
zhòng xīn
  • center of gravity;focus;core;heart;key point
重心 [zhòng xīn]
  • (1) [center of gravity]∶物体各部分所受重力的合力作用点

  • 规则而密度均匀物体的重心就是它的几何中心

  • (2) [core]∶指事情的核心或主要部分

重心[zhòng xīn]
  1. 服装企业的需求是服装专业高等教育的重心

    The Demand of Clothing Enterprise Is the Heart of Clothing Specialty Higher Education

  2. 你已夺去了我生命的重心

    You 've cut away the heart of my life

  3. IBM公司也把重心从特大型机转向了个人电脑。

    IBM has also shifted its focus from mainframes to personal computers .

  4. 梅布尔喘了口气,把身体重心移到脚上。

    Puffing a little , Mabel shifted her weight onto her feet

  5. 女侦探改变了站姿,把重心从一只脚移到另一只脚。

    The woman detective shifted her stance from one foot to another .

  6. 孩子们是她生活的重心。

    Her children are the main focus of her life .

  7. 他把重心从一只脚转到另一只脚上。

    He shifted his weight from one foot to the other

  8. 海德转移了一下重心,就感到自己往前倾,开始失去平衡。

    Hyde shifted his weight and felt himself teeter forward , beginning to overbalance

  9. 由于失去重心,他脚头完全没有了准星。

    He miskicked completely as he lost his footing .

  10. 他挪了一下身体的重心,一根树枝咔嚓一声断了。

    He shifted his weight and a twig snapped

  11. 向前的这一猛扑让他站立不住,他急忙一个转身想稳住重心。

    The lunge had thrown him off-balance and he spun , trying to regain his centre of gravity .

  12. 重心低的载重汽车会在路面上平稳行驶。

    A heavy car with a low center of gravity will hug the road .

  13. 法拉利表示,概念车的电池被安置在浅盘形地板下方,这种设计能降低重心,从而提高而非妨碍其性能。

    Ferrari said that the design of its concept car , with its batteries positioned below the floorpan , would improve rather than hinder its performance by lowering the centre of gravity .

  14. 他很紧张,重心在双脚之间来回换

    He nervously shifted his weight from foot to foot .

  15. 金鸡独立是李发彬的一项特殊技能,他说这个动作能在杠铃将要失去平衡时帮自己调整重心。

    The " flamingo " is a specialty for Li , who said it helps him correct his balance if a lift is in danger of going wrong .

  16. 脱贫攻坚取得胜利后,要全面推进乡村振兴,这是“三农”工作重心的历史性转移。

    After a victory in poverty alleviation is scored , China should push forward the rural vitalization in an all-round way as a historic shift of the focus in its work concerning agriculture , rural areas and farmers , he stressed .

  17. 加强社区治理体系建设,推动社会治理重心向基层下移,发挥社会组织作用,实现政府治理和社会调节、居民自治良性互动。

    We will strengthen the system for community governance , shift the focus of social governance to the community level , leverage the role of social organizations , and see that government 's governance efforts on the one hand and society 's self-regulation and residents ' self-governance on the other reinforce each other .

  18. 采用CCD的空间光通信光斑位置提取重心算法的分析及实验

    Analysis and Experiment of CCD-applied spatial optical communications light spot position locating gravity center calculation

  19. 重心动摇仪与TCD对VBI眩晕患者的评价

    Evaluation of VBI Vertigo Patients Made by Posturography and TCD

  20. 卵形线的Steiner曲率重心问题的推广

    On The Spread of the Centre Problem of Steiner Curvature as to Oval

  21. 在温度传感器模块的设计中,研究重心集中在高灵敏度温度检测电路和高分辨率单斜率ADC的设计上。

    In the temperature sensor module , our chief design attention lay in high sensitive temperature-detecting circuit and high-resolution single-slope ADC .

  22. 快速成形(RP)发展的重心已转向快速制造(RM)。

    The focus on the development of rapid prototyping ( RP ) has changed into rapid manufacturing ( RM ) .

  23. 就HSE体系在石化化验室实行提出了一些看法,包括提高认识水平、对安全管理的作用以及目前实施的重心应放在考核上等,以促进HSE体系的实施进度。

    Some ideas were discussed in the field of recognition , safety management and examination to accelerate HSE implementation .

  24. 以面阵CCD为传感器,检测光纤端部出射光斑,采用重心法提取光斑的特征点表征光纤的位置。

    With planar array CCD sensor , exit spot from optic fiber end is detected through extracting the characteristic points of spot for characterizing the position of optic fiber .

  25. 然后,用TB程序从DXF文件中读取有关数据,计算出振动结构的重心、重量和转动惯量。

    Then , the center of gravity , mass and the rotating inertia were calculated from the data in the DXF file .

  26. K8飞机研制中重量重心的控制

    Control of Mass and C · G of K-8 Aircraft in Development

  27. 本文介绍了一种应用微机程序在PC-1500微机上进行直线振动筛重心设计的方法。

    It is introduced the method to design centre of gravity of straight-line vibrating screen with computer program on a PC-1500 microcomputer in this paper .

  28. 本文主要将卵形线的Steiner曲率重心问题推广到分段光滑凸闭曲线上去,并证明了一个定理。

    This paper mainly spreads the centre problem of Steiner curvature as to oval to smooth convex closer curve in sections , and proves a theorem .

  29. 笔者提出了计算工艺件壳体重心求解压力中心的方法,在CATIA平台上实现了冲模压力中心的快速定位,操作简单方便,工作效率较高。

    Taking use of computing of shell body barycenter , a stamping die pressure center locating module is implemented on CATIA system with convenient operation and higher efficiency .

  30. 通过速度与位置的双闭环数字PI算法结合DSP的优越性能达到高精度、高可靠性的控制目的,实现了康复机器人的重心控制。

    With speed and position closed-loop control based on digital PI algorithm and the high performance of the DSP , high accuracy and reliability control can be easily realized . The control of centroid of the rehabilitative robot is achieved .