
guàn xìng dǎo háng
  • inertial navigation;guidance
惯性导航[guàn xìng dǎo háng]
  1. 基于局域GPS的飞机惯性导航部件安装校准

    Installation and Calibration of Airplane Inertial Navigation Based on Indoor GPS

  2. GPS信息在惯性导航和惯性测量系统中的应用

    The Application of GPS in Inertial Navigation and Measuring Systems

  3. DSP在无陀螺惯性导航系统中的应用

    Application of Digital Signal Processor ( DSP ) in Gyroscope Free Inertial Navigation System

  4. SINS(Strap-downInertialNavigationSystem)是捷联式惯性导航系统的简称,它是惯性导航系统的一种。

    SINS is a strap-down inertial navigation system .

  5. 基于增量余弦RBF网络的惯性导航初始对准

    Initial Alignment of Inertial Navigation System Based on the Raised-Cosine RBF Neural Network

  6. 作为常用导航手段的惯性导航、GPS系统等单一的导航设备,已不能满足现代电子战条件下的作战使用需求。

    The familiar navigation technology such as inertial navigation , GPS navigation has on longer satisfied all requirements on modern electronic warfare .

  7. 针对模糊控制技术进行了无人机控制算法研究,对于姿态测量信号以及导航信息,利用了卡尔曼滤波的方式进行了数据处理,并进行了GPS/惯性导航的组合导航技术的研究;

    Using the fuzzy control on the control methods , and apply the KALMAN filter wave on the measured information and combined navigation ;

  8. 着重阐述了GPS技术的基本原理,简要介绍了惯性导航技术和组合导航技术。

    This paper gives emphasis description of the fundamental principle of GPS technique and brief presentation of the inertial navigation and combination navigation techniques .

  9. 与传统的测量方式(惯性导航装置、GPS)相比较,所提出的航向仪具有重要的优良特性。

    Compared to the two existing measurement methods ( INS 、 GPS ), the new method in this paper has superior and important qualities .

  10. ∑-Δ型adc对惯性导航系统中加速度信号影响的分析

    Analysis for the Influence of Σ - Δ ADC on Accelerometer Signals in Inertial Navigation System

  11. 它是集GPS技术、北斗卫星导航技术、高动态载体姿态测定的惯性导航系统、激光技术以及影像采集系统与一体的技术。

    It represents a collection of GPS technology , BD Guided technology , dynamic pose measurement inertial navigation system , laser technology and image Acquisition System .

  12. 应用卡尔曼滤波方法,对采用GPS姿态测量信息对惯性导航系统的误差修正能力进行分析和仿真。

    By adopting the Kalman filtering method , the capability of correcting the error of inertial navigation system using GPS attitude information is analyzed and simulated .

  13. 捷联惯性导航系统(SINS)和全球定位系统(GPS)构成的组合导航系统应用广泛。

    Integrated navigation system constituted by strapdown inertial navigation system ( SINS ) and Global Positioning System ( GPS ) was widely used .

  14. 本文通过对GPS和INS(惯性导航系统)算法和特点的研究,建立了GPS/INS组合导航系统的模型;

    In the paper through researching feature and algorithm of GPS and INS , Establish model of GPS / INS integrated navigation system .

  15. 高速、高精度的圆锥偿补算法是提高捷联惯性导航系统(SINS)性能的重要环节。

    High speed and high accuracy coning algorithm plays a key role in strapdown inertial navigation system ( SINS ) .

  16. 介绍了全球定位系统(GPS)和惯性导航(INS)的互补性,以及组合导航在制导系统设计中的广泛应用。

    GPS and INS can complement each other , which are applied to the design of integrated GPS / inertial navigation and guidance systems .

  17. 在此基础上将卡尔曼滤波和H∞滤波应用于捷联式惯性导航系统的初始对准,并对此进行了仿真分析。

    Based on it , Kalman filter and Hx filter are applied to the initial alignment of Strapdown INS and , in addition , an analysis of simulation is made .

