
ɡāo duān shì chǎnɡ
  • High end market;up-market
  1. 由于集中于低成本装配,同时严重依赖进口部件和技术,中国的制造商无法通过创新和转向高端市场轻松作出回应。

    Concentrated on low-cost assembly , and still heavily dependent on imported parts and technology , Chinese manufacturers cannot easily respond by innovating and moving up-market .

  2. 福特进一步地把沃尔沃推向了高端市场。

    Ford ( F , Fortune 500 ) pushed Volvo further up-market .

  3. 这家公司被迫进一步转向高端市场。

    The company has been forced to move more upmarket .

  4. 高端市场业务繁荣。

    At the premium end of the market , business is booming .

  5. 这款顶级设备是该公司为在高端市场上与苹果(Apple)较量推出的最具雄心的产品。

    The premium device was the company 's most ambitious effort yet to take on Apple for the high-end market .

  6. 他还转战高端市场,增加了为ArmaniExchange等客户定制产品的业务。

    He has also moved upmarket by increasing customisation for clients such as Armani Exchange .

  7. 当然,Apple走了相反的路子,目标是锁定高端市场:高质量、高性能的机器。

    Apple , of course , takes the opposite approach , targeting the high end of the market with their high-quality and high-margin machines .

  8. 而在利润相对较高的高端市场上,以苹果(Apple)iPhone为代表的竞争对手又给三星带来了极大的压力。

    On the high end where margins are better , rivals such as Apple 's iPhone have proved to be fiercely competitive .

  9. 据IHSAutomotive公司的数据,梅塞德斯-奔驰目前控制着21.4%的高端市场,比2001年的25%略有降低。

    According to IHS automotive , M-B now commands 21.4 % , down from 25 % in 2001 .

  10. 但发展势头最猛的是iPhone和Android手机,尤其在高端市场。

    But the momentum , particularly at the expensive end of the market , is with iPhones and Android phones .

  11. 在早期仿制iphone的山寨版手机之后,这已催生了合法的低成本智能手机行业,在全球销售上已超越高端市场。

    After the early iPhone knock-offs , this spawned the legitimate low-cost smartphone industry that has overtaken the high-end market by sales globally .

  12. 如果英国利兰当时把重点放在实力更强、面向高端市场的捷豹(Jaguar)、陆虎(Rover)和凯旋(Triumph)等品牌上,它本可以做得更好。

    It might have done better focusing on the stronger , upmarket Jaguar , Rover and Triumph brands .

  13. 如果Google在底端市场打破了这个神话,而Apple在高端市场同样行动,那么微软就开始感受到了挤压。

    And if Google breaks that at the bottom of the market , with Apple continuing to break it at the top of the market , Microsoft will begin to feel squeezed .

  14. 安踏还从之前的市场宠儿李宁(LiNing)的失误中吸取教训,李宁曾试图进军高端市场,结果度过了惨淡的几年。

    It has also learned from the mistakes of former market darling Li Ning , which tried to take its brand up market , resulting in several poor years .

  15. 此外,博丰将Vivo的成功归功于其对中国高端市场的关注,而不是竞争对手强调的市场的低端和低利润部分。

    Moreover , Prophet attributed the success of Vivo to its focus on China 's high-end market , rather than the low-end and low-profit part of the market , as its competitors emphasize .

  16. 当耐克公司(NikeInc.)、阿迪达斯和李宁在更高端市场上争得不可开交之际,安踏能在这个领域占据主导地位。

    With Nike , Adidas and Li Ning vying for a more affluent market , Anta can dominate this sector , the analysts say .

  17. 同时,中国电信运营商补贴削减33%可能将导致整个高端市场的销售放缓。高端市场是三星在中国的收入来源之一,更是苹果(Apple)在中国的唯一收入来源。

    Meanwhile , a 33 % cut in Chinese carrier subsidies would slow sales across the high end market , which is where Samsung does some of its Chinese business and where Apple does all of its .

