
  1. 公路景观评价中AHP和模糊数学分析法的对比

    AHP Fuzzy Mathematics Method in Highway Landscape Assessment Application

  2. 瓦斯爆炸事故树模糊数学分析法研究

    The research on the analysis methods of gas explosion fault tree fuzzy mathematics

  3. 关脉信号数学分析法对比研究

    Compared Investigation of Mathematical Analyses for Guan Pulse Tracings

  4. 数学分析法、计算机模拟法和实际测量法是三种基本的分析、评价方法。

    Mathematical analysis , computer simulation and spot testing are three basic methods for performance analysis and evaluation .

  5. 此方法是以传热学中非稳态导热求解法中的数学分析法&集总参数分析法为基础设计的,特定环境下的对流换热系数测定方法。

    The convective heat-transfer coefficient is one of the important parameters with which the problem of heat conduction accompanied by convection can be solved .

  6. 认为,对于结构参数给定的6&SPS机构,在算法上采取数学分析法,可迅速准确地计算出在考虑了杆的干涉等结构约束条件下定姿态可达空间和工作空间的边界曲线。

    By means of the algorithm of mathematical analysis , the working envelopes and the reachable spaces with known structural parameters can be calculated accurately and rapidly .

  7. 本文给出有关用数学分析法解决空间几何问题的作图方法,作者希望通过实例能对读者有所启迪。

    In this paper , the author presents some geometrical drawing approaches by using mathematical analysis method , hoping that the approaches described would be useful to readers .

  8. 用数学分析法建立了双馈电动机的合成基波幅值限,且对应了实际的运转状态。

    Based on mathematical analysis method , the limitation value of the composite fundamental component of a double-feed motor correponding to its actual operation state is presented in this paper .

  9. 运用选材学理论,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数学分析法对少年女子短跑运动员专项运动能力构成及其因素进行分析。

    With the theory of selection material , document date , questionnaire investigation , interview , math analysis , the author analyzes specific performance constitution of juvenile female sprinters and its factors .

  10. 目前,人们在对竞争力进行评价时,大多采用主成分分析法和模糊数学分析法,而本文尝试采用层次分析法和灰色关联度分析法相结合的方法来进行评价研究。

    At present , principal component analysis , and fuzzy math analysis were widespread use in the evaluation of competitiveness , but this paper was attempt to combine the AHP and Grey Correlation Analysis into the evaluation .

  11. 周谛士更深一层的独特概念是西洋占星术没有的,那就是达莎的概念一种中止人或受制生命的数学分析法,在建立在出生时的月亮位置的基础上的子循环里面。

    A further unique concept in Jyotish not seen in Western astrology is the concept of dashas-a mathematical analyses that breaks down human or the subject 's lifetime into various sub-periods based on the location of moon at birth .

  12. 本文主要探讨的是狭义的商业外观的相关制度内容,这其中运用了概念分析法、比较研究法、案例分析法、法理学分析法、经济学分析法、数学分析法等方法。

    In this thesis , we will discuss the related contents about the narrow trade dress using the concept analysis method , comparative method , case analysis method , analysis of jurisprudence method , economic analysis method and so on .

  13. 然后本文分析了传统开发方案的不足,提出了基于模型驱动的开发方案,该方案以模型作为整个开发过程的核心,结合数学分析法,在抽象层次上解决系统架构问题。

    Secondly , the shortcomings of traditional solutions are analyzed and based on model driver , a new solution which takes model as the kernel of the whole development process is designed . The solution solves problems in system architecture combined with math analysis .

  14. 第二,运用数学模型分析法具体分析FDI与生态环境效应之间的相互作用的影响机制构成。

    Secondly , conducting the method of specific mathematical model to concretely analyze the composition of interactional effects mechanism between the environmental effects and FDI .

  15. 首次采用模糊数学层次分析法作为新疆生态环境脆弱性等级计算的数学模型,计算出新疆生态环境脆弱性等级,并借助GIS进行成果表达。

    The fuzzy mathematics layer analyse method was used as the math model to calculate xinjiang ecosystem vulnerability for the first time . The ecosystem vulnerability grade was calculated and expressed from GIS .

  16. 以移动烟团积分模式为基础,采用数学模型分析法,从理论上导出了小风和静风状态下的TSP大气扩散模式。

    Based on the moving puff integration model , TSP atmospheric diffusion model in conditions of light air and calm has been derived theoretically by a method of mathematical model analysis .

  17. 数学傅立叶分析法是测量调制传递函数常用的一种方法,为了迅速地给出采用该方法进行调制传递函数测试的结果,针对刀口扫描测试CCD相机调制传递函数的测试系统研制了测试软件。

    Fourier analysis method is often used to measure the modulated transfer function ( MTF ) to get the MTF results quickly . And for this reason , the software for testing the optical transfer function of CCD camera is developed based on the knife-edge scan method .

  18. 数学回归分析法在点载荷强度测试中的应用

    An application of mathematical regression analysis method in point-load strength test

  19. 模糊数学评判分析法。

    Appraise analysis method of indistinct mathematics .

  20. 水电站群总装机容量最优分配的数学规划分析法

    The Mathematical Programming Analysis Method of Optimization Distribution of Total Installed Capacity of the Water Power Stations

  21. 所利用的模糊数学层次分析法模型的构建思路和操作步骤,在建设项目全过程工程造价控制的研究工作上有一定的创新性;

    The construction thinking and operating sequence of level analytic approach model of fuzzy mathematics has certain innovative in the research work of cost control in the total construction project .

  22. 用数学函数分析法对统计指数因素分析的进一步改良&谈综合指数体系的缺陷与消除

    Further improvement of what has been analysed in counting the index factor with the function analytic approach of mathematics & Discuss the defect and elimination of the composite index system

  23. 在此基础上运用价格弹性分析法、建立数学模型分析法和收益分析法定量分析了粮食价格信息对粮食产量的调节作用情况。

    On this basis , the price elasticity analysis method , established mathematical model analysis method and income-benefit analysis method are used to analyze the regulation role of the food price information on the food quality .

  24. 用模糊数学和层次分析法进行城市综合环境质量评价

    Assessment of urban comprehensive environmental quality by fuzzy mathematics and AHP

  25. 然后,结合模糊数学与层次分析法,建立了一套有效的团队能力评价方法。

    An effective team capability evaluation method is built combining fuzzy mathematics and AHP .

  26. 数学抽象度分析法在衡量数学手段中的应用

    An Application of Analytical Method of Mathematical Abstraction to the Measurement of Mathematical Means

  27. 模糊数学和层次分析法在高炉系统工程安全管理中的应用

    Application of fuzzy mathematics and method of APH in safety management of blast furnace systems

  28. 政府采购招标项目评标方法&基于模糊数学综合评判分析法

    Evaluation for Government Purchasing Bidding Projects : A Comprehensive Analysis on the Basis of Vague Mathematics

  29. 运用模糊数学结合层次分析法对后勤管理决策进行定量分析

    Using Fuzzy Mathematics and Analytical Hierarchy Process to Cany on Quantitative Analysis of Logistical Administrative Decision

  30. 研究了应用模糊数学、层次分析法对研发团队绩效进行综合评价的方法。

    Furthermore , the general method of R & D team performance appraisal using fuzzy theory and AHP is studied .