
  1. google公司选用“google”一词用来代表在互联网上可以获得的海量的资源。

    The Google name was chosen to represent the gigantic amount of material available on the Web .

  2. google表示该公司一直“努力对用户和业界做正确的事”。

    Google said it had " worked hard to do the right thing by our users and our industry " .

  3. 尽管面临来自谷歌(google)等公司的竞争,微软依然在继续发展,大把花钱。

    While it faces competition from Google and others , it continues to grow and to throw off large amounts of cash .

  4. 正在针对用户自建内容进行“保卫战”的制造商,应该看看谷歌(google)等公司开发的新业务模式。

    Manufacturers fighting rearguard actions against user - created content should look instead to the new business models being developed by companies such as Google .

  5. 这一切源于4位试图偷偷溜进雅虎(yahoo)和谷歌(google)等公司的硅谷员工,他们希望品尝这些公司免费的美味午餐。

    It started with four men trying to sneak into companies such as Yahoo and Google to sample their free gourmet lunches .