  18. 机器人的导航方式有很多种,例如惯性导航、视觉导航、传感器数据导航、GPS定位导航以及卫星导航等等。

    There are many intelligent robot navigation methods , such as inertial navigation , visual navigation , the navigation sensor data , GPS navigation and satellite navigation and so on .

  19. 之后论文较为详细的介绍了惯性导航系统的基本算法和基于粒子滤波器的SLAM算法。

    And then the Inertial Navigation System and the SLAM algorithm based on particle filter are introduced detailedly .

  20. 机载激光雷达测量系统是集激光测距技术、惯性导航技术和差分GPS定位技术于一身的高科技空间信息测量系统,在国内外得到飞速的发展,并在许多行业中得到了广泛应用。

    Airborne LiDAR is a high-technology system including LiDAR , INS and DGPS , which has been developed for decades at home and abroad and has been used widely by many departments .

  21. 惯性导航(INS)和全球定位导航(GPS)是现代航空武器中应用广泛的两种导航技术。

    The inertial navigation system ( INS ) and the GPS satellite navigation are two kinds of navigation system that be widely used in the modern aviation weapon .

  22. 本文以实际科研项目为背景,对以捷联式惯性导航(SINS)为核心的自主式水下航行器导航技术进行了研究,并实现了导航系统的仿真设计。

    Based on actual AUV project , this thesis mainly studies the navigation system , which is based on strapdown inertial navigation ( SINS ) .

  23. 其次将GPS姿态确定系统应用于捷联惯性导航系统的动基座初始对准研究,基于传递对准的概念,推导了系统误差方程;

    Second , the GPS attitude determination system is applied to the initial alignment of SINS on moving base . The system error equations are deduced based on the concept of transfer alignment .

  24. 详细描述了捷联惯性导航系统(SINS)中加速度计和陀螺数据仿真的方法,并给出了求解扰动重力的算法。

    The simulative methods about the data of accelerator and gyro embedded in SINS are described in detail , and the algorithm about the disturbing gravity is presented .

  25. 在SAR对目标成像的过程中,由于惯性导航系统(INS)引入的未知误差,会对机载SAR定位精度产生一定影响。

    In the process of the imaging of ship target using SAR , the positioning accuracy of airborne SAR will be influenced by unknown error brought by the inertial navigation system .

  26. 全球定位系统(Globalpositioningsystem,GPS)和惯性导航系统(InertialNavigationSystem,INS)联合导航系统是目前进行空中、海上和陆地导航和定位最为理想的系统。

    The integration system of Global Positioning System ( GPS ) and Inertial Navigation System ( INS ), which is also called GPS / INS , is the ideal navigation and positioning system in the air , land and ocean .

  27. 为了弥补现有组合导航算法的不足,提出了一种新的GPS量测数据和惯性导航系统(INS)数据的融合算法。

    A new fusion algorithm of the measurements from global positioning system ( GPS ) and inertial navigation system ( INS ) is presented to compensate the weaknesses of current integrated navigation system .

  28. GPS/惯性导航组合系统目前正得到越来越广泛的应用,但GPS接收机载波环失锁时,码环的速率辅助信息来自惯导系统。

    GPS / INS integration systems are widely used in different fields . Since GPS receiver carrier loop has lost lock during maneuver , the velocity aiding signal of code loop is derived from the inertial navigation system .

  29. 惯性导航系统(INS)可连续提供信息,短时间精度高,但是定位误差随时间积累。

    Inertial navigation system ( INS ) can be continuity in the provision of information , a short time and high precision , but the location error accumulated over time .

  30. GPS接收机码环跟踪回路的误差模型一般可用一阶马尔可夫过程来近似,且当接收机载波环路失锁时,码环的速率辅助信息来自惯性导航系统的惯性速度。

    The error model of the GPS receiver code loop can be expressed as the Markovian process . When GPS receiver carrier loop loses lock , the velocity aiding signal of the code loop is derived from the inertial navigation system .