
  • 网络glaciology
  1. p-Laplacian方程组在非牛顿流体问题,非线性弹性问题及冰川学等研究中有应用,并且在方程的理论研究中受到重视。

    System of p-Laplacian equations has application in the study of non-Newtonian fluid , nonlinear elasticity and glaciology .

  2. 二十五年来中国冰川学的回顾与展望

    Twenty five years of Glaciology in china : Retrospect and Prospect

  3. 1990年国际横穿南极考察队冰川学考察简介

    An Brief Introduction of Glaciological Investigation of 1990 International Trans-Antarctic Expedition

  4. 此外,还提供了一个冰川学相关站点的链接列表。

    Furthmore , there is a link-list of related sites on glaciology .

  5. 推翻了国际上许多冰川学权威断言中国无第四纪冰川的错误结论。

    He proved wrong many academic authorities ' conclusion that China had no Quaternary Period glacier .

  6. 中国南极冰川学研究10年回顾与展望

    Retrospect and Prospect on the Study of Antarctic Glaciology in China in the Last 10 years

  7. 他做梦也没想过一个如此迷人的姑娘竟会对冰川学产生兴趣。

    He had never dreamed of finding anyone so attractive who would be interested in his subject .

  8. 斯瓦尔巴群岛冰川学研究进展与我国北极冰川监测系统建设

    The progress of glaciological studies in Svalbard and Chinese construction of glacier monitoring system close to Yellow River station , ny - (?) lesund , Svalbard

  9. 她给安德鲁博士,一位冰川学的国际权威人士,当了一年多的秘书,学会了许多这个领域里的知识。

    She had been his secretary for over a year , and had learned a great deal about the subject on which he was an international authority & glaciers .

  10. 与太空政策、干细胞和艾滋病等其它一些科学问题相比,气候科学的极度复杂性从大气物理学到极地冰川学使其更加难以表达。

    The sheer complexity of climate science , from atmospheric physics to polar glaciology , makes it harder to convey than some other science-based issues such as space policy , stem cells or HIV / AIDS .

  11. 本结果有助于将稳定同位素温度指示剂正确地应用于我国季风气候区的冰川学、水文学以及古气候学等研究领域。

    The results of this study would undoubtedly be useful for applying the stable isotopes as a temperature indicator in some research fields such as glaciology , hydrology and palaeoclimatology in the monsoon-affected areas of China .

  12. 通过冰川学、气象学、日射、地球化学和同位素分析,以及野外观测和统计分析,认清了控制&内陆冰川作用大系统的各主要过程。

    Major processes controlling the existence of a large intercontinental glaciation system were identified on the basis of glaciological , meteorological , actinometric , geochemical and isotope analyses , as well as field observations and statistical analyses .

  13. 此外,现代大地测量学提供和处理了涉及原来是地球动力学、行星学、大气学、海洋学、板块运动学和冰川学等学科所需的信息。

    Besides now modern geodesy becomes an interdisciplinary geodetic science , and it can provide and process the information necessary for other geosciences , such as geodynamics , planetology , atmospheric sciences , oceanography , tectonic movement and glaciology and so on .

  14. 结合台湾澎湖海沟、福建东山等海域的发现以及海洋地质学、冰川学、第四纪孢粉学资料,对末次冰期时舟山地区的古气候和古生态环境进行了探讨;

    Based on the discoveries in Penghu submarine trench of Taiwan province , Dongshan sea area of Fujian province , and the information about Marine Geology , glaciology and Quaternary Palynology , this paper explores the ancient climate and ancient ecological environment of Zhoushan area in the last ice age .

  15. 地球流变学研究地球介质的流变学性质、地质构造的形成和演化、地震的前兆及其发展、泥石流、岩浆流、冰川运动等地学问题。

    Georheology is a discipline which studies the rheological properties of earth 's media , the formative and evolutional process of geological structures , the precursors and the developments of the seism , the flow , the debris magma flow , the glacial motion , etc.

  16. 目前,全球变化下冰川的变化是国际冰川学界的研究热点之一。

    Development in study of wetland litter decomposition and its responses to global change ;

  17. 乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川2号冰洞的冰川学研究

    Glaciological Studies in Tunnel 2 of Glacier No.1 at the Headwaters of the Urumqi River

  18. 随着遥感技术的快速发展,借助遥感手段研究冰川的性质和特征、监测冰川的动态变化是20世纪70年代以来冰川学研究的重要手段之一。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of remote sensing technology , RS has been an important method for monitoring glacier changes and research on glacier quality and character .