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  • hellenistic age
  1. 导言主要介绍了国内外对于希腊化时代的文化交流和亚历山大里亚城的研究状况。

    The introduction mainly presents the research state of culture exchange and Alexandrian city in Hellenistic Age .

  2. 希腊化时代,古希腊科技文化在近东传播和发展。

    The hellenistic age , the Greek culture , science and technology in the Near East of communication and development .

  3. 在希腊化时代它能够摒弃传统守旧的观念随时调整政策,是一种历史的进步。

    In the Hellenistic era , abandoning the traditional old-fashioned concept is a progress .

  4. “逻各斯”概念中的理性思想在希腊化时代逐步成熟。

    The rationality in the concept " logos " was gradually maturing in Hellenistic times .

  5. 其次,对斯多葛派自然法思想形成的重要社会背景&希腊化时代进行概括介绍。

    Secondly , generally introduced the Hellenistic as the important social background of Stoic natural law .

  6. 希腊化时代史学按其发展大致可以分为希腊化初期、盛期和希腊&罗马时期三个阶段。

    The Hellenistic historiography can be divide into three stages : Early Hellenistic , High Hellenistic and Late Hellenistic .

  7. 那句有名的墓志“像老人那样轻浮任性”也适用于衰老的希腊化时代。

    The words of the famous epitaph " Inconstant and frivolous in old age " apply equally well to the last phase of Hellenism .

  8. 菲利普之子亚历山大大帝在近东建立的巨大帝国,引领了希腊化时代和希腊文化的广泛融合。

    The establishment of a vast empire in the Near East by Philip 's son , Alexander the Great , ushered in the Hellenistic Age and the widespread diffusion of Greek culture .

  9. 从晚期希腊哲学看希腊化时代人文精神&以伊壁鸠鲁学派为例

    Humanistic Spirit of the Hellenistic Age : Late Greek Philosophy Perspectives - Taking Epicureanism for Example

  10. 绪论主要介绍了学术界关于托勒密埃及希腊化的各种观点和希腊化时代的研究状况和主要成果。

    The introduction mainly views of the Hellenistic in Ptolemaic Egypt and the research state of Hellenistic age .