
  • St. Petersburg;Saint Petersburg;St. Petersburg,Russia
  1. 在圣彼得堡国立大学(St.PetersburgStateUniversity)就读期间,杜罗夫学习语言学。

    At St. Petersburg State University , Mr. Durov studied linguistics .

  2. 在游览莫斯科郊外金环地区(GoldenRing)的古镇时,弗里德曼感染了一种疾病,在他到圣彼得堡时病情开始恶化。

    While poking around historic towns in the Golden Ring area outside Moscow , Mr. Freedman picked up a bug that worsened by the time he got to St. Petersburg .

  3. 列宁格勒被重新命名为圣彼得堡。

    Leningrad was renamed St Petersburg .

  4. 她还在圣彼得堡电台主持一个节目。

    She also hosts a show on St Petersburg Radio .

  5. 圣彼得堡的夜生活比首都的更刺激。

    St Peters-burg 's night life ranks as more exciting than the capital 's

  6. 列宁格勒市的居民投票决定恢复该市原来的名字——圣彼得堡。

    The residents of Leningrad voted to restore the city 's original name of St Petersburg

  7. 圣彼得堡的街道上装饰着G20峰会的横幅。

    The streets of St.Petersburg are decorated with banners for the G20 summit .

  8. W酒店学习了圣彼得堡传统的设计师,雇佣了意大利建筑学家来设计了137间单间和套房。

    The W took a cue from the St Petersburg 's original planners , hiring Italian architects to design the137 rooms and suites .

  9. 作为艺术界的一位巨匠,这位圣彼得堡冬宫博物馆(statehermitagemuseum)馆长通常都会吸引很多的观众。

    The director of the state Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg , an art world luminary , often draws a crowd .

  10. 瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)的教师队伍国际化程度最高,而俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立大学管理学院(St.PetersburgStateUniversity,GraduateSchoolofManagement)的教师则全部为俄罗斯人。

    IMd , also in Switzerland , has the most internationally diverse faculty , while St Petersburg Graduate School of Management 's faculty is all Russian .

  11. 他还在俄罗斯圣彼得堡大学(stpetersburguniversity)商学院及中国北京光华管理学院的顾问委员会任职。

    He also serves on the board of advisers to business schools in Russia and China - St Petersburg University and the Guanghua School in Beijing .

  12. NPR新闻,科里·弗里托夫圣彼得堡报道。

    Corey Flintoff , NPR News , St. Petersburg .

  13. 在圣彼得堡大学,每名MiM学生都必须到海外学习一个学期。

    At St Petersburg University , every MiM student has to study overseas for a semester .

  14. 我参观过俄罗斯圣彼得堡的冬宫博物馆(HermitageMuseum),在那里我什么都不能碰。

    I 'd been in the Hermitage Museum [ in St. Petersburg , Russia ] where I couldn 't touch anything .

  15. 上月早些时候,我们和来自50个国家的2000多位代表参加了圣彼得堡经济论坛(StPetersburgEconomicForum)的盛会。此次论坛展示了不断增长的俄罗斯经济。

    Earlier this month we , with more than 2,000 delegates from 50 countries , participated in remarkable meetings at the St Petersburg Economic Forum that showcased the growing Russian economy .

  16. 仅在上月,杜克大学(dukeuniversity)富科商学院(fuquaschool)就宣布,未来3年内,将在迪拜、伦敦、新德里、圣彼得堡及上海开办两个emba课程。

    Just last month the Fuqua school at Duke University announced it would run two EMBA programmes in Dubai , London , New Delhi , St Petersburg and Shanghai within three years .

  17. OlgaLenkova在一个叫做“走出来”的圣彼得堡的同性恋权利组织工作。

    Olga Lenkova works with " Coming Out , " a Saint Petersburg gay rights group .

  18. 面向本周出席圣彼得堡20国集团(G20)峰会的领导人制作的这份简报,敦促他们采取行动以减少贫穷国家的虚弱所带来的风险。

    The note , produced for world leaders attending the G20 summit in St Petersburg this week , urges them to act to mitigate risks from weakness in poorer countries .

  19. 在同属“金砖四国”的俄罗斯,圣彼得堡国立大学(stpetersburgstateuniversity)管理学院院长瓦列里卡季卡洛(valerykatkalo)说,mba也没有以前那么吃香了。

    In the fourth BRIC country , Russia , the MBA also takes a back seat , says Valery katkalo , Dean of the Graduate School of management at St Petersburg State University .

