
  • 网络High iodine goiter;Iodine excess goiter;hyperiodine goiter;iodide goiter;hyper-iodic goiter
  1. 高碘性甲状腺肿及酪蛋白对其拮抗作用的实验研究

    Experimental study on the effects of casein in preventing iodine - induced goiter in mice

  2. 结论:合理补充碘盐能够纠正重庆市居民的碘缺乏状态,目前重庆市处于低碘性甲状腺肿伴甲亢和高碘性甲状腺肿伴甲亢的并存状态。

    Conclusions : The iodine deficiency was corrected by the supplementation of iodized salt , however , higher and lower intake of iodine all existed among the patients with thyrocele and hyperthyroidism .

  3. 目的用接近于流行病学调查现场实际的碘水平复制出高碘性甲状腺肿的动物模型,并探讨酪蛋白对甲状腺作用的可能机制。

    Objective Using the iodine level found in epidemiological investigation spot to replicate the animal model and study the effects of high proportion of casein on iodine-induced goiter ( IIG ) in mice .

  4. 结果29例高碘性甲状腺肿患者中有25例过氯酸钾释放试验为阳性,而28例正常人仅有4例为阳性,其阳性率分别为86.2%和14.3%。

    Results 25 out of 29 patients and 4 out of 28 normals were abnormal in perchlorate washout test , one positive rate was 86 . 2 % , the other was 14 . 3 % .

  5. 这提示,摄入过量碘同碘缺乏一样,不仅可引起高碘性甲状腺肿,也可对神经系统造成损害,使脑发育落后,脑功能障碍。

    It suggests that excessive intake of iodine , as iodine deficiency , can not only cause high iodine goiter , but also damage nervous system leading to retardation of brain development and impediment of its function .

  6. 高碘地方性甲状腺肿发病机理的实验研究

    The Study on the Mechanism of Iodine - excess Endemic Goiter

  7. 山东内陆高碘地方性甲状腺肿流行病学特点

    Epidemiological Characteristics of Endemic Goitre with High lodine Intake in Shandong Inland Areas

  8. 太原市郊区内陆高碘地方性甲状腺肿患者的调查及其免疫学改变

    A survey of inland iodine excess goiter in Taiyuan suburbs and its immunological changes

  9. 高碘地方性甲状腺肿是新认识的一种地方病。

    This paper described the high iodine endemic goiter which is a new endemic disease over the world .

  10. 内陆高碘地方性甲状腺肿

    Endemic inland iodide goiter

  11. 结论高碘可使药物性甲状腺胀变成高碘性甲状腺肿,并使某些区域增殖活跃,有恶变的可能。

    Conclusions High iodine intake made the medicine-induced goiter of rats chang into high iodine 's goiter and made some area proliferate actively , might change into carcinomas .

  12. 目的了解山东省聊城市水源性高碘地区分布规律和居民碘营养状况,提出相应的防治对策,防止高碘性甲状腺肿(甲肿)的流行。

    Objective To investigate the distribution of high iodine region and iodine-nutritional status among inhabitants in Liaocheng in order to set up corresponding countermeasures aiming at control of epidemic high iodine goiter .