
hán shù zhí
  • function value
  1. 相对发芽率、相对总芽长、相对胚根长、平均隶属函数值的遗传符合加性-显性模型。

    Relative germination rate , relative total shoot length , relative radicle length and the average subordinate function value inheritance fitted " additive – dominance " model .

  2. 用适应函数值大者生存、适应函数值小者淘汰法则选择个体进行遗传操作(繁殖、杂交和变异)以产生更大适应值的后代。

    Then chose individuals according to the adaptation function value and did genetic operation ( reproduction , crossover and mutation ), so as to produce offspring with best adaptation function value .

  3. 如果使用双字节数据类型作为输入,它就会给出双倍的LENGTH函数值。

    It gives double the LENGTH function value if double-byte data type is used as input .

  4. 函数值Padé-型逼近的行列式公式的计算

    Computation of the Determinant Formulas of Function-Valued Pad é - Type Approximation

  5. 计算SVM判别函数值的方法

    New Method of Computing SVM Discriminant Value

  6. 控制容积界面上的函数值采用了具有迎风倾向的QUICK格式。

    The functional value on the interface of the control volume is calculated using the QUICK scheme with upwind style . 3 .

  7. 最后介绍了国外星用线阵CCD相机调制传递函数值。

    Finally , some values of the modulation transfer functions of foreign linear array CCD cameras are presented .

  8. 本文给出F函数值在Kv上的一些无关性度量。

    In this paper we give some measures of independence of the values of F functions in K ν .

  9. 对每个x和,在高度为函数值的地方描点。

    Y So , for each x and y , I plot a point at height given with the value of the a function .

  10. 用于积分方程解的函数值Padé-型逼近的恒等式与递推算法

    Identities and a Recursive Algorithm of Function-Valued Pad é - Type Approximation Using for Solution of Integral Equations

  11. 我们说过简单的竖直区域是x在a与b之间,而y在x的函数值两个值之间。

    So , we said vertically simple egion looks like x goes between a and b , and y goes between two values that are given by functions of x.

  12. 构造了一种基于函数值的分母为二次的C1连续有理三次插值样条。

    A rational cubic interpolating spline based on function values and with quadratic denominators is constructed .

  13. 规则评分机制的设计是基于以下思想考虑的:在Chart算法的应用过程中,每次局部归约时,都要应用相应的依据,这时候就根据规则的评分函数值进行选择。

    The idea for this method is : In the course of application of Chart algorithm , when reductive each time , it should select the rule according to the function value .

  14. 采用稳态Kalman滤波器避免了在线计算Kalman滤波增益在各时刻的函数值,因而减小了采用迭代法计算Kalman滤波器的计算负担。

    Calculating each value of K ( t ) at each time on-line are avoided by a steady-state Kalman filter and the calculation compared with the iterative method is simplified .

  15. 分析结果表明:对于大F数空间望远镜,其入射光平均波长愈短,它的传递函数值愈高,愈能满足对地面分辨率的要求,该结论可作为研制轻型空间望远镜的参考。

    It is shown that the shorter average wavelength of incident rays and the higher MTF are ; the better satisfaction ground resolution requires , which will offer the reference to the lightweight space telescope .

  16. 最后,本文应用上述并行模型优化的RBF神经网络对非线性函数值以及证券个股收盘价进行预测。

    At last , this paper uses the RBF neural network that was optimized by the mentioned parallel model to predict the value of some nonlinear functions and the close of several stocks .

  17. 在此基础上,通过区分两种不同类型的关键属性,进一步提出了以静态属性索引HASH函数值和动态属性索引值作为查找关键字的模型构造算法。

    Furthermore , by distinguishing two different types of key attribute , an algorithm is presented that utilizes static attribute index as the value of HASH function , and utilizes dynamic attribute index as searching keyword to construct the model .

  18. 该文在分布式HASH算法的基础上提出了在分布式环境下,多点间协同处理IP分片问题的解决办法,将IP分片赋予某个特定的HASH函数值并由相应的检查点来处理。

    Under the distributed HASH function , a solution is put forward that multi nodes coordinate to deal with IP fragmentation problem in the distributed circumstance . It gives the IP fragmentation a certain HASH function value and processes it by the corresponding checkpoint .

  19. 本文首次在多项式空间上引入了一种线性泛函,从而定义了一种函数值Padé-型逼近(FPTA),并将它应用于求解第二类Fredholm积分方程。

    The function-valued Pad é - type approximant is defined by using introducing a function-valued linear functional on polynomial space , then it is applied to solve the second kind of Fredholm integral equations .

  20. 轴承B1,B2,B3处与手柄A点的振动传递函数值比其它大,而且B1的影响最主要;

    The values of frequency response functions between the grip point A and the three points of bearing B1 , B2 , B3 were larger than the others , especially the affects from the bearing B1 to the vibration acceleration were the main .

  21. 最后,基于启发式估价函数值向上传播的思想,本文还提出了Learnin-IDA的改进算法Learning-PIDA。

    At last , based on the idea that modified heuristic evaluation function may be propagated , the improved algorithm Learning-PIDA is also presented .

  22. 目标函数值的加权百分比偏差为决策者从Pareto解中选择出合适的解应用于生产实践提供了依据。(5)结合国内生产制造企业的设备维修管理实际,构建了设备维修管理信息系统。

    The total weighted percent deviation provides the basis for decision-makers to select the best solution among the Pareto optimal solutions in practice . ( 5 ) Considering the practice of equipment maintenance management in manufacturing enterprises of the country , an equipment maintenance management information system is constructed .

  23. 该公式不仅具有最大的稳定域,而且局部截断误差函数值也小于其它已知的实时RK4公式。

    The formula has not only maximum stability region , but also the function value of local truncation error which is smaller than the other known real-time RK4 formulae .

  24. 它们在每步迭代时均利用目标函数值和一阶导数信息来构造目标函数的Hessian矩阵近似,而不需要计算Hessian矩阵,同时具有收敛速度快的优点。

    Both of them use the value of objective function and the information of its first-order derivation to construct approximate Hessian matrix instead of calculating Hessian matrix of objective function at every iteration , they also have the advantage of fast convergence rate .

  25. 应用直接和反扦值法构造了两种多点区间迭代法,预先算出初始区间扩展后,每步迭代只要计算m+1或m个函数值,而收敛阶为2~(m-1)。

    Two classes of multipoint interval iterations are constructed by using immediate or inverse interpolation . Given the initial interval extensions , only m + 1 or m values of point functions are needed to compute fbr each step while the orders of convergence are 2m-1 .

  26. 地面运动加速度三向功率谱密度函数值的探讨

    Approach to Three Dimension Acceleration power Spectral Density Values of Ground Motions

  27. 给出了实现高精度二维正态分布函数值的算法。

    It needs high precise function value of normal distribution .

  28. 基于函数值的有理二次插值曲线的区域控制

    Region Control of a Rational Quadratic Interpolating Curve Based on Function Values

  29. 动态规划中函数值序迭代法

    The function order iterative method in dynamic programming

  30. 其一,积分中值定理,它可以将定积分转化为函数值;

    Firstly , mid-value theorem of integration can transform definite integration to functional value ;