
dǐ jiǎo
  • Bottom corner;base angle;basic angle
底角 [dǐ jiǎo]
  • [base angle] 平面图形内,以底边为其一边的角

底角[dǐ jiǎo]
  1. 等腰三角形的底角相等。

    The base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal .

  2. 他把页码写在底角。

    He numbered the pages in the bottom corner .

  3. 借用GDA软件来模拟开挖周边的应力重分布,在此基础上,重点分析了拱形洞室的拱顶、拱肩、两侧及底角的应力分布与岩爆的关系。

    GDA software , in this paper , is employed to model the stress distribution at arched drift . The results from computer modeling is the important basis for the analysis of stress rock burst relationships .

  4. 在巷道拱底底角处有较大的模型网格畸变。

    In tunnels arched bottom place has the larger mesh distortion .

  5. 钢框架顶底角钢带腹板双角钢连接的试验研究

    Experimental study of top - seat angle with two web connection in steel frame

  6. 正常人贲门胃底角的X线测量

    X-ray measurement of normal angle between the cardia and the fundus of the stomach

  7. 钢框架梁柱顶&底角钢连接的节点性能分析

    The Analysis of Behavior of Beam-to-column Connections Jointed by Top and Seat Angle in Steel Frame

  8. 喷动流化床内木屑流动特性的研究(Ⅲ)&床锥底角的影响

    Hydrodynamics of sawdust in a spout-fluid bed with a draft tube (ⅲ): Effect of distributor 's cone angle

  9. 在底角三分方面,杜兰特更是取得了令人震惊的成功,命中率高达64.3%。

    And Durant has been insanely successful when it comes to knocking down corner 3s , making 64.3 percent .

  10. 先开挖层若发生岩爆,后开挖层底角和底板也会出现岩爆,洞室先期开挖岩爆的风险较大,后期较小。

    If the former layer rock burst appears , the vault , corner and floor of the later layer rock burst appear too .

  11. 而且,勇士让杜兰特更多地利用篮球场上最有效率的两种投篮方式得分——底角三分和扣篮。

    What 's more , the Warriors are getting Durant the two most efficient shots on the court - corner 3-pointers and dunks .

  12. 其次,分析了机构底角和转向臂长度两个变量对汽车转向轮转角误差及转向时间的影响。

    Secondly , steering angle error and steering time are measured when the bottom angle and steering arm length of steering mechanism are varied .

  13. 格伦·约翰逊眼看就要为英格兰扳回一球了,他过了三个美国对防守队员,然后瞄准球门底角,左脚射门。

    Glen Johnson almost hit back immediately for England , slaloming past three American defenders before driving with his left foot towards the bottom corner .

  14. 到第三节中段,范弗利特在底角命中3分止血时,猛龙队已经历经了5分40秒的得分荒。

    By the time Fred VanVleet stemmed the hemorrhaging with a corner 3 midway through the third quarter , the Raptors had gone 5:40 without scoring .

  15. 去年,底角三分仅仅占杜兰特全部投篮的3.7%,而今年在勇士队中,这个数据达到了13.3%。

    Corner 3s accounted for just 3.7 percent of Durant 's total shots last year , but with the Warriors , that is up to 13.3 percent .

  16. 他把主队的防线搅合的七零八落,然后左脚射门穿过后卫的两腿之间打进底角。

    He capitalised on some slack defending from the home side before ruthlessly firing the ball left-footed through a defender 's legs and into the bottom corner .

  17. 贲门胃底角是抑制胃内食物返流的重要因素之一,它通常为一锐角。

    The angle between the cardia and the fundus of the stomach is an important factor in preventing the reflux of food from the stomach to the esophagus .

  18. 对各试验指标进行了单因素分析,研究梯形筛片的底角、高度、间距和下底长对粉碎性能的影响规律。

    Through single factor analysis on all experimental indexes , the law that the bottom corner , height , bottom length of trapezium and spacing influence the hammer mill capbility are achieved .

