
  • 网络osaka bay
  1. 以日本大阪湾的COD浓度为例,取得了良好的拟合及预测效果,从而具有广泛的应用前景。

    With the instance of chemical oxygen demand concentration of Osaka Bay in Japan , a nice effect of the application of this method is presented .

  2. 关西机场建在大阪湾中的一座人工岛屿上。

    Kansai was built on a man-made island in Osaka Bay .

  3. 本州岛南部一工业化的城市,濒临大阪湾。

    An industrialized city of S Honshu in Japan on Osaka Bay .

  4. 日本本州南部一城市,位于大阪湾沿岸、京都西南偏南。

    A city of southern Honshu , Japan , on Osaka Bay south-southwest of Kyoto .

  5. 第一台浪力发电机组是在1965投入使用的,它用于大阪湾海面上的浮灯标供电。

    The first wave turbine began operating in1965 , for an illuminated buoy in Osaka Bay .

  6. 无潮时,淀川河水在大阪湾和播磨滩中水龄分别增加6%和51%。

    Without tidal forcing , the mean of Yodo River water in the Osaka Bay and Harima-Nada increases by6 % and51 % , respectively .