
  • Holy Cross Church;【地名】【意大利】Santa Croce, Basilica
  1. 他们每年在圣十字教堂上演一出剧目。

    Every year they put a play on at Saint Holy Cross Church

  2. 沿着这条大街走几步就可以看到圣十字教堂。

    The Church of the Holy Cross is a few steps down the street .

  3. 圣十字教堂还因为麦当娜这样的名人和贵宾们在此大办舞会而声名在外。

    Santa Croce was even famous for attracting the likes of celebrities and VIPs like Madonna .

  4. 然而肖邦的心脏却留在波兰华沙的圣十字教堂里。

    Chopin 's heart , on the other hand , is at the Holy Cross Church in warsaw , poland .

  5. 实际上位于威尼斯的圣十字教堂就有着宴会教堂的称号。

    In fact , Santa Croce in Venice , Italy , had a reputation as something of a party monastery .

  6. 圣十字大教堂的一次跨信仰服务在周一为袭击的受害者默哀。

    An interfaith service at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross honored the victims of Monday 's attack .

  7. 枢机主教肖恩·奥马利表示,波士顿圣十字大教堂举行了一场特殊的弥撒仪式,以纪念在周一的爆炸案及之后的追捕行动中的伤亡人员。

    Cardinal Sean O'Malley said a special mass at Boston 's Cathedral of the Holy Cross to remember those killed and injured in Monday 's bomb blast and in the subsequent manhunt for the suspects .