
xī bó lái yǔ
  • Hebrew
希伯来语[xī bó lái yǔ]
  1. 他说一口流利的希伯来语。

    He is a fluent speaker of Hebrew .

  2. 时至今日,我的希伯来语仍很流利,但阿拉伯语却糟透了。

    I remain to this day fluent in Hebrew , while my Arabic is atrocious

  3. 祷告用了希伯来语。

    The blessing was said in Hebrew .

  4. x具有全面的国际化特性,支持从右到左语言(比如希伯来语或阿拉伯语)和扩展字符集。

    Supports right to left languages ( such as Hebrew or Arabic ) and extended character sets .

  5. LotusForms产品支持从右向左阅读的双向语言,比如阿拉伯语和希伯来语。

    Lotus Forms products support bidirectional languages , such as Arabic and Hebrew , which read from right to left .

  6. B已经编撰了许多本童话故事的书,书中并附有汉语普通话,法语,意大利语,德语,希伯来语,日语,西班牙语的CD。

    Burke has compiled books of fairy tales with accompanying CDs in Mandarin Chinese , French , Italian , German , Hebrew , Japanese and Spanish .

  7. 但当我为了希伯来语课的ABC以及神经应答的不同机制而挣扎时,

    But as I was fighting my way through Aleph Bet Yod Y shua in Hebrew and the different mechanisms of neuro-response ,

  8. Tom说道,“我们将拥有面向中文/希伯来语/阿拉伯语的文本方向、垂直文本布局、双向文本布局,还有对复杂脚本和连体字母的支持”。

    " We 'll have text orientation , vertical text layouts , bidirectional text layouts for Chinese / Hebrew / Arabic [ languages ] and support for complex script and ligatures " .

  9. 因为LotusForms也支持阿拉伯语和希伯来语等双向语言,所以通过设置这些地区,屏幕上的选项会成为从右向左阅读。

    Because Lotus Forms also supports bidirectional languages , such as Arabic and Hebrew , by setting these locales , the options on the screen read from right to left rather than from left to right .

  10. 希伯来语中的Yom表示“一天”。

    The Hebrew word for " day " is Yom .

  11. 开始吧!它是Tov,Shanah,Yom还是Shalom(希伯来语)?

    Here we go , is it Tov , Shanah , Yom or Shalom ?

  12. 这位作家非常多产,《屋顶上的小提琴》(FiddlerontheRoof)就是根据他的作品改编的,在他从事写作之初,并不想让亲戚们知道自己是用意第绪语而不是希伯来语写作。

    At the start of his career , the prolific writer whose work would inspire " Fiddler on the Roof " didn 't want his relatives to know he was publishing in Yiddish rather than Hebrew .

  13. 但当我为了希伯来语课的abc以及神经应答的不同机制而挣扎时,我看到朋友们写关于帆船的论文,写流行文化杂志,看到教授讲童话故事和黑客帝国。

    But as I was fighting my way through Aleph Bet Yod Y'shua in Hebrew and the different mechanisms of neuro-response , I saw friends around me writing papers on sailing and pop culture magazine , and professors teaching classes on fairy tale and matrix .

  14. 我想说两点,一点是希伯来语中yare这个词,这个词既有恐惧的含义,也有敬畏的含义。

    I have two thoughts , one is that in Hebrew the word yare , both the word for fear and the word for awe .

  15. 微软翻译支持50种不同的语言,其中包括英语、汉语、法语、希伯来语、意大利语、日语、西班牙语以及俄语。微软应用的适用范围首次扩展到iOS以及安卓设备和智能手表。

    Microsoft Translator supports 50 different languages , including English , Chinese , French , Hebrew , Italian , Japanese , Spanish and Russian.This is the first expansion of Microsoft 's translation app to the world of iOS and Android mobile devices and smartwatches .

  16. 希伯来语和阿拉伯语等语言的方向与一般语言不同,对于这些语言,还应该设置DB2BIDI环境变量。

    For languages , such as Hebrew and Arabic , which are inherently mixed-directional , DB2BIDI environment variable should also be set .

  17. 于是这位本名所罗门·瑙莫维奇·拉宾诺维奇(SolomonNaumovichRabinovich)的作家起了“肖洛姆·阿莱赫姆”这个笔名,意思是希伯来语的“祝愿你获得平静”,他用这个名字写了几十本书。

    The novelist , born Solomon Naumovich Rabinovich , adopted the pen name " Sholem Aleichem , " a Hebrew greeting that means " peace be unto you , " and authored dozens of books under the pseudonym .

  18. 这架飞机叫做Eitan,Eitan一词来源于希伯来语,代表强壮,这架飞机也是舰队扩编所加入的最新飞行器,或者说是无人战斗机。

    It 's called the Eitan , the Hebrew word for strong and it 's Israel 's latest edition to an expanding fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles , or UAVs .

  19. 法国人一开始把这种美国鸡称为pouletd'Inde(字面意思为来自印度的鸡),后来简称为dinde,类似的称谓也存在于波兰语、希伯来语和加泰罗尼亚语中。

    The French originally called the American bird poulet d'Inde ( literally chicken from India ), which has since been abbreviated to dinde , and similar terms exist in languages ranging from Polish to Hebrew to Catalan .

  20. 他常说,斯波克手指分开的举手礼是他想出来的:他是根据犹太大祭司的祝福创作的,这个手势是在模仿希伯来语字母ש,它是Shaddai的第一个字母,Shaddai是希伯来语中对上帝的一个称呼。

    The character 's split-fingered salute , he often explained , had been his idea : He based it on the kohanic blessing , a manual approximation of the Hebrew letter shin , which is the first letter in Shaddai , one of the Hebrew names for God .

  21. 在希伯来语中,天堂这个词是复数名词。

    In Hebrew the word Heaven is in the plural Heavens .

  22. 现代以色列人所使用的希伯来语;由古代希伯来语复兴而来。

    Hebrew used in Israel today ; revived from ancient Hebrew .

  23. 希腊语的翻译忠实于希伯来语的原文。

    The Greek translation is faithful to the Hebrew original .

  24. 我父亲根本不懂希伯来语。

    My father doesn 't understand a word of hebrew .

  25. 我的意思是希伯来语没有元音。

    The point is there are no vowels in hebrew .

  26. 我教授古代文献,希伯来语,中级英语,普鲁士语。

    I taught ancient literature , hebrew , middle english , pruss .

  27. 我以前跟克莱夫人学了不少希伯来语呢。

    I learned a lot of Hebrew from Mrs. Klein .

  28. 现代英语;现代希伯来语是以色列希伯来语。

    Modern English ; New Hebrew is Israeli Hebrew .

  29. 这是现存最早的希伯来语手稿。

    This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence , ie that exists .

  30. 叙加希伯来语的意思可能是:肩膀。

    Hebrew name of Sychar could mean : shoulder .