
dǐ tǔ
  • subsoil;pan
底土 [dǐ tǔ]
  • [subsoil] 表土层和心土层下面的第三层土壤,土质紧密

  1. 进入底土的化学物质会减少,这对土质松软的热带土壤而言尤为重要。

    Less chemical gets into the subsoil which is particularly important with the light , tropical soils .

  2. 在美国西部黄土区和冲积河谷里,表土和底土一般是容易破碎的。

    In loessal regions and alluvial valley fills of the western United states , both surface soil and subsoil are commonly friable .

  3. 蚯蚓深深地钻进底土。

    Earthworms burrow deep into the subsoil .

  4. PHC管桩承台底土反力的研究

    Study on the stress of the soil in the buttom of PHC pile cap

  5. 结合单污染指数评价法和表底土比较2种方法进行污染评判,结果表明,土壤样品中重金属Cd的污染最为明显,其污染多集中在中度和重度水平。

    According to the evaluation of single contaminative index and the comparing of topsoil and subsoil , it was found that 42 9 percent of the samples was polluted by Cd , and most of the pollutants were assembled in middle and serious levels .

  6. 考虑桩-土接触面及桩底土非线性的单桩Q-s曲线分析

    Analysis of Q-s curve of single pile considering non-linear behavior of reaction of pile bottom and interface between pile and soils

  7. 这些草本植物的根深植于底土之中。

    These herbs send their roots right down into the subsoil .

  8. 陆架、陆坡和陆基的海床和底土

    Sea-bed and subsoil of the shelf , the slope and the rise

  9. 有机肥对底土氮素有效性的影响

    Effect of Organic Manure on Availability of Nitrogen in Subsoil

  10. 扩底土锚抗拔承载机理的试验研究

    Experimental study on mechanism of pull - out resistance of belled tieback

  11. 国家管辖范围以外海床洋底及其底土的原则的宣言

    Declaration of Principles Governing the Sea-Bed and the Ocean Floor and the Subsoil Thereof

  12. 凋落物层对渗入底土水分数量影响的研究

    Studies on the Forest Humus Layer and Its Impact on the Quantity of Undersoil Moisture

  13. 应用该程序研究了承台宽与桩长之比、桩距、桩数、土类等对承台底土阻力群桩效应系数的影响。

    On the pile group effect coefficient of soil resistance under pile cap , respectively .

  14. 承台底土阻力群桩效应系数有限元分析

    Analysis on pile group effect coefficient of soil resistance under pile cap using finite element method

  15. 因为这是活跃的底土。

    Because this is vocanic subsoil .

  16. 干旱或半干旱地区的底土因碳酸钙作用而形成的硬层。

    Crust or layer of hard subsoil encrusted with calcium-carbonate occurring in arid or semiarid regions .

  17. 这是非常稳定的底土。

    It is very steady subsoil .

  18. 黑色的腐殖土,有结冻的底土,是北极区和亚北极区的特征。

    A black mucky soil with a frozen subsoil that is characteristic of arctic and subarctic regions .

  19. 由桩底土蠕变引起的桩基沉降简易计算方法

    A Simplified Calculation Method for Settlement of Pile Base Caused by the Creep of Soil under the Pile

  20. 土壤中含有效锌转低时,深层耕翻会使缺锌的底土暴露出来。

    In a solid which is moderately low in available zinc , deep cuts may expose zinc-deficient subsoils .

  21. 倾斜向下的倾斜或斜坡陆架、陆坡和陆基的海床和底土

    A downward inclination or slope . Sea-bed and subsoil of the shelf , the slope and the rise

  22. 本项研究提出了一种估计桩&筏基础筏底土所分担荷载的有效分析模型。

    This paper presents an effective analytical model to estimate load capacity possessed by supporting soil for piled raft foundations .

  23. 土壤由表面开始干燥,但底土潮湿,因此,水稻能吸到有效水。

    Soils start to dry from the surface but subsoils may remain wet so that rice roots can absorb available water .

  24. 饱和-湿润段出现频率比例总体上底土>心土>表土,坡下>坡上;

    The frequency of saturation - moist segment is ranked in the bottom soil > the subsoil > topsoil , down slope > up slope .

  25. 进一步比较表土与底土之间元素含量的差异,并作显著性检验。

    Comparing element contents between horizons of A and C in soil profiles and testing the significance of difference by statistical method are further made .

  26. 填埋场底土污染物浓度实测值和理论解的比较光散射法测量颗粒尺寸、浓度的实验研究

    Comparisons of measurements of contaminant concentration in landfill bottom soils with theoretical solutions An experimental research on particle size and volume concentration based on light scattering

  27. 在电缆管道建成后,许可证持有人须用天然底土修复受影响的蚝涌溪流河床,使其回复原貌。

    After cable duct construction , the Permit Holder shall reinstate the affected stream bed of Ho Chung River to its original conditions using natural substratum .

  28. 桩帽底土承载能力的发挥要求桩体具有较强的应力集中效应;

    The pile-stress concentration effects of the piles in the middle of composite foundation are greater than those of the piles at the range of composite foundation .

  29. 土壤水分扩散率存在着空间上的变异性,随土壤剖面深度增加而呈现出表土层高、中间土层低、底土层又升高的趋势;

    There was spatial variability in soil moisture diffusivity , and the high soil moisture diffusivity occurred in topsoil layers while the low in middle soil layers .

  30. 关于禁止在海床洋底及其底土安置核武器和其他大规模毁灭性武器条约

    Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Sea Bed and the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil Thereof