
dà qì chòu yǎnɡ
  • atmospheric ozone
  1. 大气臭氧层破坏和CFCs替代物

    Atmospheric Ozone Layer Depletion and CFCs Alternatives

  2. 氧的非质量同位素分馏还将在(古)大气臭氧活性、火山喷发柱化学和O、S、N生物地球化学循环等研究中发挥更大作用。

    This demonstrates that mass-independent oxygen isotope fractionation will play a more important role in the research on ( ancient ) atmospheric ozone activity , chemistry in volcanic plumes and O , S and N biogeochemical cycle .

  3. 近6a东北地区大气臭氧总量变化特征及其与气温的关系

    Variation Features of Atmospheric Total Ozone over Northeast China in Recent 6 Years and Their Relations with Temperature

  4. 为了保护大气臭氧层、使人类生态环境可持续发展,对汽车空调系统中使用的CFCs必须加以限制和禁用,为此应采取切实可行的措施。

    Some measures should be taken to restrict and prohibit CFCs so as to protect atmosphere ozone layer and achieve sustainable development .

  5. 大气臭氧层变薄而引起到达地表的UV-B辐射增强,直接或间接的导致植物形态结构、光合作用、遗传物质等方面发生变化。

    Enhancement of UV-B radiation caused by decrease of the atmospheric ozone layer directly or indirectly leads to change of plant in morphology , photosynthesis and genetic structure .

  6. 由于人类活动引起的全氯氟烃(CFCs)、哈龙、四氯化碳等化学物质的污染,大气臭氧数量急剧减少,臭氧层变得越来越薄。

    Because all chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ), halons , carbon tetrachloride and other chemical pollution , ozone has drastically reduced the ozone layer becomes thinner .

  7. 1990~2002年北京地区大气臭氧垂直分布Umkehr观测反演研究

    A Study of Umkehr Vertical Ozone Profiles of Beijing During 1990-2002

  8. 光化学烟雾和大气臭氧形成的重要前体物之一&非甲烷烃(NMHC)的排放受到研究者的热切关注。

    As one important predecessor of photo-chemical smog and ozone , non-methane hydrocarbon 's ( NMHC ) emission is paid great attention .

  9. 蒸发冷却空调技术是一种绿色仿生空调,使用水作为制冷剂以取代传统机械制冷的CFCs,有助于减少全球范围内的温室气体的排放,减少CFCs对大气臭氧层的破坏。

    Evaporative cooling air conditioning is environmental friendly that use water as refrigerant to replace CFCs . It helps to reduce global greenhouse gas release and ozonosphere destroys .

  10. 氧化亚氮在全球温室效应增强和大气臭氧(O3)层破坏等过程中起到重要作用。

    Nitrous oxide plays an important role in the process of the global warming enhancement and atmospheric ozone ( O3 ) layer destruction ( IPCC , 2001 , 2007 ) .

  11. 根据2001~2003年期间获得的大气臭氧探空资料,揭示了北京地区上空对流层顶高度的某些变化特征及其对上对流层(UT)和下平流层(LS)区域内大气臭氧含量变化的影响。

    Based on ozonesonde data for 20012003 , some variation characteristics of the tropopause height and its influence on ozone variation in upper troposphere / lower stratosphere ( UT / LS ) region over Beijing are discussed .

  12. 通过改进臭氧的统计反演算法,从NOAA卫星的TOVS资料中提取了1993年南极臭氧洞期间中山站上空大气臭氧含量的资料。

    Total ozone during the period of Antarctic ozone hole of1993 at Zhongzhan station in Antarctica is extracted from TOVS data of NOAA-12 by using an improved statistical regression scheme .

  13. 结果发现:(1)大气臭氧的数密度在整个对流层较低(~1012mol/cm3),并从地面到对流层顶略有下降;

    The results show : ( 1 ) the number density of ozone in the troposphere is lower ( - 1012 mol / cm3 ) with a slight decreasing trend from the surface to the tropopause .

