
  • 网络E. coli infection;escherichia coli infections;E.coli
  1. 受感染严重的大部分是中年到老年年龄段的女性,大肠杆菌感染后引起的溶血性尿毒症综合征(HUS)会损害肾脏。

    The majority of infections and fatalities have hit women in middle-to-old age , whose kidneys were damaged by toxins after they developed Hemolytic-uremic Syndrome ( HUS ) following infection by the E.coli .

  2. 成人对大肠杆菌感染的长期影响还未明确。

    But the long-term outcome of E.coli infection of adults hasn 't been clear .

  3. IL-6和IL-10mRNA的表达在对照和大肠杆菌感染的T-84细胞中处于很低的水平。

    Result : IL-6 and IL-10 mRNA were expressed at a very low level in control and E.

  4. 经实验,国产氧氟沙星注射液对大肠杆菌感染小鼠的ED(50)为0.26mg/kg,诺氟沙星注射液的ED(50)。

    For mice infected by Escherichia coli . the ED50 , value of ofloxacin injection was 0 . 26mg / kg and the ED50 Value of Norfloxacin injection was 0 . 75mg / kg .

  5. 利用烧伤动物模型,探讨了特异性抗菌免疫核糖核酸(i-RNA)预防烫伤大鼠大肠杆菌感染的作用及机理。

    The effect and mechanism of the specific immune RNA ( I - RNA ) preventing scalded rats from escherichia coli infection were studed by thd use of burn animal model .

  6. 大肠杆菌感染对大鼠肺组织β-防御素-2基因表达的负相调节作用

    Down-regulation of β - defensin-2 gene expression in E.coli-infected rat lung tissue

  7. 效应分子在致病性大肠杆菌感染细胞线粒功能障碍中的作用

    Roles of effectors in mitochondrial dysfunction of cells infected by enteropathogenic Escherichia Coli

  8. 大肠杆菌感染后家蝇幼虫的细胞免疫反应

    Observation on Cell Immunity of the Musca domestica Larva Infected by Escherichia coli

  9. 目的:研究乳杆菌对致病性大肠杆菌感染小鼠肠黏膜屏障的保护作用。

    In order to investigate the prevalence and the antibiotic resistence of chicks pathogenic E.

  10. 肠致病性大肠杆菌感染靶细胞过程中的跨膜信息传递

    Transmembrane Cascade in Host Cells During EPEC Adhension

  11. 宫内大肠杆菌感染导致新生大鼠脑白质损伤的实验研究

    Experimental study on cerebral white matter damage in neonatal rat after intrauterine Escherichia coli infection

  12. 对金黄色葡萄球菌及大肠杆菌感染小鼠有一定保护作用。

    And have some protective effects on rat infected with staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli .

  13. 伴大豆球蛋白水解肽对小鼠抗大肠杆菌感染和肠道微生物区系的影响

    Effect of Hydrolysates from Soybean Conglycinin on Anti-infection of E.coli and Intestinal Microbial Community in Mice

  14. PGUA快速诊断尿路大肠杆菌感染的研究

    A Study of the Rapid Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infection Caused by Escherichia Coli Using 4-Nitrophenyl-D-Glucopyranoside

  15. 在大肠杆菌感染鸡场进行的多批区域试验结果表明,该多价灭活疫苗安全,具有良好的保护作用。

    Coli many test results showed that this vaccine the rate of protection is satisfactory result .

  16. 大肠杆菌感染细菌性关节炎是极少见的疾病,但常见于有系统性疾病的病人。

    Escherichia coli septic arthritis is rare and usually occurs in patients with underlying systemic disorders .

  17. 截至2011年5月31日,德国有9个病人死于溶血性尿毒综合征,有6个病人死于肠出血性大肠杆菌感染。

    As of31 May2011 , nine patients in Germany have died of HUS , and six of EHEC .

  18. 就欧洲的总体情况而言,已报告发生499例溶血性尿毒综合征病例以及1115例肠出血性大肠杆菌感染病例,总数为1614例。

    Overall in Europe , 499 cases of HUS and1115 cases of EHEC have been reported , 1614 in total .

  19. 弧菌和大肠杆菌感染对杂色鲍无细胞血淋巴中几种酶活力的影响

    Activities of selected enzymes in cell free haemolymph from abalone ( Haliotis diversicolor ) injected with E. coli or Vibrio parahemolyticus

  20. 溶血性尿毒综合征是由特定大肠杆菌感染引起的并发症,可导致肾功能衰竭。

    HUS , which can lead to kidney failure , is a complication of an infection by particular Escherichia coli bacteria .

  21. 周三,中国卫生部发出一个通知,要求所有医院加强监测来自欧洲的可能大肠杆菌感染。

    Here on China , the Ministry of Health issued a notice on Wednesday , requiring all hospitals to strengthen monitoring possible e-coli infections from Europe .

  22. 自5月末以来,大肠杆菌感染已经造成至少30人死亡,另外接近3000人患病。大部分受害者在德国。

    E. coli infections have killed at least thirty people since late May . Nearly three thousand others were ed. Most of the victims were in Germany .

  23. 现有的资料不足以为减少生畜发生肠出血性大肠杆菌感染提出有关农场采取具体干预措施的建议。

    Available data are not sufficient to enable the recommendation of specific intervention methods on the farm in order to reduce the incidence of EHEC in cattle .

  24. 对O157:H7大肠杆菌感染的预防措施同于为其它食源性疾病建议的措施(见下述基本食品卫生规范)。

    Preventive measures for E.coli O157 : H7 infection are similar to those recommended for other foodborne diseases ( see basic food hygiene practice described below ) .

  25. 这种药物通过诱骗身体相信有大量大肠杆菌感染需要对抗,从而刺激身体生产大量白细胞。

    They stimulate white blood cell production by , in effect , tricking the body into thinking that it has a massive E. coli infection that it needs to fight off .

  26. 问:德国大肠杆菌感染疫情暴发后,俄罗斯联邦禁止进口欧盟食品,结果西班牙农民不得不倾倒农产品。

    Q : Following the E.coli infection outbreak in Germany , the Russian Federation banned the import of European Union food products and Spanish farmers had to give away their produce .

  27. 由于很多肠出血性大肠杆菌感染因接触游憩用水所致,对于避免这类水域和饮用水源遭动物粪便污染也很重要。

    Since a number of EHEC infections have been caused by contact with recreational water , it is also important to protect such water areas , as well as drinking-water sources , from animal wastes .

  28. 微生物学检查表明,从病死鸡的心脏、肝脏及肠内容物中均能检测到中等大小、两端钝圆的革兰氏阴性菌;通过生化鉴定初步确诊72例肉鸡为大肠杆菌感染。

    Microbiological examination showed that the bacteria separated from the heart , liver , and intestinal contents of chickens was middle , rounded at both ends of it , and it was the Gram-negative bacteria ; then through biochemical identification to the initial diagnosis of E.coli infection in chickens .

  29. 昆明(KM)小鼠获得性大肠杆菌肺部感染初探

    A preliminary Study On the Acquired Pulmonary Infection of Bacillus Acidilactici In KM Mice

  30. 肠出血性大肠杆菌O157感染防治研究进展

    Research Progress in Preventing and Curing Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli Infection