
zhòng lì
  • gravity;g;force of gravity;gravity force;power of gravity
重力 [zhòng lì]
  • [gravity] 地球上的物体受引力作用被吸引向地球的力

重力[zhòng lì]
  1. 任何有较强重力的物体都会对其他物体产生引力。

    Anything with strong gravity attracts other things to it .

  2. 要不是重力使箭落向地面,它们将永远以直线往前飞行。

    Arrows would continue to fly forward forever in a straight line were it not for gravity , which brings them down to earth .

  3. 重返大气层的航天器受到重力的作用。

    Spacecraft which are re-entering the earth 's atmosphere are affected by g forces .

  4. 中子星上存在强大的重力场,足以产生X射线。

    A neutron star has a gravitational field strong enough to generate X-rays .

  5. 这块石头由于重力作用而滚下山。

    The stone rolled down the mountain by gravity .

  6. 由于重力的关系,苹果往下掉。

    An apple falls down because of gravity .

  7. 在地球的重力场中,负的能量相应于有界限运动,正的能量相应于无界限运动。

    In the gravitational field of the earth , negative energy corresponds to bounded motion and positive energy to unbounded motion .

  8. 在没有重力的情况下,很容易使劲踩踏板。

    With no gravity , it 's just as easy to pedal violently .

  9. 如果没有重力来帮助空气循环,你呼出的二氧化碳会在你的头上形成一团看不见的云。

    Without gravity to help circulate air , the carbon dioxide you exhalehas a tendency to form an invisible cloud around you head .

  10. 放在外面的手臂会在零重力下自由漂浮起来,这常常让沉睡的宇航员看起来像个滑稽的芭蕾舞演员。

    If you leave your arms out , they float free in zero gravity , often giving a sleeping astronaut the look of a funny balled dancer .

  11. 在过去的两年里,戈登的学生们一直在研究如何在零重力下杀死细菌,他们认为将很快找到一个解决方案。

    For the past two years , Gordon 's students have been studying ways to kill bacteria in zero gravity , and they think they 're close to a solution .

  12. 你不能违抗重力,这是自然法则。

    You must obey gravity , it 's the law

  13. 为了对抗重力造成的聚集,这些粒子的波长可能会长达好几十光年的距离

    Fighting gravitational clumping would take a wavelength of a few dozen light-years .

  14. 她不可能够着那个重力球。

    She could not possibly reach the gravity thing .

  15. 测量队员们使用了全球卫星导航系统接收机、重力仪、雪深雷达和气象测量仪器进行测量作业。本次珠峰高程测量应用的创新科技包括北斗三号卫星导航系统、国产测绘仪器装备、航空重力仪、三维交互虚拟现实等技术。

    The surveyors used a global navigation satellite system receiver , a gravimeter , snow-depth radar and a meteorological measuring instrument to determine the height of Qomolangma . Innovations applied virtual reality .

  16. 变密度界面模型重力异常反演的B样条函数法

    Interfacial models of variable density and gravity inversion by B-spline

  17. 反重力铸造液态成形过程的PLC控制

    PLC Control of Molten Shaping Process by the Counter-gravity Casting

  18. 应用斯托克司方法与莫洛金斯基理论计算重力似大地水准面,然后用GPS水准进行拟合校正以提高精度。

    The correction of GPS leveling calculates geoid and improves precision with satisfied achievements .

  19. 重力及微重力条件下Pd(40)Ni(40)P(20)合金凝固组织中溶质原子的分布特征

    Solute distribution characteristics of PD 40 Ni 40 P 20 alloy solidified in microgravity and gravity conditions

  20. 另外,本文还采用了不同的方法计算了CPU重力热管液阻极限。

    Otherwise this paper calculates the flooding limit of thermosiphon with several different methods .

  21. ET重力仪数据采集显示系统

    ET Gravimeter Data Acquiring and Display System

  22. 重力场Dirichlet问题解的随机Poisson积分表示

    Stochastic Poisson Integral of Dirichlet Problem for Gravity Field

  23. 对于三度界面的重力反演,应用边界元法(代数重建法ART解反演方程)求解时会出现边界振荡现象。

    Boundary vibration phenomenon occurs in solving the gravity inversion of 3-D interfaces with the use of boundary element method ( solving the gravity inversion equation by algebraic reconstruction technique ) .

  24. 把GPS水准方法分为3类:数值逼近法、重力法、综合法。

    In this paper , the methods of GPS leveling are classified into three types : numerical approximation method , gravity method , and integrated method .

  25. 我们还讨论了磁声重波与地磁微脉动之间的关系,沿着重力场方向向下传播的磁声重波,可能直接引起赤道附近的Pc1磁脉动。

    The magneto-acoustic-gravity waves propagating downwards along the direction of gravitational field may produce directly the PC 1 magnetic pulsation near the equator .

  26. 重力出流式膜生物反应器污泥浓度的优化控制重力出流式MBR处理生活污水及毛纺废水

    New Membrane Bioreactor with Gravity Outflow for Treatment of Domestic Sewage and Woolen Mill Wastewater

  27. Lacoste-Romberg(G)型重力仪数学模型

    The mathematical model of lacoste-romberg ( g ) gravity meter

  28. 对钛合金中的TiC,用重力法和定向凝固法制备试样,分析研究了其中TiC形态及生长方向。

    Morphology and growing direction of TiC in titanium alloy has been investigated by gravity and directional solidification technique .

  29. 利用CHAMP卫星轨道和加速度计数据推求地球重力场模型

    Gravity Field Recovery from CHAMP Orbits and Accelerometer Data

  30. 利用CHAMP卫星数据反演地球重力场

    The Gravity Field Recovery from CHAMP Data