  20. 在圣彼得堡举行的20国集团(G20)峰会上,主要新兴经济体宣布他们将合作创建一个1000亿美元的防御基金,以抵御今夏汇市动荡之后出现的资本外流。

    Leading emerging economies announced at the G20 conference in St Petersburg that they would collaborate to build a $ 100bn defensive fund to counter a capital flight after a torrid summer in currency markets .

  21. 他毫不气馁,认为应该有些足够吃苦耐劳的人准备要加入他的远东一顷地社会运动(FarEasternHectareSocialMovement)组织;这个在圣彼得堡创立的私人团体是为了提高众人对免费屯垦地计划的兴趣,并帮助组织移民定居。

    Undaunted , he said he thought there were enough hardy souls ready to join his organization , the Far Eastern Hectare Social Movement , a private outfit set up in St. Petersburg to drum up interest in the free land program and to organize new settlements .

  22. 伦敦——当一支特警队出现在帕维尔·杜罗夫(PavelDurov)位于圣彼得堡的住所前时,他开始考虑自己在俄罗斯的前途。

    LONDON - When a SWAT team appeared at Pavel Durov 's door in St. Petersburg , he started thinking about his future in Russia .

  23. EkaterinaZimina在圣彼得堡长大,接受训练成为兽医。

    Ekaterina Zimina grew up in St. Petersburg and trained as a .

  24. 纽约的兼职摄影师安娜・阿扎尔诺夫(AnnaAzarov)最近受雇为一对从俄罗斯圣彼得堡来度假的夫妇提供三小时拍摄服务。

    Anna Azarov , a part-time photographer in New York , recently was hired to spend three hours with a vacationing couple from St. Petersburg , Russia .

  25. 2004年,她们再次相遇,那时哈迪德已经成为第一位赢得普立兹克建筑奖(PritzkerPrize,类似于建筑界的诺贝尔奖)的女性,而张欣也在圣彼得堡的颁奖现场。

    They met again in 2004 ; Hadid became the first female to win the Pritzker Prize - what 's akin to a Nobel Prize for architecture - and Zhang was at the award ceremony in St. Petersburg .

  26. 俄罗斯国内生产总值(gdp)年均增长7%,同时莫斯科和圣彼得堡等传统消费中心以外地区的消费支出稳步增长,俄罗斯已成为不容小觑的经济体,尽管最近该国因全球信贷危机而出现了市场动荡。

    With gross domestic product growth averaging 7 per cent per year and solid consumer spending trends spreading beyond the traditional centres of Moscow and St Petersburg , the Russian economy is a force to be reckoned with , in spite of recent market turmoil amid the global credit crunch .

  27. 44岁的GrigoryPerelman博士据称是世界上最聪明的人,住在圣彼得堡一幢蟑螂出没的偏僻小公寓里。

    Said to be the world 's cleverest man , Dr Grigory Perelman , 44 , lives as a recluse in a bare cockroach-infested flat in St Petersburg .

  28. 黑暗餐厅Danslenoir(法语,意为“在黑暗中”)共有五家,分设在伦敦、巴黎、巴塞罗那、内罗毕和圣彼得堡。在那里,盲人服务员会为你端来简单、新鲜的食物。

    Dans le noir ? ( French for In the dark ) has five restaurants in London , Paris , Barcelona , Nairobi and St Petersburg , where you will be served simple , fresh food by blind waiters .

  29. 不过另一名早期航空爱好者将代替他,航行该飞船的另一个复制品霍夫曼X-4鲻鱼飞船,从圣彼得堡飞往坦帕。

    In his place , another early aviation enthusiast will fly a different replica of airboat , The Hoffman X-4 mullet skiff from St. Petersburg to Tampa .

  30. 本周,梅金斯基任命忠于政府的弗拉基米尔·凯科曼(VladimirKekhman)担任西伯利亚剧院的新主管。凯科曼称,他将把《唐怀瑟》从演出剧目中除去(凯科曼曾在圣彼得堡修复一家剧院,担任主管,之前是往俄罗斯香蕉进口行业的巨头)。

    This week , Mr. Medinsky replaced the theater 's director with a loyalist , Vladimir Kekhman , who said he would remove " Tannh ä user " from the repertory . ( Before becoming the director of a theater he renovated in St. Petersburg , Mr. Kekhman was a business magnate who imported bananas to Russia . )