
  • 网络data journalism
  1. 最后文章研究了国内数据新闻的发展现状,并对照国外发现了其中的不足,通过借鉴国外经验对中国数据新闻的发展提出了一些建议。

    Finally , the paper will make a research on the present situation of domestic data journalism , find its weakness against the external one and provide related advice for its development in accordance with foreign experience .

  2. 目前就职于汤森路透公司的数据新闻团队。曾任南华早报的社交媒体编辑。

    She is now working in the Data team in Reuters News , and has a strong interest in data journalism and social media .

  3. 但中国国家统计局(NBS)却在公布数据的新闻发布会上,对形势可能恶化表示出了担忧。

    However , at a press conference to set out the figures , the National Bureau of Statistics expressed concerns that things were likely to get worse .

  4. 《财富》(Fortune)杂志去年对彭博(BloombergLP)公司的报道明确显示,即便他在担任纽约市市长时,这位亿万富翁也一直在密切地参与管理彭博的各种事务。彭博是布隆伯格私人持有的数据与新闻媒体集团。

    Even when he had a big city to run , the billionaire remained intimately involved in the affairs of his privately owned data-and-media powerhouse , as Fortune'scoverage of Bloomberg LP last year made clear .

  5. 统计局宣布国内生产总值(gdp)数据的新闻发布会推迟举行,以及指定级别较低的官员李晓超而非统计局局长主持新闻发布会,更对这些传言起到了推波助澜的作用。

    These rumours were fuelled by a delay in the Statistics Bureau press conference to announce the figures for gross domestic product , and the assignation of Mr Li , a relatively junior official , to do the briefing , instead of the chief of the agency .

  6. 实时的动态数据比如新闻标题、证券报价和拍卖行情都需要尽快地发送给用户。

    Real-time dynamic web data such as news headlines , stock tickers , and auction updates need to be propagated to the users as soon as possible .

  7. 与此同时,在洛斯阿拉莫斯,我们正在分析来自同一地区的社交媒体数据和新闻来源,以确定它们是否与调查数据一致。

    Meanwhile , at Los Alamos , we 're analyzing social media data and news sources from the same areas to determine if they align with the survey data .

  8. 如果你谈论快传,你正在谈论方式在哪一数据或新闻能被逝世从指名的在交谈中。

    If you talk about the Bush telegraph , you are talking about the way in which information or news can be passed on from person to person in conversation .

  9. 目前,外资金融信息供应商在没有获得新华社旗下中国经济信息社颁发的牌照前不能销售数据和新闻服务。

    Currently , financial news outlets can 't sell data and news articles in China without a license from the China Economic Information Service , a division of Xinhua news agency .

  10. 这个计划将对习惯于将读者留在自己的生态系统里、同时对其收集有价值数据的新闻机构来说,是个一百八十度的大转弯。

    Such a plan would represent a leap of faith for news organizations accustomed to keeping their readers within their own ecosystems , as well as accumulating valuable data on them .

  11. 他在有关人口普查数据的新闻发布会上说,我们已经采用并仍将继续采用更多推动男女就业及薪酬平等的方案。他还说,在国家统计局工作的员工女性要多过男性。

    We have been and will continue to adopt more gender equality programs for employment and remunerations , ' Mr. Ma said at a press conference on the new census figures , adding that the NSB itself employs more female staff than males .

  12. lambda表达式仅将来自定制事件的数据转储到新闻集合中。

    The lambda expression simply dumps the data from the custom event into the stories collection .

  13. 数据是财经新闻的重要表达元素之一。

    Data is an important financial news element of the expression .

  14. 知识指导下的数据挖掘在新闻和金融工具之间因果关系上的应用

    Knowledge Driven Data Mining for Causal Relationships between News and Financial Instruments

  15. 国家数据统计局新闻发言人毛盛勇表示,这一数据体现了中国经济的稳步增长。

    Mao Shengyong with the national statistics bureau said the figure shows the steady progress of China 's economy .

  16. 上个月关于政府打算重新审视数百种濒危物种的数据这一新闻已经让自然环境保护主义者们担忧不已。

    News last month that the government is planning to review the status of hundreds of possibly-endangered species has left conservationists worried .