  19. 闪光焊灰斑缺陷主要分布于轨底角,较少分布于轨底三角区和轨腰,少见于轨头。

    The flash-butt welding flat spot defects are mainly distribute in the rail bottom corner , a small parts distribute in the rail base triangle and rail waist , rail head rarely distributed .

  20. 采用帮底锚杆并在巷道上帮底角孔底爆破卸压的复合支护,可以有效地控制巷道的底鼓,达到巷道围岩的稳定。

    The compound support consisting of side and bottom bolting and bottom-hole destress blasting in the rise side floor of roadway can efficiently control the floor heaves of roadway so as to stabilize its surrounding rock .

  21. 我还是觉得如果威尔斯背身靠打,姚明在内线,麦蒂在侧翼,海德和巴蒂尔在底角的话,我们还有很多的进攻组合选择的。

    I still think there are plenty of options to implement such as Bonzi 's post up game combined with Yao at the top , McGrady on the wing , and Head and Battier in the corners .

  22. 通过对制导雷达网中误差源的分析,分别建立了距离、方位角、高底角的误差补偿模型,在此基础上,提出了一种制导雷达组网相对系统误差补偿方法。

    This paper analyzes the source of error in the guidance radar network , sets up the model of error compensation , and gives a relative system error compensation method through studying the relative system error compensation .

  23. 他在两个底角命中的投篮比上赛季都多(本赛季65个,上赛季50个),命中率则持平(今年46.7%,去年47.1%)。

    He made more shots from both corners than he did last year ( 65 this season and50 last season ) and his percentage stayed about the same ( 46.7 percent this year and47.1 percent last year ) .

  24. 3)加强巷道两帮、底角支护,提高巷道最薄弱部位(两帮、底角)残余强度、提高巷道围岩的整体稳定性;

    3 ) Improving the support of the bottom angle and both sides of roadway to enhance the whole stability of surrounding rocks and the residual strength in weakness places ( both sides and bottom angle ) of roadway ;

  25. 模折射率误差由耦合棱镜折射率与底角及同步入射角误差决定,得出了测量模折射率不确定度的传递公式。

    The error of mode refractive index is determined by the measuring errors of refractive index and angle of prism , as well as synchronism angle of incidence . Transfer formula for the uncertainty of measuring refractive index is derived .

  26. 首先以汽车转向时实际转角与理论转角误差最小为优化目标,以转向梯形底角和梯形臂长为设计变量,对转向梯形机构进行了优化设计。

    Firstly , the optimization design of steering mechanism is done , and design variables are the bottom angle of steering trapezoid and the length of trapezoid arm , and objective function is minimum error between theoretical steering angle and practical steering angle .

  27. 相较于之前机会均等式的团队动态进攻,马刺现在的进攻都在找卡瓦伊-莱昂纳德这一点,很多人都在干邓肯过去干的事情,在那里,人们能够找到底角三分和禁区外投射的机会。

    Instead of an equal-opportunity spread motion offense , the Spurs ' movement now works to find Kawhi Leonard in his spots , many of them in places Duncan used to work . From there , they find corner three-pointers and shots outside of the restricted area .

  28. 决胜关头,凯尔-科沃尔底角接球,投出空位三分——如果命中,骑士就能在最后一分钟手握5分优势,而且科沃尔也能抹去他整个生涯季后赛的种种悲惨记忆——不幸的是,神射手打铁了。

    On the ensuing possession , Kyle Korver got a decent look at a 3 from the corner , which would 've climbed the Cavaliers back up five with less than a minute left . But the sharpshooter bricked the shot that will likely haunt his offseason memories .

  29. 随后,当雷霆队取消砍乔丹战术并且认真防守时,他们立刻制造了快船一个失误并且让奥拉迪波投中一个空位底角三分,将落后差距缩小到三分——终于回到了这场闹剧开始时的分差。

    Later , after the Thunder had called off the hack-a-Jordan and committed to playing defense , they immediately forced the Clippers into a turnover which led to an open corner three from Oladipo , which cut the lead back to three - right where we had started when the abomination began .