
  • 网络sediment;sludge;substrate sludge
  1. 随着上覆水pH值的增大,苏州河道底泥对磷的吸附量逐渐降低。

    With the increasing of water pH , P adsorbing capacity of sediment decreased .

  2. 作者还分析了由外源大豆DNA导入引起受体水稻产生变异现象的原因水体底泥-水界面活性区变化规律研究


  3. 四种处理方法下盐碱池塘底泥N、P的吸附与释放

    Adsorption and desorption of nitrogen and phosphorus by bottom soils from saline-alkaline ponds under four treatments

  4. 通过添加底泥进行实验,考察不同底泥厚度及加泥方式对P的释放及藻类生长量的影响。

    Study the P-release and algae growth under a series of thickness sludge and different manner of adding sludge .

  5. 上复水pH值在6.5&7.0范围内底泥释磷量最低;

    The lowest release capacity was observed in a pH range of 6.5-7.0 of the overlying water .

  6. 底泥速效氮含量(x)与水体氮素转化速度常数(k)呈正相关。

    Nitrogen conversion rate in water is directly related to the available nitrogen content in the sediment .

  7. ~(134)Cs在水相生态系中的行为&~(134)Cs在水-萍-底泥中的消长与分配

    Behavior of ~ ( 134 ) cs in water-azolla-sediment ecosystem

  8. CaO2不同投加方式对底泥磷释放的抑制效果分析

    Effect on Different Adding Means of Calcium Peroxide to Control Phosphorus Release from Sediment

  9. EDTA在植物修复复合污染河道疏浚底泥中的调控作用

    Roles of EDTA on Phytoremediation of Combined Contamination in Dredged Sewage River Sediment

  10. 通过盆栽试验研究了玉米对重金属(Zn、Pb、Cu、Cd、Ni)-有机物复合污染的城市排污河道疏浚底泥修复的根际作用与相关机理。

    Pot experiment was conducted to study effects of rhizosphere in phytoremediation of heavy metal-organic contaminated sewage river sediment by maize .

  11. 典型污染地区底泥和土壤中残留多氯联苯(PCBs)的情况调查

    Polychlorinated biphenyl congener residues in sediment and soil from pollution area

  12. ICP-AES摄谱法测定河流湖泊底泥中总磷

    Determination of Phosphorus in Sediments by ICP-AES

  13. ~(95)Zr在鱼-海水-底泥模拟生态系统中的迁移与分布

    Migration and distribution of ~ ( 95 ) Zr in a simulated marine fishes-seawater-sediment ecosystem

  14. 论文得出以下结论:考察底泥对Zn、Cu的吸附特性和吸附动力学特征。

    Following conclusions were achieved : Study on sediment adsorption characteristics and kinetics , through the sediment adsorption experiment on Cu / Zn .

  15. 底泥中PAHs分布明显受人为污染源及水动力条件的影响,污染源集中排放区底泥中PAHs含量高,水动力强的部位PAHs含量低;

    The PAHs distribution obviously was affected by man-made pollution sources and water driving force conditions .

  16. 底泥中苯取代化合物的定量构效关系(QSAR)研究

    Study on Quantitative Structure-activity Relationship ( QSAR ) of Aromatics in Sediment

  17. 底泥中除了供应植物所需要的N、P等营养元素,也不可避免的把过量的重金属带入到土壤中,容易对土壤、地下水、动植物造成二次污染。

    Lake sediments contains a lot of heavy metals except nutrient elements such as nitrogen and phosphorus , which are easy to pollute the soil , water , plants and animals .

  18. 水主要污染物为总大肠菌群和Cu,底泥主要污染物为Cr、六六六和滴滴涕。

    The main pollutants in water are total coliform bacteria and Cu , and the main pollutants in fishery sediment are Cr , BHC and DDT .

  19. 底泥通过与60Co进行离子交换,富集了大量的60Co;

    The sediment accumulated a large amount of 60 Co by ion exchange .

  20. 增加了底泥的TOC含量。

    TOC content was increased .

  21. 鄱阳湖水域DW采样点底泥重金属垂直污染分析

    Heavy Metals Vertical Pollution Analysis of Sediment from DW Sampling Point of Poyang Lake Area

  22. DEHP的底泥&水分配系数要大于DBP的分配系数。

    Partition coefficient of DEHP between water and sediment was higher than that of DBP .

  23. 在相同水土比条件下,厌氧条件下底泥N、P营养的平均面释放明显高于好氧条件;

    Under the same proportion of water and sediment the average surface release of nitrogen and phosphorus in the sediment under the condition of anaerobic is obvious higher than that under the condition of aerobic ;

  24. 养殖池塘底泥脲酶活性与水体NH4~+-N关系的研究

    Studies on the Relationship Between Urease Activity in Sediments and NH_4 ~ + - N in Water in Aquaculture Ponds

  25. 本文对上海苏州河污染底泥中KTN、BOD6、COD(?r)的释放进行了研究。

    The release of organics ( KTN , BOD_5 , COD_ ( cr )) from polluted bottom sediments of Suzhou River was studied .

  26. 抚河南昌段底泥HCHs及DDTs的污染研究

    Study of HCHs and DDTs in sediment of Fu River at Nanchang segment

  27. 结果表明,pH增大、温度升高、厌氧状态均可增加底泥磷释放,pH在弱酸至中性范围内底泥释磷量较小,酸性和碱性条件都有利于磷的释放,进一步分析了其中机理。

    According to the results , several conclusions were obtained : intensity of phosphorus release increased with high temperature at anaerobic condition , for both acidic and alkaline condition increased the intensity of phosphorus release .

  28. 结果表明,底泥的性质、水温及pH、溶解氧和藻类的生长,对氮素转化都有一定的影响。

    The results demonstrate that the nitrogen conversion in water is affected to a certain extent by the nature of the sediment , temperature , pH , DO and the growth of algae in water .

  29. 采用田间小区试验,探讨了城市污泥与湖泊底泥土地利用对土壤-植物系统中养分及重金属Cd、Pb的影响。结果表明,城市污泥与湖泊底泥能有效增加土壤养分含量;

    The plot experiments were conducted to study the effects of land utilization of municipal sludge and lake sediment on nutrients and heavy metals ( Cd , Pb ) in soil-plant system .

  30. 水体的底泥是PCBs的富集场所,正成为新的PCBs污染源;

    The sediment under water is the enrichment site of PCBs , so the sediment has become a new pollution source of PCBs .