  17. 设计完成了库存管理和实现整个系统内数据共享的新闻附件发布模块。

    The Inventory Management were achieved . News and accessory issurance module were achieved to share the data of the whole system .

  18. 部署一个数据驱动的新闻网站,该网站包含回顾和评论,讨论,选举等内容。

    Deploy a data driven news Web site complete with support for previews and reviews , discussions , voting , and more .

  19. 在又一轮欧元区政府债券成功拍卖以及更积极的美国企业利润数据和经济新闻的支撑下,风险资产保持住了上行势头。

    Another round of successful eurozone government bond auctions , plus further positive US earnings and economic news , helped risk assets maintain their upwards momentum .

  20. 实验证明,本文提出的聚类算法可以有效降低新闻标题分布的稀疏性和表示维度,所得到的聚类中心可以很好的表示数据集中的新闻话题。

    Experiments show that our clustering method can reduce the dimensionality and the sparsity of the headline data dramatically , and the cluster centers are descriptive for topic presentation .

  21. 基本面分析追踪并研究经济数据、政治新闻、市场预期、货币政策、央行运作和市场干预并对其进行分析以预期对市场的潜在影响。

    Fundamentalists track and study economic figures , political news , market expectations , monetary policy , central bank operations and market intervention and analyse it to predict its potential impact on the markets .

  22. 互联网上海量的金融文本数据(财经新闻,研究报告,股吧论坛等)蕴含着丰富的信息,而这些信息与很多财经事件或证券走势存在着密切的关系。

    A large number of financial text data on the Internet , i.e. , financial news , research report and stock BBS , contain rich information which having close relationship with many financial events or stock price trends .

  23. 在作用上,首先数据是财经新闻重要的表达元素,有助于从量化的角度说明新闻事件,揭示报道主题;其次,数据可以帮助对新闻事件、事物的性质进行判定。

    In effect , the first data is an important expression of elements of financial news and help from a quantitative point of view that news events , reports reveal the theme ; Second , the data can help on the news events , to determine the nature of things .

  24. 采用FTP技术在广电IP综合业务数据网上实现异地新闻传送

    Uses the FTP Technology to Realize the Different News Transmission on the Broad Electricity IP Synthesis Service Data Network

  25. 话题识别技术能及时地识别出新闻数据流中的新闻话题,并将新闻报道及时地按照新闻主题组织起来成新闻专题,满足人们对新闻信息的需求。

    Therefore , topic detection technology in the application will be able to effectively manage and organize news information , meet the special needs of people .

  26. 在第二部分中,借助大量的数据、报告、新闻等信息,来说明电子商务在中国和欧盟国家发展的现状。

    In the second part , I explain the development status of e-commerce in China and EU countries with a large amount of data , reports , news and some other information .

  27. 在现实世界中,人们可获取的大部分信息来自文本数据库(或文档数据库),文本数据库包含大量来自各种数据源(如新闻、研究论文、报告、书籍、杂志等)的文档。

    In real world , most information available comes from text databases ( or document databases ), which consist of various data sources ( e.g. : news , research papers , reports , books , magazines ) .

  28. 报纸集信息性、参考性、娱乐性、可读性于一身,调查数据权威可信、新闻内容朴实有趣、广告设计美观实用。

    The newspaper combines the advantage of information delivery , reference , entertainment , and readability , impressing the reader with authoritative and credible survey data , simple and interesting news content , and the aesthetic and practical advertising design .

  29. 上周,华尔街谈论的可能是沪市暴跌,但是走过很多街区,来到住宅区——在那里上下班交通运行的车辆会给没经验的行人让路——另一组与中国相关的数据也正成为新闻。

    The talk of Wall Street over the last week may have been Shanghai 's plunging stock market , but many blocks farther uptown , where commuter traffic gives way to verdant sidewalks , a different set of numbers related to China was making news .

  30. 在网络建设时,本文考虑了互联网与物联网的结合,同时使用新兴的云计算技术,实现快速数据传输、数据交换和广泛的数据共享、数据更新、新闻发布的功能。

    At the beginning to construct the networks , this paper considered the combination of internet and internet of things , using cloud computing technology , functions of data rapid transmission , data exchange , data sharing , data updating and news release are achieved .