
  • 网络freshwater crisis
  1. 淡水危机使贫血的地球患上败血症;

    Fresh water makes the earth of anaemia suffer from septicaemia ;

  2. 海水淡化是21世纪的朝阳产业,世界性的淡水危机为缺水的沿海地区发展海水淡化产业提供了前所未有的机遇。

    Desalination is a sunrise industry in the 21st century . The global water crisis provides an unprecedented opportunity for desalination industry development in coastal areas of water shortages .

  3. 浅谈解决淡水资源危机的有效途径

    Talking about the Effective Paths of Solving the Crisis of Fresh-water Resources

  4. 解决淡水资源危机的有效战略途径就是水的淡化。

    The best way is desalination to resolve the problem of water scarcity .

  5. 随着社会的高速发展和人口急剧增加,淡水资源危机问题已引起世界各国的普遍关注。

    With the development of society and the increase of its population , the absence of fresh water has aroused the whole world attention .

  6. 全球变暖带来的海平面提高和季节模式变更,正在加剧著淡水资源危机。

    Effects of global warming , such as rising sea levels and altered seasonal patterns , are having a debilitating impact on freshwater resources .

  7. 海水代替淡水作为工业冷却用水&海水冷却,是解决我国沿海城市和地区淡水资源危机问题的重要途径之一。

    To substitute seawater for fresh water as industrial cooling water is an important way to alleviate the fresh water shortage of coastal cities and regions in China .