
jī dū jiào huì
  • Christian Church
  1. 洗礼是基督教会的圣事之一。

    Baptism is one of the sacraments in the Christian Church .

  2. 全球基督教会的或与之有关的。

    Of or relating to the worldwide Christian church .

  3. 科普特教会是最古老的基督教会之一。

    The Coptic Church is among the oldest churches of Christianity .

  4. 这种现象多见于美国的私立基督教会学校,使得这些“圣经学校”都变成了“新娘学校”。

    This phenomenon , which occurs predominantly at private Christian institutions , has turned America 's ' Bible colleges ' into ' bridal colleges ' .

  5. 伍德后来在俄克拉荷马基督教会大学(OklahomaChristianUniversity)学习计算机和数学专业。

    Mr. Wood went on to study computer science and math at Oklahoma Christian University .

  6. 伍德在俄克拉荷马基督教会大学的同班同学特德•诺顿(TedNorton)回忆道,伍德也有艺术的一面,喜欢涂涂画画。

    He has an artistic side , though , loving to paint and draw , recalls Ted Norton , a classmate at Oklahoma Christian University .

  7. 过去10年左右,在爱尔兰、西班牙、葡萄牙等信奉天主教的欧洲国家,基督教会已开始衰落,而英国成为后基督教国家(post-christiancountry)已有一段时间了。

    Over the past decade or so the church has lost ground in parts of Catholic Europe such as Ireland , Spain and Portugal , while Britain has been a post-Christian country for some time .

  8. 犹太人先知,早期基督教会以他为耶稣基督的先驱。

    Jewish prophet revered in Christianity as the forerunner of Jesus .

  9. 山西近代基督教会医院建筑节能设计

    Energy-saving Design of Pro-modern Christian Hospitals ' Buildings in Shanxi Province

  10. 解放初期广州基督教会的反帝爱国运动

    Anti-Imperialist and Patriotic Movement of Guangzhou 's Christianity Just after Liberation

  11. 西安基督教会建筑及其城市文化历史意义

    Christian architecture and its meaning of cultural history of Xi'an City

  12. (基督教会为接济教士所设的)资助基金古尔班基基金会给艺术家以资助。

    Sustentation fund The Gulbenkian Foundation gives money to help artists .

  13. 有些人认为基督教会不应当介入政治。

    Some people think the church shouldn 't interfere in politics .

  14. 他父亲是当地一个基督教会的领袖。

    His father is the leader of a Christian church there .

  15. 其次,描述这四十年基督教会自养的成效。

    Secondly , the effect of self-support was described for 40 years .

  16. 近代闽南基督教会研究

    A Study about the Protestant Church in South Fukien in Modern Times

  17. 西方医学作为基督教会传播教义的手段被带到了中国。

    Western medicine was introduced into China as a Christian missionary tool .

  18. 基督教会组织教导教徒要服从业已确立的秩序。

    The Christian Church taught obedience to the established order .

  19. 本文作者为英国牛津大学基督教会学院的名誉学者

    The writer is student emeritus of Christ Church , Oxford

  20. 莆田基督教会(新教)之研究(1863~1949年)

    A Study of Protestant Christianity in Putian ( 1863 ~ 1949 );

  21. 在部分乡村,基督教会成为社区的生产、生活中心,一些乡村教会知识分子亦有较强的社会触觉,倾向改革。

    In some villages , church became the center for community life .

  22. 基督教会垄断了文化和教育。

    The culture and the education were dominated by the western church .

  23. 基督教会在沂蒙兴办近代教育的历史分析

    A Historical Analysis to the Modern Education Establishment by Christianity in Yi-meng

  24. 论岭南基督教会的自立运动

    The self - independent movement in Lingnan Christian Churches

  25. 龙是基督教会之敌人的象征。

    The dragon symbolizes the enemies of the church .

  26. 他怂恿管理员贝尔去拜访了基督教会学院院长。

    He induced manager bell to call on the dean of Christ church .

  27. 星期日是基督教会做礼拜的日子。

    Sunday is the day when members of Christian religions go to church .

  28. 主要对玉林地区基督教会的本土化进行了总体评述。

    A general comment on the localization of Christianity in Yulin is given .

  29. 中世纪前期的英国封建王权与基督教会

    Feudal Royal Sovereignty and the Christian Church in the Prophase of Medieval Britain

  30. 日据时期台湾基督教会的政治立场

    The Political Standpoint of Taiwan Presbyterian under Japanese Rule