
sū lián
  • the Soviet Union;Soviet
苏联[sū lián]
  1. 苏联对东欧的控制已经放松。

    The Soviet Union 's grip on Eastern Europe loosened .

  2. 但是这次价格冲击以及其他几次均事出有因——苏联的干旱,美国玉米带的庄稼产量萎缩热等。

    But this and other price shocks were event-driven —— drought in the Soviet Union , crop-shrinking heat in the U.S. Corn Belt .

  3. 苏联时代的公民被禁止出国旅游。

    Soviet citizens were prohibited from travelling abroad .

  4. 他成为旧的苏联体制直言不讳的抨击者。

    He became an outspoken opponent of the old Soviet system .

  5. 在1990年,20万名苏联犹太人在以色列重新定居。

    In 1990 , 200,000 Soviet Jews resettled on Israeli territory .

  6. 红星曾是苏联的国家标志。

    The red star was the national insignia of the USSR .

  7. 1957年,苏联人将“斯普特尼克1号”人造卫星送入了外层空间。

    In 1957 , the Soviets launched Sputnik 1 into outer space .

  8. 我按照指示接洽了一位苏联国际旅行社官员。

    I approached an Intourist official , as per instructions .

  9. 戈尔巴乔夫没能把苏联各成员国团结在一起。

    Gorbachev failed to keep the component parts of the Soviet Union together

  10. 土耳其和希腊是前苏联与反苏国家之间的缓冲国。

    Turkey and Greece were buffer states against the former Soviet Union .

  11. 苏联普通士兵的伙食很糟糕。

    Food for the ordinary Soviet troops and NCOs was very poor .

  12. 他警告西方国家不要试图对苏联发号施令。

    He had warned the West against trying to dictate to the Soviet Union

  13. 苏联解体使西方情报机构丧失了主敌。

    The disintegration of the Soviet Union deprived western intelligence agencies of their main enemies

  14. 苏联的最新产品要远比这些飞机性能优越。

    These planes are outclassed by the most recent designs from the former Soviet Union

  15. 苏联的扩张主义被认为是真正的威胁。

    Soviet expansionism was considered a real threat .

  16. 20世纪70年代末,老挝被纳入了越南和苏联的势力范围。

    In the late 1970s Laos fell within the orbit of Vietnam and the Soviet Union .

  17. 马列维奇的很多作品在苏联博物馆的地下室里堆了几十年。

    For decades , many of Malevich 's works were consigned to the basements of Soviet museums

  18. 这些岛屿是在二战末期被苏联军队占领的。

    The islands were seized by the Soviet army in the dying days of the second world war

  19. 在苏联时代和紧随其后的一段时期,该地区的官方名称为“中亚和哈萨克斯坦”。

    During the Soviet era and its immediate aftermath , the region was officially known as ' Middle Asia and Kazakhstan ' .

  20. 美国的退位将使苏联想要填补每一个真空。

    American abdication would tempt Soviet tendencies toward filling every vacuum .

  21. 布赖姆洛和我们一样,认为苏联现在的这个草案是不能接受的。

    Brimelow , as did we , judged existing Soviet drafts unacceptable .

  22. 在苏联曾把局部景观单位视作生物地理群落。

    In Russia the local landscape unit has been designated a biogeocenose .

  23. 朱可夫是前苏联的一位元帅。

    Zhukov was a marshal of former Soviet union .

  24. 苏联人在这个时候大力推行他们的建议。

    The Soviets pushed their proposal at that juncture .

  25. 斯考克罗夫特会见迪尼茨,向上通报苏联关于联合弃权的建议。

    Scowcroft met with Dinitz to brief him on the Soviet proposal for a joint abstention .

  26. 在苏联地球植物学中,“植被型”一词是指主要高级单位。

    The term ' vegetation type ' designates the principal unit of major rank in Russian geobotany .

  27. 他记得这位苏联领导人,当时一年四季每天都穿着同一条裤子。

    He remembers the Soviet leader wearing the some pair of parts every day year in and year out .

  28. 苏联地球植物学家认识到,比植物群落较广泛的植被单位对于分类的重要性。

    The importance of units of the plant cover broader than the phytocoenose for classification is acknowledged by Soviet geobotanists .

  29. 我们避开了苏联关于在战争中禁止使用核武器的建议,而用一项在和平时期放弃使用武力威胁的条款来代替它。

    We evaded the Soviet proposal of banning nuclear weapons in war and substituted for it a clause abjuring the threat of force in peacetime .

  30. 一年来,苏联围绕经济核算制与林业、森工两张皮的问题仍在热烈争论。

    Enthusiastic discussions were st-ill going on in the period of1988-1989 about the economic accounting sys-tem and about the twofold system of forestry and forest industry .