  14. 基于UV能量守恒,建立了臭氧与其影响因子-光化学、散射、UV等因子之间较好的定量关系和经验模式,并将其用于计算地面、整层大气臭氧小时值和日平均值。

    Based on the UV energy conservation , a good quantitative relation and an empirical model for ozone and its 3 affecting factors , including photochemical , scattering , and UV were determined and built up , and applied for calculating hourly and daily surface ozone and total ozone amount .

  15. 结果表明,大气臭氧的垂直分布具有多层次结构,在25km附近臭氧分压达最大值。

    Results show that the ozone vertical profiles are characterized by multiple-layer structure and the maximum of ozone partial pressure appears near 25 km .

  16. 大气臭氧层的不断破坏引起了地球生物圈表面紫外线-B(UV-B)辐射强度不断增加,这将对植物的生长发育产生重要影响,而植物的生长发育过程与内源激素的变化密切相关。

    Increase in UV-B radiation on earth biosphere surface resulted from continual destruction of atmosphere ozone layer can have significantly effect on the process of growth and development of plants accordingly which was closely related with the change of plant endogenous hormones .

  17. 大气臭氧总量的一个统计计算方法中国1min降雨量极值的统计研究

    A STATISTICAL CALCULATION METHOD FOR THE TOTAL OZONE AMOUNT A Statistical Research for 1-Minute Rainfall Extremes of China

  18. 利用TOMS资料分析了南北极区大气臭氧总量的多年(1979~1992)趋势变化、年际变化、季节变化及周期性变化特征。

    In the context of the TOMS data , investigated are atmospherical total ozone secular trends ( 1979 ~ 1992 ), interannual changes as well as seasonal and periodic variations over Arctic and Antarctic .

  19. 大气臭氧和NO2的变化有很好的正相关性,相关系数达0.69;臭氧洞期间,NO2含量一直处于低值,且层的高度较高。

    The variations of atmospheric ozone and NO 2 contents have a good positive correlation and the correlation coefficient reaches 0.69 . During the ozone hole , the content of NO 2 is always on low level and the altitude of its layer is higher .

  20. 根据蒙特利尔协议书及相关修正案规定,在制冷系统中被大量使用的氯氟烃CFCs和含氢氯氟烃HCFCs因破坏大气臭氧层将逐渐被淘汰,因此寻找新型绿色环保替代工质的任务十分迫切。

    According to the Montreal Protocol and its amendments , chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons ( HCFCs ), which were commonly used as refrigerants would be phased out for ozone depletion . Thus , it is very necessary to look for environmentally acceptable alternative refrigerants .

  21. 中层大气臭氧的全日盘掩日测量

    Full-Disk Solar Occultation Measurements of Ozone Profiles in the Middle Atmosphere

  22. 预测大气臭氧含量变化趋势的一种分析方法

    An analytical method for predicting the trends of the atmospheric ozone

  23. 昆明地区大气臭氧层的基本状态

    On the basic state of the atmospheric ozonosphere in Kunming Area

  24. 热带东太平洋海温与北半球大气臭氧层的遥相关结构

    Teleconnection between SST in tropical eastern Pacific and ozonosphere over Northern Hemisphere

  25. 大气臭氧垂直分布的电化学测量

    A Electrochemical Measurement of the Vertical Distribution of Ozone in the Atmosphere

  26. 太阳质子事件与大气臭氧扰动

    The Solar Proton Events and the Disturbances of Atmospheric Ozone

  27. 大气臭氧层破坏中冰晶表面反应的机理

    The Mechanisms on the Heterogeneous Reactions in Atmospheric Ozone Depletion

  28. 高层大气臭氧对于太阳紫外辐射27天波动的响应

    Response of mesospheric ozone to the 27-day solar ultraviolet variations

  29. 大气臭氧、平流层气溶胶的监测与分析;

    Monitoring and analysis of atmospheric ozone and stratospheric aerosols ;

  30. 日全食期间中间层大气臭氧光化过程试验

    Test of photochemical process of mesospheric ozone during the total solar eclipse