  18. 在迎合高端市场的天猫网站上,各品牌直接面向消费者销售。微软(Microsoft)、乐高(Lego)和彪马(Puma)等大公司均在天猫上设有官方店铺。

    Tmall , its upscale website where brands sell directly to consumers , hosts portals for big companies like Microsoft , Lego and Puma .

  19. 后者主要有PowerPC处理器、MIPS处理器等,充斥着超级计算机、服务器等高端市场。

    PowerPC and MIPS are RISC that mainly be used in the field of Super Computer and Top-End Server .

  20. 以李宁(LiNing)为例,这家中国体操运动员创立的运动服装品牌正进军高端市场,挑战耐克(Nike)和阿迪达斯(Adidas)等公司的在华业务。

    Take Li Ning , for example , the Chinese gymnast whose sportswear brand is going upmarket to challenge the likes of Nike and Adidas in China .

  21. 星巴克没有把高端市场让给树墩城(Stumptown)、蓝瓶或Intelligentsia咖啡馆,而是与它们进行较量。

    And rather than cede the high end to competitors like Stumptown , Blue Bottle or Intelligentsia , Starbucks took them on .

  22. O'Grady还指出虽然MySQL已经加入了不少企业特性,但由于迁移费用的桎梏,对高端市场的渗透将是缓慢的。

    O'Grady also pointed out that MySQL has been adding enterprise-level features , but that penetrating the high-end market would be a slow process due to the cost of migration .

  23. 马牌即大陆一向主导高端市场,与2008年基本持平,其OE配套比例为25%,比2008年有所提高。

    Continental , dominating the high-end market all along , delivered roughly the same performance as in2008.Its OE ratio was25 % , a little higher than in2008 .

  24. 连雷克萨斯(Lexus)都算不上是高端市场的“第一梯队”,因为它在美国以外市场的美誉度较弱,而且它在赛车领域缺乏建树。

    Even Lexus doesn 't qualify for this elite grouping because of its weak standing outside the U.S and its lack of any racing credentials .

  25. 蒂姆o库克在收益电话会议上表示,前四年iPad的销量超出了他们的预期,这或许表明高端市场正趋于饱和。

    Tim Cook commented on the earnings call that the adoption of the iPad over the first four years has been better than they were expecting , perhaps suggesting the high end is becoming saturated .

  26. 然而,外国汽车制造商依然坚信,高档车和SUV等高端市场的需求将继续以远高于行业平均水平的速度增长。

    Foreign automakers , however , remain confident that demand in higher-end segments , such as premium cars and SUVs , will continue to grow at rates far above the industry average .

  27. 安踏主要依靠旗下斐乐(Fila)品牌进军高端市场,该品牌一直表现不错。

    Anta 's high-end foray is focused on its Fila brand , which has been doing well .

  28. 这家全球领先的智能手机制造商发现自己越来越陷入双线作战的泥潭——其利润丰厚的手机业务在高端市场上正在不断输给苹果公司(Apple)的iPhone,而在低端市场上则正被中国的一大批手机品牌攻城掠地。

    The world 's leading smartphone maker finds itself increasingly weighed down by a dual-front war in which its lucrative phones are losing ground to Apple 's iPhone at the high end of the market and an array of Chinese models at the low end .

  29. 当华为(Huawei)、小米(Xiaomi)等竞争对手致力于开拓印度、巴西等较低端的手机市场时,中兴已经开始在美国的高端市场展开全方位的公关活动。

    While rivals including Huawei and Xiaomi have been expanding into cheaper phone markets such as India and Brazil , ZTE has embarked on a full-blown public relations push into premium market in the US .

  30. 华为智能手机部门主管余承东(RichardYu)将华为智能手机销量的迅猛增长归功于公司以高端市场为目标的决定。余承东昨天表示,这一增长“是对我们提供优质产品这一核心经营战略的证明”。

    Richard Yu , head of Huawei 's smartphone division , attributed the rapid increase in smartphone sales to a decision to target the upper end of the market , " a testament to our core business strategy to offer premium quality products , " he said yesterday .