
hán shòu
  • teach by correspondence;give a correspondence course
函授 [hán shòu]
  • [teach by correspondence] 以通信辅导为主、面授为辅的教学方式

  • 函授学校

函授[hán shòu]
  1. 我选了一门计算机函授课程。

    I took a correspondence course in computing .

  2. 我在想通过函授学工程学。

    I 'm thinking of studying engineering by mail .

  3. 他已报名参加函授学习。

    He has enrolled in the correspondence course .

  4. 基于WEB的高职院校成教函授教学管理系统的研究与实现

    The Research and Implement of Web-based Educational Management Information System by Correspondence in Vocational Academy

  5. XML数字签名技术在函授成绩管理中的应用

    The Application of XML Digital Signature in the Grade Management of Teaching by Correspondence

  6. 其他选手则早在12岁就进入了非全日制或函授课程,以便更多地专注于打网球,其中包括费德勒(RogerFederer)这样从青少年组比赛开始的选手。

    Other players , including those who begin on the junior circuit like Roger Federer , enter a part-time or correspondence program as early as the age of 12 to allow greater focus on tennis .

  7. 外国留学生1s0余人。此外,还有8000余名成人教育和函授生。学校图书馆藏书13S万册,国内外期刊3000余种。

    Besides , there are also more than 8000 part-time and correspondence students.the modernized library of the university has a collection of 1.35 million books and 3 000 kinds of periodicals both home and abroad .

  8. 成人函授教育织造专业理论教学的探讨

    Exploration about the Theory Teaching of Weaving in Adult Correspondence Education

  9. 任务型语言教学与高校成人函授外语教学

    Task-based Language Teaching and Adult Correspondent Foreign Language Teaching in Universities

  10. 浅谈高师函授教育改革的方向

    On the direction of reformation in correspondence education in teachers colleges

  11. 函授学员财经毕业论文写作初探

    Probe into the Financial and Economics Thesis Writing of Correspondence Students

  12. 远程学习是一种特殊的开放式学习,在这种学习形式下,指导教师和学习者相隔遥远。有时也称为“函授教育”或者“函授课程”。

    The concept of distance learning is not a new one .

  13. 他通过函授学习了法律,后来成了律师。

    He studied law by correspondence and later became a lawyer .

  14. 浅谈高校图书馆如何为成人高等函授教育服务

    Discussion on How University Library to Serve Adult Higher Correspondence Education

  15. 用现代远程教育的优势改造传统函授教育

    Reconstructing Traditional Correspondence Education with the Advantages of Modern Distance Education

  16. 利用网络技术改造成人函授教育的可行性探讨

    The Feasibility of Reforming Adult Education by Correspondence through Network Technology

  17. 鉴于函授与你接触,甚至当你离线。

    View correspondence with your contacts even when you 're offline .

  18. 提高体育高等函授面授环节的教学质量

    Promoting teaching quality of personal instructions to sports correspondence higher education

  19. 函授教学手段的变迁与发展

    The Evolution and Development of Teaching Methods of the Correspondence Education

  20. 利用信息技术改革函授教育模式

    Innovation of Old Educational Model with Communication Technology in Correspondence Education

  21. 整个函授学习的时间要持续多久?

    How long does the study of a correspondence course last ?

  22. 试论体育大专函授学员科研能力的培养

    On the Development of Physical Education Correspondence Students ' Research Ability

  23. 发挥情报教育职能服务成人函授教育

    Developing Information 's Educational the Function and Serving the Adult Correspondence Education

  24. 提高体育函授教学质量问题的探讨

    Discussion on how to improve the quality of correspondence course

  25. 体育函授本科课程改革的思考

    The Thought on Reformation in Physical Education Correspondence Undergraduate Courses

  26. 影响体育函授教育质量诸因素及其分析

    Analyses on Factors Influencing on Quality Of Sport Correspondance Education

  27. 数学教师函授课程教学方法的改革

    The Reform of the Method of Teaching Mathematics by Correspondence

  28. 传统函授教育与现代远程教育的整合

    The Integration of Traditional Correspondence Education and Modern Distance Education

  29. 如何提高函授教育中会计、统计课的教学质量

    Improving the Instruction Quality of Accounting and Statistics Courses in Correspondence Education

  30. 谈函授学员自学高等数学的方法

    The Learning Methods for Correspondence Students Studying Higher Mathematics Independently