
  • 网络theban;Thebe
  1. 他俩生的女儿叫哈耳摩尼业,日后成为战火连绵的底比斯王朝的开国女祖。

    Their daughter Harmonia is the ancestress of the unquiet dynasty of Thebes .

  2. 古希腊底比斯城长着双翼的斯芬克斯也许是希腊神话中最知名的怪物。

    The winged Sphinx of Thebes was probably the best-known monster in Greek mythology .

  3. 一个雅典人和一个底比斯人一同走在路上,就像其他旅行者一样,他们用聊天来打发时间。

    An Athenian and a Theban were on the road together , and passed the time in conversation , as is the way of travelers .

  4. 胜利属于底比斯人。坚持到底,就是胜利。

    The victory remained with the Thebans . Success belong to the persevering .

  5. 是属于七个小矮人的。胜利属于底比斯人。

    Belongs to seven little dwarfs . The victory remained with the Thebans .

  6. 底比斯古城及其墓地Ⅲ级、Ⅳ级自重湿陷性黄土地区道路地基处理设计

    Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis The Road Subbase Treatment Design in Self-Collapsible Loess Area

  7. 就是底比斯和巴比伦;诺索斯和迈锡尼。

    some spider-webs , and they were Thebes and Babylon and Cnossos and Mycenae .

  8. 他们一直坐在他们自己的王位上的33世纪的底比斯墓地。

    They have been seated on their thrones for33 centuries at the Necropolis of Thebes .

  9. 胜利属于底比斯人。

    The victory remained with the thebans .

  10. 底比斯古城及其墓地

    Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis

  11. 公元前1251前,今日的日蚀被认为可能是传说中的希腊城市底比斯的英雄海格力斯诞生的标志。

    BC-A solar eclipse on this date might mark the birth of legendary Heracles at Thebes , Greece .

  12. 底比斯一个精锐兵团击溃斯巴达军队的右翼,是这场战争的转捩点。

    The turning point in the battle came when an elite Theban military unit broke the Spartan right wing .

  13. 比如说,在底比斯发现了一张纸莎草纸,悬赏捉拿一个逃跑的奴隶。

    For example , there is a papyrus discovered at Thebes offering a reward for a run - away slave .

  14. 阿尔克墨涅害怕赫拉会妒心大发,便把新生婴儿抛弃在底比斯墙外的田野里。

    Alcmene , fearing Hera 's jealousy , exposed her newly-born child in a field outside the walls of Thebes .

  15. 底比斯人借助同盟力量摆脱了斯巴达的控制,并在留克特拉战役中击垮斯巴达军队。

    Thebes got rid of Spartan control with the help of the League , and defeated Spartans in the Battle of Leuctra .

  16. 直到希腊化时期,底比斯的强权被彻底摧毁,彼奥提亚地区才在联邦体制下实现统一;

    Until the Hellenistic period , when the power of Thebes was pulled down , Boeotia was united with true federal constitution ;

  17. 20岁的时候,亚历山大大帝成为了马其顿之王,并且攻占了雅典和底比斯。

    By the age of 20 , Alexander the Great was proclaimed the King of Macedon and had conquered Athens and Thebes .

  18. 在斯巴达、底比斯和塞浦路斯等地,阿佛洛狄特也被人们尊崇为战争女神。

    Aphrodite was also honored as a goddess of war , especially in Sparta , Thebes , Cyprus and some other places .

  19. 在底比斯,是泰瑞西斯第一个认出了宴会神、也是酒神的狄俄尼索斯,并向他表示欢迎。

    He was the first to recognise and welcome Dionysus , god of feast and wine , on the The ban land .

  20. 同性恋爱不仅存在于雅典、斯巴达,也存在于克里特、底比斯以及更遥远的非洲殖民地。

    Homosexuality not only presented in Athens , Sparta , but also in Crete , Thebes , and more distant African colonies .

  21. (希腊神话)底比斯的盲人预言家道出了俄狄甫斯杀父娶母的真相。

    ( Greek mythology ) the blind prophet of Thebes who revealed to Oedipus that Oedipus had murdered his father and married his mother .

  22. 大约公元前524年,冈比西斯二世命令5万士兵进驻埃及的底比斯城古城(现在的卢克索)的沙漠地区。

    Around 524 B.C. , the king ordered 50,000 men into the Egyptian desert around the ancient city of Thebes ( now Luxor ) .

  23. 古城底比斯是古埃及中新王国时代的首都,是供奉太阳神阿蒙神之城。

    Thebes , the city of the god Amon , was the capital of Egypt during the period of the Middle and New Kingdoms .

  24. 奥德修斯为了得到盲人底比斯的忠告而来到阴间;埃杰克斯的幽灵冲着他直皱眉头。

    When , in order to seek the advice of , Odysseus came to visit the lower world , the shade of Ajax frowned uponhim .

  25. 马其顿王国的菲利普打败了雅典人和底比斯人(公元前338年)并且苏拉打败了米特拉梯的战争。

    A battle in which Philip of Macedon defeated the Athenians and Thebans ( 338 BC ) and also Sulla defeated Mithridates ( 86 BC ) .

  26. 酒神狄奥尼索斯是希腊神话中的神,相传是众神之父宙斯与底比斯公主塞密莉所生。

    Dionysus is the god in Greek mythology , according to legend is the father of the gods Zeus and the Theban princess born Li Serbian secret .

  27. 在他死后,他的女婿(或许也是儿子)塔坦卡门把政治中心移回孟斐斯,宗教中心移回底比斯。

    After his death , his son-in-law ( and perhaps son ) Tutankhamen moved the political and religious capitals back to Memphis and Thebes respectively and reinstated the old gods .

  28. 在18世纪之后,随着底比斯的兴起,孟斐斯经历了短暂的衰落时期,随后在波斯总督的领导下又再度复兴,在亚历山大城建立之后,退居其后。

    It declined briefly after the18th Dynasty with the rise of Thebes and was revived under the Persian satraps before falling firmly into second place following the foundation of Alexandria .

  29. 大部分人提到古埃及时就会想起开罗和金字塔,但在古埃及更为有名的还数都城底比斯。

    Most people think of Cairoand the Great Pyramids when they think of ancient Egypt , but the heartbeatof the magical pharaonicdynasties actually beat much further up the Nile at Thebes .

  30. 象征本能的酒神狄俄尼索斯,在底比斯确立自己的宗教,使信徒放纵狂欢,并残忍地摧毁异己。

    Dionysus , a symbol of life instincts and death instincts , establishes his own religion in Thebes and lets his followers indulge in his excessive instinctive activities , and destroys his antagonists .