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  • Detroit Pistons
  1. 通过2003~2004赛季NBA总决赛中,洛杉矶湖人队与底特律活塞队快速进攻情况的统计分析,发现快速进攻成功率的高低对比赛结果影响很大。

    In NBA finals of 2003-2004 season , LA Lakers and Detroit Pistons attack the statistical analysis of the situation fast , find the level of attacking success rate fast exerts a tremendous influence to the result .

  2. 值得宽慰的是,华莱士收到了一个开心的消息,他最近成为GrandRapidsDrive的老板之一,GrandRapidsDrive是底特律活塞队在NBA发展联盟的球队,他的事业在这里正式起飞。

    Thankfully , there 's a happy ending to this , as Wallace was recently named a part owner of the Grand Rapids Drive , the minor league affiliate basketball team of the Detroit Pistons , where his career officially took off .

  3. 曾一度传言会离开活塞转而执教尼克斯队的NBA底特律活塞队主教练拉里·布朗日前向媒体明确表示,他现在没有离开活塞的打算。

    The NBA Champion Detroit Pistons coach Larry Brown made it clear he has no plans to leave the team .

  4. 上次拿到这个得分的是在1981年10月,底特律活塞队伊塞亚托马斯(NBA名人堂球员)。

    The last to do so was Isiah Thomas , the Detroit Pistons Hall of Fame point guard , in October 1981 .

  5. 上次拿到这个得分的是在1981年10月,底特律活塞队伊塞亚·托马斯(NBA名人堂球员)。

    The last to do so was Isiah Thomas , the Detroit Pistons ' Hall of Fame point guard , in October 1981 .

  6. 以2003~2004赛季NBA总决赛底特律活塞队与洛杉矶湖人队五场比赛技术统计资料为依据,结合双方临场表现,进行对比与研究,分析了双方胜败的原因以及总决赛后的发展趋势。

    According to the statistic data from 5 rounds of 2003-2004 NBA finals , Detroit Piston versus Los Angeles Lakers , in combination with their performance , this paper makes some comparison and analyzes the reasons for their victory and defeat as well as the development trend .

  7. 第一个问题,为什么底特律活塞队的每个人看起来都闷闷不乐,他们能扭转目前的状况吗?

    Why does everyone in Detroit seem so unhappy and can the Pistons turn things around ?

  8. 底特律活塞队也在第五战险胜多伦多暴龙队晋级。

    The Detroit Pistons were also advanced after edging out the Toronto Raptors in Game 5 .

  9. 菲拉公司首次与底特律活塞队的格兰特?希尔签约,等于给菲拉公司来了个大灌篮。

    And Fila 's first endorsement deal with Detroit Piston 's Grant Hill was a slam-dunk for that company .

  10. 黑色星期一的受害者是:华盛顿的麦克·沙纳罕,底特律活塞队的吉姆·施瓦茨,明尼苏达森林狼队的莱斯利·弗雷泽和坦帕湾的格雷格·石阿诺。

    Victims of Black Monday were Washington 's Mike Shanahan , Detroit 's Jim Schwartz , Minnesota 's Leslie Frazier , and Tampa Bay 's Greg Schiano .

  11. 这位落选的自由球员,曾是年度最佳防守球员,底特律活塞队夺冠功臣,而他的三号球衣也在2016年退役。

    The undrafted free agent , former Defensive Player Of The Year , and former champion with the Detroit Pistons has had his \# 3 jersey retired in 2016 .

  12. 底特律活塞队没有合适的人选来挑战密尔沃基雄鹿队,尤其是现在布雷克格里芬——他们最重要的球员——正在饱受膝盖受伤的干扰。

    What 's next on The Giannis Show The Detroit Pistons don 't have the personnel to challenge the Milwaukee Bucks , especially now that Blake Griffin - far and away their most important player - is dealing with a knee injury .