资本主义时期更是大行其道。

    Freedom of contract has always been the basic principles of contract law , especially in the free capital socialist period .

  2. 根据合同法的基本原则,一方当事人违约就应当承担相应的违约责任。

    According to the basic principles of the contract law , the party concerned shall bear the corresponding default is the responsibility of breach of contract .

  3. 诚实信用原则是民法和合同法的基本原则。

    Good faith is a basic principle of Civil Law and contract law .

  4. 这种特殊性质决定了海上保险合同法的基本原则在对其适用时呈现出不同的要求和表现形式。

    This mutuality determines the general principles which applies to the contract ; and it presents different demands and forms .

  5. 契约自由是合同法的基本原则之一,也是民事主体缔结合同的基础。

    Freedom of contract is one of the basic principles of contract law , and is the basis of the conclusion of the contract between the civil subjects .

  6. 其是基于诚信原则而引申出来的一项合同法上的基本原则。

    The principle of Circumstance Change is in an item of contract law basic principle which expands based on the Good faith principle .

  7. 保险利益原则一般被认为是保险合同法特有的基本原则之一,保险利益的有关理论是保险合同法理论的重要组成部分。

    Generally the doctrine of insurable interest is viewed as one of the basic and unique principle of insurance contract law . Related theories about insurable interest is a significant part of the whole insurance contract law theory .

  8. 该原则经法国学者杜摩林首先提出以后,即受到国际社会的普遍关注,至今已发展成为世界各国确定国际合同准据法的基本原则。

    When the French scholar Charles Dumoulin first raised this theory , it aroused a universal sensation in the world and nowadays it has developed into a fundamental principle to establish the applicable law of contracts in the international community .

  9. 尊重社会公德原则是我国合同法的一项基本原则。

    Respecting social ethics is one of the basic principles of Chinese Contract Law .

  10. 诚信原则是《劳动合同法》的一项基本原则,应该在劳动合同全过程中得到遵守和执行。

    The principle of good faith is a basic principle of " Labor Contract Law " . It should be in the entire process of the labor contract compliance and implementation .

  11. 合同自由作为合同法的基本原则,但合同自由并不是合同法的全部,允许主体的全面自由而不加以限制,会导致自由的硬伤。

    Freedom of contract as the basic principles of contract law , but freedom is not the full contract law , which allows full freedom of the subject and not be restricted , will lead to the freedom of Mishap .

  12. 合同自由是现代合同法的基本原则,但格式合同的广泛使用,对合同自由原则是一个很大的冲击。

    Contract liberty is the fundmental in the modern Contract Law and is charged greatly by the standard contract having been used extensively in the meantime .

  13. 合同自由,是《合同法》的基本原则。

    Freedom of contract is the basic principles of contract law .

  14. 允许无权处分合同生效,符合《合同法》的基本原则和精神,具备实质上和形式上的正当性。

    Allowing the unauthorized disposal contract into effect conform with the basic principles and spirits of contract law and it is the legitimacy of both substance and form .

  15. 合同相对性原则作为传统合同法的基本原则之一,随着社会经济的发展发生了动摇,这种改变是世界性的,不管是在大陆法系还是在普通法系国家都是一个不争的事实。

    As one of the basic principles of traditional contract law , the principle of contract relativity is changing worldwide , no matter in Continental Law System or in Ordinary Law System , with the development of social economy .