
guàn xìng
  • inertia;inertance;the force of inertia;sluggishness;impetus
惯性 [guàn xìng]
  • [inertia] 物质的一种属性,除非受到某种外力的作用,这物质将保持静止或在同一直线上匀速运动,运动的任何变化用质心加速度来测量

  • 惯性把列车带到车站

惯性[guàn xìng]
  1. 惯性使汽车驶到了人行道上。

    Inertia carried the car to the pavement .

  2. 因为电子的惯性,它们将冲过平衡位置,并以特征频率围绕它们的平衡位置振荡。

    Because of their inertia , the electrons will overshoot and oscillate around their equilibrium positions with a characteristic frequency known as the plasma frequency .

  3. 汽车随惯性而下直至滑行停止。

    The car coasted along until it stopped .

  4. 我熄掉引擎,靠惯性转过弯去。

    I switched off the engine and coasted round the corner .

  5. 在坡道上,自行车手飞驰着超越了一辆辆汽车,靠着惯性一路疾冲下山。

    On the descents , cyclists spin past cars , freewheeling downhill at tremendous speed .

  6. 你能否举出几个非惯性参照系?

    Can you list some noninertial frames of reference ?

  7. 惯性是物体对运动状态改变的阻力。

    Inertia is the resistance of objects to efforts to change their state of motion .

  8. 在物理学中,运动物体有两个与理解能量系统动力学相关的特征:惯性和动量。

    In physics , moving objects have two characteristics relevant to understanding the dynamics of energy systems : inertia and momentum .

  9. 当你听到人们谈论如何快速将一种能源转化为另一种能源的时候,无论是从煤炭到核能,还是从汽油动力汽车到电动汽车,抑或是从白炽灯到荧光灯,了解能源系统的惯性和动量可以帮助你决定他们的计划是否可行。

    When you hear people speaking of making a rapid transition toward any type of energy , whether it is a switch from coal to nuclear power , or a switch from gasoline-powered cars to electric cars , or even a switch from an incandescent to a fluorescent light , understanding energy system inertia and momentum can help you decide whether their plans are feasible .

  10. 不幸的是,对他们(通常是纳税人)来说,我们的能源系统有点像航空母舰:价格高得惊人,需要花很长时间建造,巨大的惯性意味着需要大量的能源才能启动,一旦启动,它们就有很大的动量。

    Unfortunately for them ( and often the taxpayers ) , our energy systems are a bit like an aircraft carrier : they are unbelievably expensive , they are built to last for a very long time , they have a huge amount of inertia ( meaning it takes a lot of energy to set them moving ) , and they have a lot of momentum once they are set in motion .

  11. 飞机靠惯性着陆。

    Inertia carried the plane onto the ground .

  12. MEMS传感器的惯性测量模块的设计与初始校准

    Design and calibration for an inertial measurement unit using MEMS sensors

  13. 具有随机惯性权重的PSO算法

    A Particle Swarm Optimization Model with Stochastic Inertia Weight

  14. 惯性约束核聚变(Inertialconfinementfusion,ICF)是实现可控热核聚变的途径之一。

    Inertial confinement fusion ( ICF ) is an alternative way to achieving controlled thermonuclear fusion .

  15. 针对模糊控制技术进行了无人机控制算法研究,对于姿态测量信号以及导航信息,利用了卡尔曼滤波的方式进行了数据处理,并进行了GPS/惯性导航的组合导航技术的研究;

    Using the fuzzy control on the control methods , and apply the KALMAN filter wave on the measured information and combined navigation ;

  16. 将微细铣削技术应用到了带三维微结构的惯性MEMS器件的加工中。

    Micro Milling technology is used in the manufacturing of the inertial MEMS components with 3D micro structures .

  17. N-S方程一般近似惯性流形构造和逼近

    Construction and approximation of general approximate inertial manifolds for N-S equations

  18. 近年来,基于MEMS(微机电系统)技术的微惯性传感器的研究与发展受到了广泛的重视。

    In recent years , the research and development of micro-inertial sensors based on MEMS technology has received wide attention .

  19. 以重掺杂自截止腐蚀工艺制备的厚度为3~4μm的自支撑Si平面薄膜已在X光激光和惯性约束聚变分解实验中得到应用。

    Thin silicon foils with thickness about 3 to 4 μ m are prepared by semiconductor process combined with heavy doped self stop etching process .

  20. 结果表明:信息不仅能够减弱牛鞭效应,还能减弱q即需求市场惯性和提前期对牛鞭效应的影响。相应的,q越大,提前期越长,信息共享对牛鞭效应的抑制作用则越明显。

    The result showed that information sharing can weaken the bullwhip effect and influence of parameter q and leading time to the bullwhip effect .

  21. 高速、高精度的圆锥偿补算法是提高捷联惯性导航系统(SINS)性能的重要环节。

    High speed and high accuracy coning algorithm plays a key role in strapdown inertial navigation system ( SINS ) .

  22. 提出了一种用于惯性测量组合(IMU)姿态估计的扩展卡尔曼滤波器。

    This paper presents an extended Kalman filter for IMU attitude estimation .

  23. 用序惯性脏器衰竭评分(SOFA)方法、生化指标及炎症细胞因子水平等评价疗效。

    The efficacy was evaluated by sequential organ failure assessment , biochemical parameters and the levels of proinflammatory cytokines .

  24. 以航天器在惯性坐标系下位置速度向量误差为输入量,给出了一种全状态反馈控制律,利用Lyapunov方法证明该闭环系统是渐进稳定的;

    The tracing errors are required based on mean elements . The asymptotic stability of the feedback system is proved with Lyapunov method .

  25. 其次将GPS姿态确定系统应用于捷联惯性导航系统的动基座初始对准研究,基于传递对准的概念,推导了系统误差方程;

    Second , the GPS attitude determination system is applied to the initial alignment of SINS on moving base . The system error equations are deduced based on the concept of transfer alignment .

  26. 随着微机电技术的发展,微型惯性测量组合(MIMU:Micro-inertialmeasurementunit)已经显现出了其优异的性能,而加速度测量在微惯性测量组合中具有极其重要的作用。

    With the development of MEMS ( Micro Electrical Mechanical System ), Micro-Inertial Measurement Unit ( MIMU ) has gradually showed its excellent performance . The measurement of acceleration plays a very important part in the field of Inertial Measurement .

  27. 并对Stewart平台在其动力学分析和设计中,能否忽略各分支的惯性影响进行了分析。

    Additionally , analysis is made to determine whether the inertial effect of legs is negligible in the design of dynamics for Stewart platform .

  28. 研究的试件为铜-钢惯性摩擦焊接头,采用美国PAC公司生产的超声C扫描系统及聚焦探头水浸测试。

    The specimen tested is the Cu-steel inertia friction welded joints . In the testing a US PAC company made ultrasonic C scan system with focus transducer is used in water immersion .

  29. 对自由端带有集中质量的悬臂式压电双晶片的动态特性进行了有限元法(FEM)分析和实验研究,提出了压电双晶片型惯性冲击式精密驱动器特定的定频调压驱动方法。

    According to the results of FEA and experiments to the dynamic characteristics of end-loaded piezoelectric cantilever bimorph , a certain method of fixed-frequency and adjustable-amplitude is confirmed to control the positioning device .

  30. 同时,随着离子惯性长度的增大,Alfven波不稳定性的增长率变大。

    As the ion_inertial length becomes longer , the growth rate of Alfven waves becomes larger .